I do not understand why Brooke has not played the game

Cendrillon, 9/28/2022, 2:52PM(586 days ago) @matisse

Completely agree with everything you said about Hunter Tylo, of course, who played such a big role in making me love and enjoy Taylor so much, but that being said I AM a fan of the current Taylor as well. There is almost always an adjustment period when someone takes over a role, but I do think Krista Allen is hitting her stride, and I can see layers in both her performance and the writing.

As KA herself said last year, no one can "replace" Hunter Tylo, but I think KA's Taylor is every bit as valid if not more so as TK's new Ridge. The writing changed more for TK's Ridge over the past decade than it has for KA's Taylor in my opinion, overall.

YES, this has been a more "vanilla" version of Taylor in some ways but the way she holds her own against Brooke is very layered and very nuanced to me. I'm talking as much about KA's performance here as the writing. And the reason she seems more vanilla now is because she isn't an alcoholic anymore, or a vengeful mom shooting Bill, or a woman making a point by getting involved with her rival's son.

And as I said in another post, Hunter Tylo herself played Taylor in a VERY SWEET way when she first came on board - always speaking in the softest, most soothing tones etc, and not displaying any kind of volatility until later on. It was the introduction of Blake Hayes and the love triangle between Ridge, Taylor and Brooke - on top of Stephanie's initial enmity - that brought out a different side of Taylor.

If Krista Allen remains as Taylor over the next so many years, I think you will see MORE AND MORE LAYERS.

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