
Two Days, Two Duds (Spoilers)

Drangonfly @, 4/2/2024, 6:01PM(316 days ago) @takerkid

For the last two days I've only read the recaps not watched the episode and I haven't missed a thing. Today's show was marginally better because of Deacon but I don't need to see Liam's fake sympathy for Hope or Steffy continuing to bash Hope or Hope & vanilla Finn in the same space. Just a whole bunch of no thanks.

I thought today was pretty interesting. It was the set up for the new Hope/Finn/Steffy story.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

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