The Jessica/Dylan/Ivana/Sly era (General)

The OTHER Forrester, 7/23/2023, 10:34AM (301 days ago)- one person liked this

Watching season 8 on youtube and about 10 episodes after the introduction of Jessica and Dylan. Reading the comments on youtube, it seems most people found Jessica to be a boring and useless character. I started watching the actual show in 1996, and I think Jessica and Dylan were still around at the time, although they were at the end of their storylines and soon written out just after I started watching the show.

I don’t really find Jessica to be boring yet. She has social anxiety, and would rather hang out in her bedroom by herself than be around other people her own age. I can relate to that. I was the same way as a kid. I’m still that way now kinda.

What B&B characters (both past and present) do you identify, and can relate with, who’s personalities or storylines kinda mimic your own?


The Jessica/Dylan/Ivana/Sly era

Ilovebizzie, Baltimore, MD, USA, 7/23/2023, 7:35PM (300 days ago) @The OTHER Forrester

I can kind of relate to that too. To a point anyway.

The Jessica/Dylan/Ivana/Sly era

BBDownunder, 7/23/2023, 7:38PM (300 days ago) @The OTHER Forrester

Watching season 8 on youtube and about 10 episodes after the introduction of Jessica and Dylan. Reading the comments on youtube, it seems most people found Jessica to be a boring and useless character. I started watching the actual show in 1996, and I think Jessica and Dylan were still around at the time, although they were at the end of their storylines and soon written out just after I started watching the show.

I don’t really find Jessica to be boring yet. She has social anxiety, and would rather hang out in her bedroom by herself than be around other people her own age. I can relate to that. I was the same way as a kid. I’m still that way now kinda.

What B&B characters (both past and present) do you identify, and can relate with, who’s personalities or storylines kinda mimic your own?

i dont remember them - i must have started watching after they left


The Jessica/Dylan/Ivana/Sly era

Tiqui1999 @, 7/24/2023, 7:12PM (299 days ago) @The OTHER Forrester

What uncanny about this for me is that out of the blue, I watched an episode that had Jessica and Dylan in it. It came up on my youtube and I randomly watched it a few days ago. So it was weird to me when I saw you mentioning them. Frankly, I don't really remember the SL, so they couldn't have left that big of an impression.

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