I do not understand why Brooke has not played the game

Cendrillon, 9/27/2022, 9:50PM(587 days ago) @matisse
edited by Cendrillon, 9/27/2022, 9:56PM

I don't think being cultured correlates to wealth or class at all - I think it is a mindset and way of life that Brooke never cultivated. SHEILA has actually been able to at least ACT in a very cultured way when it suited her, despite growing up essentially poor in the Midwest. I also think that HOPE is relatively more "cultured" in her comportment than Steffy for instance, even though I am NOT a fan of Hope.

When I referred to Brooke's less than wealthy background in THIS post, I meant it may be a CHIP on her shoulder. Some people always have what's known as a "lack mentality" or "scarcity mindset" depending on the resources they feel they didn't have growing up. I think Brooke DEFINITELY HAS that, but a lot of people who grew up in her circumstances or even worse do not.

I don't think Taylor was born into poverty any more than Brooke was. But even though they both came from middle or lower middle class homes, Taylor once tried to bond with Stephanie (back when Stephanie hated her) by talking about her love of poetry, Keats etc. I haven't heard Brooke talk like that ever.

Also I don't think Cultured equals GOOD or even CLASSY necessarily. Stephanie to me was CULTURED but NOT exactly classy shall we say.

And I think Pam's entire development was stunted by her mother Ann, deliberately.

Anyhow, we will not see eye to eye on Brooke and Taylor, but I see nothing but manipulation through much of Brooke's history. Conspiring with Thorne to keep Caroline and Ridge apart and PRETENDING to be Caroline's friend for starters.

And then the LENGTHS she went to in order to prevent Taylor from telling Ridge the truth about Thomas's paternity. I do believe one of the main reasons Ridge left Brooke for Taylor is because he felt very manipulated by her. Played for a fool. We know he didn't leave Brooke for the sake of THOMAS because he never left Taylor for the sake of Bridget!

I see manipulation as a part and parcel of Brooke's frantic attempts to hold onto Ridge. Since she has WON over the past 15/16 years I know you think Ridge is going back to her before too long this time as well, but I personally think Bell is revisiting the "Taylor Triumphant" years between 1990-2002 at this point in time, after letting Brooke have what she wants for so long.

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