What Do you Think? (General)

dxdobson, 9/15/2022, 11:19PM (597 days ago)- one person liked this

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 12:07AM (597 days ago) @dxdobson

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I said the same thing as your sister. I think Ridge wants to try on Taylor again just to shut the brats up, but he made vows and promises, and asked Brooke if he could come home, and even after confessing the kiss and she ASKED him if he wanted to be with Taylor, he told her no, he only wanted to be with her. So, I also think he knows he will be a total ass if he dumps her for Taylor now. He is going to try and push her to end it, TK said as much, that BROOKE would have to end it. He was looking for her to tell him it was OK to move back to Eric's, and she did not bite. Ridge is in a problem of his own making. He knows Brooke was poisoned by Sheila, and he deserted her when she needed him the most. If he had not been a boy, instead of a man, he would not be stuck in the middle. He was not showing any feelings for Taylor at all until the NYE thing. He still would not be showing her any feelings, because he would not have been pounded over the head incessantly by her and the brats, for months.

He needs to own his cheating right now, and he needs to own his failure as a good husband to a wife that has done absolutely nothing wrong to warrant his sleazy behavior with his floozie ex-wife. Brooke is going to come out of this the total wronged party. She will be the one with all the sympathy, while Taylor and Ridge will be the villains. Brooke now has Bill behind her. She also has a surprising new and improved Liam and Hope in her corner too. People can think what they will, but Steffy does care about Liam and what he thinks of her. That will be the biggest dynamic that will change, Liam will see her as exactly what she is now, a scheming manipulating hypocritical monster. That will be great to watch, because Steffy WILL care.


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/16/2022, 12:17AM (597 days ago) @matisse- 2 people liked this

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I said the same thing as your sister. I think Ridge wants to try on Taylor again just to shut the brats up, but he made vows and promises, and asked Brooke if he could come home, and even after confessing the kiss and she ASKED him if he wanted to be with Taylor, he told her no, he only wanted to be with her. So, I also think he knows he will be a total ass if he dumps her for Taylor now. He is going to try and push her to end it, TK said as much, that BROOKE would have to end it. He was looking for her to tell him it was OK to move back to Eric's, and she did not bite. Ridge is in a problem of his own making. He knows Brooke was poisoned by Sheila, and he deserted her when she needed him the most. If he had not been a boy, instead of a man, he would not be stuck in the middle. He was not showing any feelings for Taylor at all until the NYE thing. He still would not be showing her any feelings, because he would not have been pounded over the head incessantly by her and the brats, for months.

He needs to own his cheating right now, and he needs to own his failure as a good husband to a wife that has done absolutely nothing wrong to warrant his sleazy behavior with his floozie ex-wife. Brooke is going to come out of this the total wronged party. She will be the one with all the sympathy, while Taylor and Ridge will be the villains. Brooke now has Bill behind her. She also has a surprising new and improved Liam and Hope in her corner too. People can think what they will, but Steffy does care about Liam and what he thinks of her. That will be the biggest dynamic that will change, Liam will see her as exactly what she is now, a scheming manipulating hypocritical monster. That will be great to watch, because Steffy WILL care.

My problem with this is that I've never ever known Ridge to be this self-aware. He is a neanderthal incapable of this level of thinking.


What Do you Think?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 9/16/2022, 12:41AM (597 days ago) @Tiqui1999

I think you are right. Ridge is not capable of this kind of self-awareness and compassion.
I suppose he will just wait till Brooke decides for him.


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/16/2022, 12:11AM (597 days ago) @dxdobson- one person liked this
edited by Tiqui1999, 9/16/2022, 12:16AM

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I think if your sister was right, he would have left Brooke over the Deacon kiss and already be with Taylor. I think that if she was right, then Sinn's life-or-death experience would convince him to leave Brooke anyway.

I think what's happening is what always happens -- angst for Bridge. I believe there is NO story for Taylor if she and Ridge unite, and she'll be on her way off the show just like Flo, Shauna, Thorne, Sally, Quinn etc who run out of SL.

Taylor is not immune to running out of SL. She has absolutely nothing to do if she's not chasing Ridge, except be a walk-on to listen to Thomas and Steffy.

I mean, look at Quinn and Carter. As soon as they reunite, what happens? No story. Look at Donna and Eric. Look at Flo and Wyatt. and the beat goes on...

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 12:30AM (597 days ago) @Tiqui1999

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I think if your sister was right, he would have left Brooke over the Deacon kiss and already be with Taylor. I think that if she was right, then Sinn's life-or-death experience would convince him to leave Brooke anyway.

