Eric Threw a Good Woman Away

hopeyougogirl, 6/17/2022, 12:24PM(691 days ago) @takerkid- 5 people liked this

And he threw her away for a woman who rolled around like a dog heat with his son on the floor of the FC lab in their first marriage and married him the second time because she was in love with her second son-in-law and for her airhead blow-up doll sister. If Eric had respected his wife and gotten rid of Brooke from the moment she disrespected Quinn in her own home, there would've been no Quarter. Instead he sided with Brooke and worried about her feelings. Now his loss is Carter's gain. He can have his little servile, docile airhead. Maybe they can hang a portrait of Brooke in the living room since they both worship that woman.

Quinn a good woman? Not even close! She's a criminal who raped, plus she's done plenty of damages to others. Not to mention, she herself is a nasty cheater too, not just Eric.

And Quinn's the one who started a war with Brooke, NOT the other way around. Quinn openly encouraged her thirsty bestie to go after Brooke's husband..why would Brooke be okay with that witch given the fact Quinn won't be okay with Donna being inserted into Queric's marriage. Quinn is a hypocrite.

Not to mention, Queric's sex life was fine until Quinn purposely ignored Eric's warnings about not going back to her evil, old manipulative ways. Yet, Quinn schemed against Bridge anyway. She did it to herself, so I don't feel sorry for this bully at all. She deserves a whole lot of karma. :dance2

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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