I think never Thopers might get a break

Liz @, 3/19/2024, 1:35PM(50 days ago) @hopelessinTX

Do you feel like that was wrong? I've only heard one other person point out how badly Hope treated Liam in the marriage and then during the breakup. Yeah, it's Steffy but everyone else acted like Liam was overreacting to a little kiss. He told them over and over it was more than that because he could see for himself that it was more than a kiss. I wish Wyatt was still around because he would come around to understanding why Liam left. I don't care for Steffy but I'm glad someone finally said Hope is no victim in all of this.

Hope betrayed Liam and then painted herself the victim. She was the not the victim. Liam was the victim. And, it was kind of sad that others didn't know how much Hope gutted him.

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