I think what's happening is what always happens -- angst for Bridge. I believe there is NO story for Taylor if she and Ridge unite, and she'll be on her way off the show just like Flo, Shauna, Thorne, Sally, Quinn etc who run out of SL.

Taylor is not immune to running out of SL. She has absolutely nothing to do if she's not chasing Ridge, except be a walk-on to listen to Thomas and Steffy.

IA there is no story for Taylor if she is with Ridge. In the past when she was with Ridge her only SL's were about her and Stephanie trying to get rid of Brooke because Brooke wanted Ridge and was around. If he dumps Brooke for Taylor, Brooke is not going to go after him. So then what will the old Quack do with her days? Watch the kids, see her imaginary patients? Bounce off more walls and make goo-goo eyes at her son? There is nothing for her. But, if they leave Bridge together, then they can have Taylor being the NuBrooke, chasing Ridge around and making Brooke's life miserable Or, she can get involved with a different man, though that never works with her either. I think their only option if Ridge picks Brooke, is for Taylor and Deacon to hook up. They had a spark and he asked her about it. it would piss off Ridge. Brooke would be worried. Hope would hate it. Steffy would hate it too.

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/16/2022, 12:36AM (597 days ago) @matisse

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I think if your sister was right, he would have left Brooke over the Deacon kiss and already be with Taylor. I think that if she was right, then Sinn's life-or-death experience would convince him to leave Brooke anyway.

I think what's happening is what always happens -- angst for Bridge. I believe there is NO story for Taylor if she and Ridge unite, and she'll be on her way off the show just like Flo, Shauna, Thorne, Sally, Quinn etc who run out of SL.

Taylor is not immune to running out of SL. She has absolutely nothing to do if she's not chasing Ridge, except be a walk-on to listen to Thomas and Steffy.

IA there is no story for Taylor if she is with Ridge. In the past when she was with Ridge her only SL's were about her and Stephanie trying to get rid of Brooke because Brooke wanted Ridge and was around. If he dumps Brooke for Taylor, Brooke is not going to go after him. So then what will the old Quack do with her days? Watch the kids, see her imaginary patients? Bounce off more walls and make goo-goo eyes at her son? There is nothing for her. But, if they leave Bridge together, then they can have Taylor being the NuBrooke, chasing Ridge around and making Brooke's life miserable Or, she can get involved with a different man, though that never works with her either. I think their only option if Ridge picks Brooke, is for Taylor and Deacon to hook up. They had a spark and he asked her about it. it would piss off Ridge. Brooke would be worried. Hope would hate it. Steffy would hate it too.

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL

I really hope Brooke wouldn't chase that idiot, but that's the only SL Taylor has. And even if Brooke does, that only lasts so long and then what? Taylor has no roots other than being two grown people's mother. She has no story. She will be gone in a year or so. That's why I think Taylor is doomed after these wars play out. Doomed like Flo, like Shauna, etc.

What could they even create for Taylor that would be her own anchor on the show instead of her just being an extension of her brats? If they can't even anchor Quinn and Katie anymore, who the hell are they going to anchor Taylor outside of bickering with Brooke which is so old. All I can see if cheatsville. She'll get with some other dude. Otherwise, what can keep Taylor relevant?

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 12:46AM (597 days ago) @Tiqui1999- one person liked this

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I think if your sister was right, he would have left Brooke over the Deacon kiss and already be with Taylor. I think that if she was right, then Sinn's life-or-death experience would convince him to leave Brooke anyway.

I think what's happening is what always happens -- angst for Bridge. I believe there is NO story for Taylor if she and Ridge unite, and she'll be on her way off the show just like Flo, Shauna, Thorne, Sally, Quinn etc who run out of SL.

Taylor is not immune to running out of SL. She has absolutely nothing to do if she's not chasing Ridge, except be a walk-on to listen to Thomas and Steffy.

IA there is no story for Taylor if she is with Ridge. In the past when she was with Ridge her only SL's were about her and Stephanie trying to get rid of Brooke because Brooke wanted Ridge and was around. If he dumps Brooke for Taylor, Brooke is not going to go after him. So then what will the old Quack do with her days? Watch the kids, see her imaginary patients? Bounce off more walls and make goo-goo eyes at her son? There is nothing for her. But, if they leave Bridge together, then they can have Taylor being the NuBrooke, chasing Ridge around and making Brooke's life miserable Or, she can get involved with a different man, though that never works with her either. I think their only option if Ridge picks Brooke, is for Taylor and Deacon to hook up. They had a spark and he asked her about it. it would piss off Ridge. Brooke would be worried. Hope would hate it. Steffy would hate it too.

