I do not understand why Brooke has not played the game

Cendrillon, 9/28/2022, 2:34PM(586 days ago) @matisse

The only reason Ridge married Brooke in 1994 was because he THOUGHT TAYLOR WAS DEAD and the only reason he married her - for barely a few months - in 1998 was because he believed Thomas was Thorne's son, and because Brooke moved up the wedding to PREVENT TAYLOR from telling him the truth. If he knew the truth about Thomas, Brooke would NEVER have had to go through the shame of Ridge annulling that farce of a marriage so fast it made Ms. Logan's HEAD SPIN. She then tried to chase after him for 3 years - getting on top of him in the Forrester elevator, bringing a bed to her office, STRIPPING NAKED for him in the design office, begging him to leave Taylor and her 3 innocent children for him, but he DIDN'T budge from Taylor and he DIDN'T SO MUCH AS *KISS* Brooke while he was with Taylor during those years. :-) :-) :-) :-)

As for Taylor leaving her ADULT CHILDREN after Ridge and Brooke got together over the past decade, you can see first hand now that it would have been too much EVEN FOR STEFFY AND THOMAS to see their mother without Ridge all the time, while the Disturbed Slut who kept banging her son-in-law for nearly a year had her disgusting hands all over him.

Taylor tried to make a bad situation a little more workable, and she spent years helping people in countries like Africa and doing missionary work as a noble person.......while Brooke has NEVER HELPED ANYONE but herself after moving to Beverly Hills and foisting herself upon the Forresters. All Brooke wants is $$$$ and SEX and to see her 2 blonde kids come out on top (Bridget who was a strawberry blonde not so much). LOL. She doesn't have an altruistic or charitable bone in her body and so Taylor is practically Mother Theresa compared to the SFTV.

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