Hope needs to confide in someone, but who?

moonlightof1982, 5/19/2023, 7:25AM(350 days ago) @naintednancy

This situation is getting harder and harder to subdue for her.

She is married with a baby, but has a child with another guy. She realizes she has strong feelings for him. She sees him when she gets busy with her husband.... Instantly starts daydreaming about him when she is alone.....Closes her eyes and fantasizes when his hands touch her skin.... And can't control her heart pulsation when she sees him...

Ouch. Difficult quandary. But who could she confide in about her growing attraction?

Liam? Of course she should be honest with her husband first, but she knows Thomas is the only man Liam may not accept if she asks him to share her.

Brooke? She is part of the problem. Hope doesn't want to be like her. And Hope knows Brooke dislikes Thomas and would be horrified if she confides in her.

Deacon? He has made his opinion about Thomas clear more than once. And he is just as bad as Thomas so he might not be the right person.

RJ? He never had a serious relationship with anyone as far as Hope knows. He might be a bit too immature to give her the right advice.

Steffy? She is way too judgemental and hypocrite and their history is too complicated. She would probably tell her she is worse than her mother and blab it to Liam.

Paris? Bad idea, she isn't trustworthy and Thomas had a thing for her at some point...

Thomas himself? Not a really good idea either. He is still too unpredictable to trust him completely.

Katie maybe? She is in love with Bill whose past is as dark as Thomas' (arson, sexual harassment, attempted murders, assault). Maybe she is the only person who could understand her and not crucify her! But still, Katie doesn't like Thomas, she is a troublemaker who can never keep a secret, she might make things worse.

The longer she keeps this secret the more nerve racking it will be for her. This marital misery is unfair to Liam, to Beth, to Thomas and to herself. She HAS TO talk to someone or those feelings will cause her to have a heart attack :lol

Question is who? What do you think? :neutral

Tell Thomas. It's between Him and her anyways. They might as well face it together. To hell with the others.

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