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL

I really hope Brooke wouldn't chase that idiot, but that's the only SL Taylor has. And even if Brooke does, that only lasts so long and then what? Taylor has no roots other than being two grown people's mother. She has no story. She will be gone in a year or so. That's why I think Taylor is doomed after these wars play out. Doomed like Flo, like Shauna, etc.

What could they even create for Taylor that would be her own anchor on the show instead of her just being an extension of her brats? If they can't even anchor Quinn and Katie anymore, who the hell are they going to anchor Taylor outside of bickering with Brooke which is so old. All I can see if cheatsville. She'll get with some other dude. Otherwise, what can keep Taylor relevant?

Nothing. But I give KA credit. She brought some real devious nasty to the character. I wish they had cast her as someone new that Ridge fell for while working together.

You are right. They had Quinn front and center for years, doing crazy stuff, and different SL's. Then they ran out of SL for her and I don't know why. RS is great. She is gorgeous, but they just didn't want to write for her anymore. RS said it herself. KA is new, so I figure we have her for another year of this nonsense, then she will be gone too. But, they kept Quinn relevant because they made her very mysterious, dangerous, devious, and borderline loony. Will they do that with Taylor now too? Because if not, she is going to flop on the floor like a dying fish out of water. JMO


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/16/2022, 12:57AM (597 days ago) @matisse

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I think if your sister was right, he would have left Brooke over the Deacon kiss and already be with Taylor. I think that if she was right, then Sinn's life-or-death experience would convince him to leave Brooke anyway.

I think what's happening is what always happens -- angst for Bridge. I believe there is NO story for Taylor if she and Ridge unite, and she'll be on her way off the show just like Flo, Shauna, Thorne, Sally, Quinn etc who run out of SL.

Taylor is not immune to running out of SL. She has absolutely nothing to do if she's not chasing Ridge, except be a walk-on to listen to Thomas and Steffy.

IA there is no story for Taylor if she is with Ridge. In the past when she was with Ridge her only SL's were about her and Stephanie trying to get rid of Brooke because Brooke wanted Ridge and was around. If he dumps Brooke for Taylor, Brooke is not going to go after him. So then what will the old Quack do with her days? Watch the kids, see her imaginary patients? Bounce off more walls and make goo-goo eyes at her son? There is nothing for her. But, if they leave Bridge together, then they can have Taylor being the NuBrooke, chasing Ridge around and making Brooke's life miserable Or, she can get involved with a different man, though that never works with her either. I think their only option if Ridge picks Brooke, is for Taylor and Deacon to hook up. They had a spark and he asked her about it. it would piss off Ridge. Brooke would be worried. Hope would hate it. Steffy would hate it too.

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL

I really hope Brooke wouldn't chase that idiot, but that's the only SL Taylor has. And even if Brooke does, that only lasts so long and then what? Taylor has no roots other than being two grown people's mother. She has no story. She will be gone in a year or so. That's why I think Taylor is doomed after these wars play out. Doomed like Flo, like Shauna, etc.

What could they even create for Taylor that would be her own anchor on the show instead of her just being an extension of her brats? If they can't even anchor Quinn and Katie anymore, who the hell are they going to anchor Taylor outside of bickering with Brooke which is so old. All I can see if cheatsville. She'll get with some other dude. Otherwise, what can keep Taylor relevant?

Nothing. But I give KA credit. She brought some real devious nasty to the character. I wish they had cast her as someone new that Ridge fell for while working together.

You are right. They had Quinn front and center for years, doing crazy stuff, and different SL's. Then they ran out of SL for her and I don't know why. RS is great. She is gorgeous, but they just didn't want to write for her anymore. RS said it herself. KA is new, so I figure we have her for another year of this nonsense, then she will be gone too. But, they kept Quinn relevant because they made her very mysterious, dangerous, devious, and borderline loony. Will they do that with Taylor now too? Because if not, she is going to flop on the floor like a dying fish out of water. JMO

They just don't invest in the characters anymore. It happened to Thorne, to Sally, to Caroline, to Shauna, to Flo, and to Katie. But yeah, to keep Taylor relevant, she can't merely be mother, wife, and at home therapist. But that's all she is. Who else does she even talk to and what else does she even talk about? We had something when she was talking to Deacon, but immediately she shut that down. This woman literally has no life but Ridge, Thomas, and Steffy.

So if she gets Ridge, what will even his story be after the big Forrester wedding?

Brooke, on the other hand, has options. Deacon and Bill.

What Do you Think?

