Bridge get back together then what if THOPE happen?

Barbybo, 5/26/2023, 7:06AM(629 days ago) @matisse- one person liked this

I am in 100 percent agreement.
I'd like Brooke to just stand by and let Hope blow her life apart.
Hope can learn what reality is all about.

It is her daughter so she won't kick her to the curb, but she might let her fall on her face and finally understand everything her mother had to put up with for years, when she "followed her heart"....I want Thope to be in all the tabloids with pictures and Hope being branded the cheating wife who could not keep her knees closed around her playboy step-brother. LOL

Should all people who want to end a marriage be crucified? Why would public judge they make dresses not that important only gossip a tad then move on type……they are dressmakers who would care as long as they like the dresses and buy them…who they chose to be with is their choice…..

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