Two Days, Two Duds (Spoilers)

Liz @, 4/2/2024, 6:11PM(296 days ago) @Shimster- one person liked this

For the last two days I've only read the recaps not watched the episode and I haven't missed a thing. Today's show was marginally better because of Deacon but I don't need to see Liam's fake sympathy for Hope or Steffy continuing to bash Hope or Hope & vanilla Finn in the same space. Just a whole bunch of no thanks.

Liam's sympathy is not the least bit fake. That he can even muster sympathy for his cheating wife is a mystery to me. I've actually enjoyed the past two days. No Thomas and no Thope is a big winner for me.

Ysp - I've rather enjoyed warching now that there are no Thope or Thomas sitings.

I actually watched the whole show for the first time in a long long time.

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