Riley, 9/16/2022, 3:47AM (597 days ago) @matisse

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL

The Brooke that has been on screen for the past 35 years would never see herself as a Spencer. She will always be a Logan/Forrester. Even when she was married to Bill, she refused to leave FC, and 3 of her 4 kids are Forresters too, so why would she try to destroy their legacy? The only time she has ever been interested in having a fashion company of her own was when Ridge was the mastermind behind it. It would take a total rewrite of Brooke's character to put her on the Spencer side in a Spencers against Forresters storyline, and there's no way I would keep watching the show if Bell ever did that.
Also, if Bell wanted anyone to remind Steffy of her past or to scare Taylor that all it takes is a phone call to get her behind bars, then he could have Brooke do that right away, she doesn't need Bill for that.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 8:26AM (596 days ago) @Riley

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL

The Brooke that has been on screen for the past 35 years would never see herself as a Spencer. She will always be a Logan/Forrester. Even when she was married to Bill, she refused to leave FC, and 3 of her 4 kids are Forresters too, so why would she try to destroy their legacy? The only time she has ever been interested in having a fashion company of her own was when Ridge was the mastermind behind it. It would take a total rewrite of Brooke's character to put her on the Spencer side in a Spencers against Forresters storyline, and there's no way I would keep watching the show if Bell ever did that.
Also, if Bell wanted anyone to remind Steffy of her past or to scare Taylor that all it takes is a phone call to get her behind bars, then he could have Brooke do that right away, she doesn't need Bill for that.

I have no interest in watching Brooke be a doormat for the Hamilton's anymore. To me, it is beyond time for her to get even with them, and the way to do it is through business. Too bad if Eric gets hurt, he is sitting at his house allowing the vipers to play their games, so he will just be collateral damage. He will still have his money and his Donna and his pickleball, so he will be fine. Rick loathes all the Hamilton's so he would be on board. She could probably even get Thorne on board too. These 2 are Stephanie and Eric's children too, and they do not own one share of stock in that "legacy"...nope only Hamilton's and Eric own any stock. And, since they had no issue re-writing Taylor as some born again virgin who never so much as gave anyone an unkind work in her life, then they can have Brooke change loyalties from Forrester to Spencer, and at least she will have a good reason.

Brooke is not going to drop a dime on Taylor, Bill was the victim, it will mean more coming from him. Brooke, Hope, Liam and even Steffy can all give their deposition that "yes, Taylor did confess to shooting Bill in the back and leaving him to die" or not.


What Do you Think?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 9/16/2022, 1:52AM (597 days ago) @dxdobson

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

What Do you Think?

Riley, 9/16/2022, 4:35AM (597 days ago) @Lizzy54

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

I don't see him waiting for a chance to sleep with Taylor at all. His interest in her has never been and still isn't about physical desire, like it was with Quinn for example. It's about the way Taylor keeps stroking his ego and the way their kids are painting her as a saint who would never even look at another man when she's with him. It's about the choice between an exciting, passionate relationship with the love of his life, with all its upsides and downsides, and a more peaceful one with his second choice where he wouldn’t have to be afraid of seeing his worst enemies making moves on his wife or of being caught in the middle between his kids and his wife.


What Do you Think?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 9/16/2022, 5:29AM (597 days ago) @Riley- one person liked this

I still think Ridge will sleep with Taylor, even if he may not desire her...but he will think he owes it, to her but even more to his children, Steffy especially. Steffy puts so much energy in this project of forcing Ridge to be with Taylor, she has become such a nagging shrew, that Ridge will sleep with Taylor just to pacify Steffy.

What Do you Think?

hopeyougogirl, 9/16/2022, 11:36AM (596 days ago) @Lizzy54- 2 people liked this

I still think Ridge will sleep with Taylor, even if he may not desire her...but he will think he owes it, to her but even more to his children, Steffy especially. Steffy puts so much energy in this project of forcing Ridge to be with Taylor, she has become such a nagging shrew, that Ridge will sleep with Taylor just to pacify Steffy.

But Ridge doesn't seem sexually attracted to Taylor anymore. Calling her..his "calm" sounds so boring and unattrative IMO. And yes, Steffy is such a nagging shrew browbeating him nonstop..but she can't force him into having sex with Taylor though. And even IF Tridge have sex, it's not gonna stop Steffy's relentless push of her Tridge fantasy. LOL.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

What Do you Think?

Kammie @, 9/16/2022, 1:41PM (596 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

When Ridge was badgering Liam into returning to his cheating ex. he compared Taylor/Hope and Brooke/Steffy...... He told Liam that he would be unsatisfied with the "safe" and needs to go be with the exciting one.... He told Liam that he made a mistake with settling with the 'safe: choice when he craved the "exciting"...

