Some sad news for the Bold family (General)

BBDownunder, 5/16/2023, 8:23PM (356 days ago)


Some sad news for the Bold family

Soapisfun, 5/17/2023, 8:44AM (355 days ago) @BBDownunder

Some sad news for the Bold family

B&Bfan1980, 5/17/2023, 12:30PM (355 days ago) @Soapisfun

Is she an executive on B&B?

Public relations or publicity.

Some sad news for the Bold family

matisse, 5/17/2023, 12:32PM (355 days ago) @Soapisfun

Is she an executive on B&B?

Public relations. She has been with them 13 years. She is very very sick with cancer that has invaded her lungs in an unusual way. They said her tumor is behind her heart and pushing on her aorta and has caused major lung issues. She is in an induced coma on a vent right now. For anyone that doesn't know about vents, after 72 hours it becomes harder and harder to wean someone off a vent. And it has to be done in a very calm and slow manner. Many hospitals just remove them and then allow loved ones to infiltrate the room and the commotion and excitement and trying to speak can too much and the patient has to go back on the vent, or even die. I think it most cases after 72 hours on the vent, they consider doing a trach which goes straight into the windpipe, and is easier to wean off of, and more comfortable for the patient, they do not have to be sedated.

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