They are Absolutely.....

matisse, 5/5/2023, 12:01AM(371 days ago) @Bystander07

Couldn't agree's sooooo disappointing how can they even think of making Hope all hot and bothered by the creep who kept her child being alive a secret and abused his son that she supposedly loves like her own.....and that's just the tip of a very large iceberg that I won't be able to watch Hope hit and sink.

That is what bothers me the most. In essence they are saying Hope is such a disgrace of a parent she would possibly choose her child's abuser over the child's excellent father, because she now has some big itch in her panties for the lying criminal abuser. I find her disgusting to I guess Bell is getting the desired effect. Yet another character thrown under the bus for the likes of Tom and Steffy....oh goodie...that makes me want to tune in everyday. I am old school. I believe a parents happiness never takes precedence over the well-being and happiness and stability of their young children. I don't care if Hope thinks about Tom 24/7, too bad, get over it, because she has children to think about and their status quo and stable home life should not take back seat to Tom, the abuser, and if this goes on much longer, hand-holding or whatever, then Hope is cheating on her husband who has done nothing but love her and been a good father to their daughter and a good step-father to a criminal Tom's son. Liam cheated, Hope forgave him, end of the story. Also, I read the interview with AN. What I took away from it was that Liam should not question her behavior with Tom, and since he cheated, then Hope should be able to string him along until she can decide if she needs that itch scratched or not, by Tom.

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