What Do you Think?

hopeyougogirl, 9/16/2022, 1:57PM (596 days ago) @Kammie

When Ridge was badgering Liam into returning to his cheating ex. he compared Taylor/Hope and Brooke/Steffy...... He told Liam that he would be unsatisfied with the "safe" and needs to go be with the exciting one.... He told Liam that he made a mistake with settling with the 'safe: choice when he craved the "exciting"...

Lol, that's true..Ridge himself is attracted to the "exciting". And I still think it's pretty gross that Ridge was pimping his own daughter to Liam mentioning intimate stuff like Liam has "passion" with Steffy.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 8:33AM (596 days ago) @Riley- one person liked this

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

I don't see him waiting for a chance to sleep with Taylor at all. His interest in her has never been and still isn't about physical desire, like it was with Quinn for example. It's about the way Taylor keeps stroking his ego and the way their kids are painting her as a saint who would never even look at another man when she's with him. It's about the choice between an exciting, passionate relationship with the love of his life, with all its upsides and downsides, and a more peaceful one with his second choice where he wouldn’t have to be afraid of seeing his worst enemies making moves on his wife or of being caught in the middle between his kids and his wife.

Ridge should not even be thinking of making any choices, since he is already married to Brooke and promised to love her, keep her and honor her, until death parts them. Just like he did with Taylor, until death parted them, then all bets were off. LOL.

To me the weirdest part of all of this is, Ridge had absolutely no meltdown over Brooke and the Oliver mistake sex. None. He thought it was funny and made a joke about how only his Logan would have something like this happen. Ridge is now emotionally cheating on his wife. BUT, Brooke is the bad guy for not taking him back each and every time he came crawling to her after throwing her away. Brooke is the bad person that dared to stay with the man she was dating, or engaged to, or even married to, at the time Ridge decided he could not live without her. Because other than Oliver, Brooke has never ever cheated on Ridge, like Taylor has cheated on Ridge. So, this whole months long tirade by spoiled little Steffy and pathetic Taylor, is all built on nothing. And, Ridge knows it. But, as you say, his ego cannot handle that Brooke did not pine away like Taylor has, waiting for his return.

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/16/2022, 8:44AM (596 days ago) @matisse

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

I don't see him waiting for a chance to sleep with Taylor at all. His interest in her has never been and still isn't about physical desire, like it was with Quinn for example. It's about the way Taylor keeps stroking his ego and the way their kids are painting her as a saint who would never even look at another man when she's with him. It's about the choice between an exciting, passionate relationship with the love of his life, with all its upsides and downsides, and a more peaceful one with his second choice where he wouldn’t have to be afraid of seeing his worst enemies making moves on his wife or of being caught in the middle between his kids and his wife.

Ridge should not even be thinking of making any choices, since he is already married to Brooke and promised to love her, keep her and honor her, until death parts them. Just like he did with Taylor, until death parted them, then all bets were off. LOL.

To me the weirdest part of all of this is, Ridge had absolutely no meltdown over Brooke and the Oliver mistake sex. None. He thought it was funny and made a joke about how only his Logan would have something like this happen. Ridge is now emotionally cheating on his wife. BUT, Brooke is the bad guy for not taking him back each and every time he came crawling to her after throwing her away. Brooke is the bad person that dared to stay with the man she was dating, or engaged to, or even married to, at the time Ridge decided he could not live without her. Because other than Oliver, Brooke has never ever cheated on Ridge, like Taylor has cheated on Ridge. So, this whole months long tirade by spoiled little Steffy and pathetic Taylor, is all built on nothing. And, Ridge knows it. But, as you say, his ego cannot handle that Brooke did not pine away like Taylor has, waiting for his return.

I remember well after Taylor confessed her BBB and Ridge had,just walked out on her he saw Stephanie and told her he was going to ask Brooke to marry him and he believed she would say yes. The arrogant horses behind (apologies to horses) actually thought Brooke would say yes after he married Taylor at his mother's fake deathbed and even when he found out the truth stayed with her. He only left her AFTER he found out about the BBB. Thankfully Brooke disavowed Ridge of the notion that she would fall on her knees in gratitude that he would deign to want her back after he dumped her and kicked her and her children including his baby son out of their home while he played happy families with Taylor and the teenage Tridge tots. Brooke told him repeatedly to go back to Taylor to work things out because she had no interest in taking him back.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 8:56AM (596 days ago) @PoH

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

I don't see him waiting for a chance to sleep with Taylor at all. His interest in her has never been and still isn't about physical desire, like it was with Quinn for example. It's about the way Taylor keeps stroking his ego and the way their kids are painting her as a saint who would never even look at another man when she's with him. It's about the choice between an exciting, passionate relationship with the love of his life, with all its upsides and downsides, and a more peaceful one with his second choice where he wouldn’t have to be afraid of seeing his worst enemies making moves on his wife or of being caught in the middle between his kids and his wife.

