St. Mommy Dearest....

Riley, 9/18/2022, 6:23AM(598 days ago) @poprox

Just curious......

Does Ridge know about Saint Tay Tay shooting Bill in the back?

Knowing Ridge, he would have supplied extra bullets.

Likewise, is pissant Steffy informed about her "classy" mother's past dark deeds, with a gun?

Steffy was the first one to know. She walked in on Taylor and Bill right after Taylor had confessed to Bill, pointing the gun at him yet again. Steffy then persuaded Bill not to tell ANYONE else about Taylor, not even Liam, who was still thinking he had been the one who shot his father. So when Bill persuaded Liam that it couldn’t have been him, he made up a story that he suddenly remembered seeing a reflection in the window of a tall, lanky guy.

I don't remember Steffy actually telling Liam the truth, but half a year later, when Taylor was threatening a pregnant Hope, Liam let his wife know that Taylor had been the one who shot Bill. And when Hope asked him how he knew that, he said that Steffy had told him when he thought he was the shooter. Hope then confided in Brooke, and Steffy told Ridge because she didn't want him to hear it from Brooke or Hope.

Ridge wasn't exactly thrilled about the news, but he didn't villify Taylor either. He told her he could understand how angry she had been and that she couldn't be blamed for trying to protect their daughter from a despicable person like Bill.

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