Brooke and Liam and Hope and Thomas

PatriotGirl @, 10/2/2022, 10:33AM(583 days ago) @IW

I get the distinct impression that the writers are trying to set up Thomas and Hope as a couple. It makes my skin crawl and stomach turn to think about but Hope has been very understanding with Thomas. It's more than being civil for Douglas. She believes the creep has changed and has taken his side against her husband and mother. I've already stated that Brooke's despair over losing Ridge and Liam's frustration with Hope taking Thomas side will lead to them having an affair or at least a one night stand. Hope will find out about it and turn to Thomas. :puke That's the only way I can see that happening as she would never knowingly cheat on Liam. It's certainly juicy drama.

None of that will happen. Hope would not betray Liam and she's not interested in Thomas anyway.

Liam and Brooke? KKL would never do a SL like that again.

Why wouldn’t she? I don’t think KKL writes the stories. She just acts what is written.

Because it's so tasteless. She's told BB she would never do a SL like that again. It's probably in her contract.

She did Oliver against a wall at Hope’s party. Sleeping with her BIL and getting knocked up was tasteless too. She did both of those after banging Deacon. So if TBTB decide to change things up they can write Briam.

Both of these examples are very different from what the OP is suggesting here. She didn't decide to bed Oliver. That wasn't a choice they made. Not how it was written. And with Bill, they were already in love when they slept together. She was single and Katie left a letter and told Bill her marriage was over. When they finally slept together, Katie had taken off her ring and made it crystal clear her marriage was officially over. Not that it excuses how quickly they gave in (I agree, it was tasteless), but still totally not comparable to what the OP predicts. According to him, Liam and Brooke are going to make a choice and sleep together while she is still married to Ridge and he is still married to Hope. This is what the OP is predicting.

She didn’t know it was Oliver but it was a tasteless thing to do to have sex against a wall at your daughter’s high school graduation party where any of the kids could have seen them. Katie left the letter because she was suffering from PPD and thought she was going to die. Which she almost did giving birth. Batie . got back together after she was found and got on meds. Brill carried on an emotional affair for months after that. Katie took off her rings after finding Bill in Brooke’s bed after spending the night there. She was angry and had every reason to be. She had called Brooke the night before and Brooke refused to let her talk to her husband. Brooke was banging Bill before Katie was barely out the front door. Tasteless behavior again. Then there was the pregnancy and trying to get Eric to dump Taylor and pretend to be the baby’s father. Marriage hasn’t stopped Liam from cheating before and if he is upset with Hope about Thomas, look out. Ridge will be angry with Brooke and she will be devastated when Ridge leaves her. It’s a perfect storm. lol. It could happen.

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