Ridge should not even be thinking of making any choices, since he is already married to Brooke and promised to love her, keep her and honor her, until death parts them. Just like he did with Taylor, until death parted them, then all bets were off. LOL.

To me the weirdest part of all of this is, Ridge had absolutely no meltdown over Brooke and the Oliver mistake sex. None. He thought it was funny and made a joke about how only his Logan would have something like this happen. Ridge is now emotionally cheating on his wife. BUT, Brooke is the bad guy for not taking him back each and every time he came crawling to her after throwing her away. Brooke is the bad person that dared to stay with the man she was dating, or engaged to, or even married to, at the time Ridge decided he could not live without her. Because other than Oliver, Brooke has never ever cheated on Ridge, like Taylor has cheated on Ridge. So, this whole months long tirade by spoiled little Steffy and pathetic Taylor, is all built on nothing. And, Ridge knows it. But, as you say, his ego cannot handle that Brooke did not pine away like Taylor has, waiting for his return.

I remember well after Taylor confessed her BBB and Ridge had,just walked out on her he saw Stephanie and told her he was going to ask Brooke to marry him and he believed she would say yes. The arrogant horses behind (apologies to horses) actually thought Brooke would say yes after he married Taylor at his mother's fake deathbed and even when he found out the truth stayed with her. He only left her AFTER he found out about the BBB. Thankfully Brooke disavowed Ridge of the notion that she would fall on her knees in gratitude that he would deign to want her back after he dumped her and kicked her and her children including his baby son out of their home while he played happy families with Taylor and the teenage Tridge tots. Brooke told him repeatedly to go back to Taylor to work things out because she had no interest in taking him back.

Yup, that is exactly what happened. I keep thinking that Brooke should do what Loretta did in "Moonstruck" when Ronnie tells her he loves her while she is engaged to his brother Johnny....she slaps him really hard across the face and says "SNAP OUT OF IT"...that is what Ridge needs and deserves right now. He needs to have the crap slapped out of him by HIS WIFE and for her to tell him "SNAP OUT OF IT" because this morose waffling footsie playing BS of his needs to stop now. Unfortunately for Brooke, Ridge is a child, and she is going to be forced to handle him like a child, if she really wants to keep him. LOL

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/16/2022, 9:12AM (596 days ago) @matisse

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

I don't see him waiting for a chance to sleep with Taylor at all. His interest in her has never been and still isn't about physical desire, like it was with Quinn for example. It's about the way Taylor keeps stroking his ego and the way their kids are painting her as a saint who would never even look at another man when she's with him. It's about the choice between an exciting, passionate relationship with the love of his life, with all its upsides and downsides, and a more peaceful one with his second choice where he wouldn’t have to be afraid of seeing his worst enemies making moves on his wife or of being caught in the middle between his kids and his wife.

Ridge should not even be thinking of making any choices, since he is already married to Brooke and promised to love her, keep her and honor her, until death parts them. Just like he did with Taylor, until death parted them, then all bets were off. LOL.

To me the weirdest part of all of this is, Ridge had absolutely no meltdown over Brooke and the Oliver mistake sex. None. He thought it was funny and made a joke about how only his Logan would have something like this happen. Ridge is now emotionally cheating on his wife. BUT, Brooke is the bad guy for not taking him back each and every time he came crawling to her after throwing her away. Brooke is the bad person that dared to stay with the man she was dating, or engaged to, or even married to, at the time Ridge decided he could not live without her. Because other than Oliver, Brooke has never ever cheated on Ridge, like Taylor has cheated on Ridge. So, this whole months long tirade by spoiled little Steffy and pathetic Taylor, is all built on nothing. And, Ridge knows it. But, as you say, his ego cannot handle that Brooke did not pine away like Taylor has, waiting for his return.

I remember well after Taylor confessed her BBB and Ridge had,just walked out on her he saw Stephanie and told her he was going to ask Brooke to marry him and he believed she would say yes. The arrogant horses behind (apologies to horses) actually thought Brooke would say yes after he married Taylor at his mother's fake deathbed and even when he found out the truth stayed with her. He only left her AFTER he found out about the BBB. Thankfully Brooke disavowed Ridge of the notion that she would fall on her knees in gratitude that he would deign to want her back after he dumped her and kicked her and her children including his baby son out of their home while he played happy families with Taylor and the teenage Tridge tots. Brooke told him repeatedly to go back to Taylor to work things out because she had no interest in taking him back.

Yup, that is exactly what happened. I keep thinking that Brooke should do what Loretta did in "Moonstruck" when Ronnie tells her he loves her while she is engaged to his brother Johnny....she slaps him really hard across the face and says "SNAP OUT OF IT"...that is what Ridge needs and deserves right now. He needs to have the crap slapped out of him by HIS WIFE and for her to tell him "SNAP OUT OF IT" because this morose waffling footsie playing BS of his needs to stop now. Unfortunately for Brooke, Ridge is a child, and she is going to be forced to handle him like a child, if she really wants to keep him. LOL

I've thought about that scene in Moonstruck many times in regards to B&B lol Seriously I can't understand why anyone would want Ridge's manbaby hypocritical fragile egoed self. He's an embarrassment to real men. I really hope that the reason Brooke is in Aspen is because she saw Tridge together with their hands all over each other and was reminded of Ridge cheating on her with Bridget, cheating on her with his fathers wife Quinn, cheating on her with Shawna, cheating on her with Katie, cheated on her in Monaco with his ex and dumped his cheating behind.

What Do you Think?

Kammie @, 9/16/2022, 11:20AM (596 days ago) @PoH- 3 people liked this[O]
edited by Kammie, 9/16/2022, 11:23AM

I want her to unload on Ridge and the Tridge Mafia on all of their hypocrisy. I want Brooke to reveal all of their sins. I want Brooke to remind and reveal to everyone all of the times and women that Ridge has cheated on her with, including Bridget. I want it revealed that Ridge could have had Taylor if he wanted but he chose to rape her instead. Then move on to how Taylor started manipulating Bridge from the start, her adultery and cheating, her lying about Thomas' paternity and how she blackmailed Ridge into leaving Brooke. I want Brooke to remind Ridge of why he divorced Taylor and why he always comes back to her. I want it thrown in Taylor's face that the only reason why Ridge proposed to her was because he was mad at Brooke and how that is a common theme in the 2 triangles from hell. (Then throw it in Steffy's face, "Sound Familiar") Then I want her to remind Steffy of her own S-wordy past and remind Steffy that she had to have 2 paternity tests because she willingly in her right mind cheated on Liam and Finn. (I hope that FInn and Li are present to hear that)

I want Brooke to finally have rage on lunatic fit and put those slimy Faux Forrestors in their place. I also want her to remind Taylor that only Brooke's children are the true Bio-Foresters. All of Brooke's sins have been plastered in the media and on billboards, it is time for their sins to be broadcasted as well. Then I want Brooke to tell them all to go to hell, as she dusts off her feet, as she walks out the door.


What Do you Think?

Drangonfly @, 9/16/2022, 12:22PM (596 days ago) @Kammie- one person liked this

I want her to unload on Ridge and the Tridge Mafia on all of their hypocrisy. I want Brooke to reveal all of their sins. I want Brooke to remind and reveal to everyone all of the times and women that Ridge has cheated on her with, including Bridget. I want it revealed that Ridge could have had Taylor if he wanted but he chose to rape her instead. Then move on to how Taylor started manipulating Bridge from the start, her adultery and cheating, her lying about Thomas' paternity and how she blackmailed Ridge into leaving Brooke. I want Brooke to remind Ridge of why he divorced Taylor and why he always comes back to her. I want it thrown in Taylor's face that the only reason why Ridge proposed to her was because he was mad at Brooke and how that is a common theme in the 2 triangles from hell. (Then throw it in Steffy's face, "Sound Familiar") Then I want her to remind Steffy of her own S-wordy past and remind Steffy that she had to have 2 paternity tests because she willingly in her right mind cheated on Liam and Finn. (I hope that FInn and Li are present to hear that)

I want Brooke to finally have rage on lunatic fit and put those slimy Faux Forrestors in their place. I also want her to remind Taylor that only Brooke's children are the true Bio-Foresters. All of Brooke's sins have been plastered in the media and on billboards, it is time for their sins to be broadcasted as well. Then I want Brooke to tell them all to go to hell, as she dusts off her feet, as she walks out the door.

We need a clapping emoji.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/16/2022, 8:13PM (596 days ago) @Kammie

I want her to unload on Ridge and the Tridge Mafia on all of their hypocrisy. I want Brooke to reveal all of their sins. I want Brooke to remind and reveal to everyone all of the times and women that Ridge has cheated on her with, including Bridget. I want it revealed that Ridge could have had Taylor if he wanted but he chose to rape her instead. Then move on to how Taylor started manipulating Bridge from the start, her adultery and cheating, her lying about Thomas' paternity and how she blackmailed Ridge into leaving Brooke. I want Brooke to remind Ridge of why he divorced Taylor and why he always comes back to her. I want it thrown in Taylor's face that the only reason why Ridge proposed to her was because he was mad at Brooke and how that is a common theme in the 2 triangles from hell. (Then throw it in Steffy's face, "Sound Familiar") Then I want her to remind Steffy of her own S-wordy past and remind Steffy that she had to have 2 paternity tests because she willingly in her right mind cheated on Liam and Finn. (I hope that FInn and Li are present to hear that)

I want Brooke to finally have rage on lunatic fit and put those slimy Faux Forrestors in their place. I also want her to remind Taylor that only Brooke's children are the true Bio-Foresters. All of Brooke's sins have been plastered in the media and on billboards, it is time for their sins to be broadcasted as well. Then I want Brooke to tell them all to go to hell, as she dusts off her feet, as she walks out the door.

I want what you want. I want Bill to tell the cops that Taylor shot him in the back and left him to die while she fled the country. I want Bill to let the whole world know what she did. I want Brooke to do a tell all on the Faux Forresters so it's plastered in the media and on billboards. I want Taylor to finally be struck off as her sins of sleeping with her patient, breaking into another doctors office to steal records and broadcast the findings in public, all the times she crossed the ethical oath she swore I want exposed. I want Brooke to tell Ridge to take a flying leap off a cliff without a parachute and walk away and never look back at that lying, cheating, hypocritical loathsome toad who wants to have his cake and eat it.

What Do you Think?

q, 9/16/2022, 11:01AM (596 days ago) @matisse

I think Ridge would like to stay married to Brooke but he also wants to sleep with Taylor without having to feel guilty...this is a bit tricky, he will have to give Brooke the feeling it is her fault that he slept with his ex and Brooke and Bill hugging will maybe give him the chance to do it.
Taylor is a WRP, shouldn´t she know that if Ridge was deeply in love with her that he would already be with her, at least since Monaco?
Ridge just wants his cake and the cookie too, and if possible make it all Brooke´s fault so that in the end Brooke will apologize to him for making him cheat on her. :roll

I don't see him waiting for a chance to sleep with Taylor at all. His interest in her has never been and still isn't about physical desire, like it was with Quinn for example. It's about the way Taylor keeps stroking his ego and the way their kids are painting her as a saint who would never even look at another man when she's with him. It's about the choice between an exciting, passionate relationship with the love of his life, with all its upsides and downsides, and a more peaceful one with his second choice where he wouldn’t have to be afraid of seeing his worst enemies making moves on his wife or of being caught in the middle between his kids and his wife.

Ridge should not even be thinking of making any choices, since he is already married to Brooke and promised to love her, keep her and honor her, until death parts them. Just like he did with Taylor, until death parted them, then all bets were off. LOL.

To me the weirdest part of all of this is, Ridge had absolutely no meltdown over Brooke and the Oliver mistake sex. None. He thought it was funny and made a joke about how only his Logan would have something like this happen. Ridge is now emotionally cheating on his wife. BUT, Brooke is the bad guy for not taking him back each and every time he came crawling to her after throwing her away. Brooke is the bad person that dared to stay with the man she was dating, or engaged to, or even married to, at the time Ridge decided he could not live without her. Because other than Oliver, Brooke has never ever cheated on Ridge, like Taylor has cheated on Ridge. So, this whole months long tirade by spoiled little Steffy and pathetic Taylor, is all built on nothing. And, Ridge knows it. But, as you say, his ego cannot handle that Brooke did not pine away like Taylor has, waiting for his return.

I remember well after Taylor confessed her BBB and Ridge had,just walked out on her he saw Stephanie and told her he was going to ask Brooke to marry him and he believed she would say yes. The arrogant horses behind (apologies to horses) actually thought Brooke would say yes after he married Taylor at his mother's fake deathbed and even when he found out the truth stayed with her. He only left her AFTER he found out about the BBB. Thankfully Brooke disavowed Ridge of the notion that she would fall on her knees in gratitude that he would deign to want her back after he dumped her and kicked her and her children including his baby son out of their home while he played happy families with Taylor and the teenage Tridge tots. Brooke told him repeatedly to go back to Taylor to work things out because she had no interest in taking him back.

Yup, that is exactly what happened. I keep thinking that Brooke should do what Loretta did in "Moonstruck" when Ronnie tells her he loves her while she is engaged to his brother Johnny....she slaps him really hard across the face and says "SNAP OUT OF IT"...that is what Ridge needs and deserves right now. He needs to have the crap slapped out of him by HIS WIFE and for her to tell him "SNAP OUT OF IT" because this morose waffling footsie playing BS of his needs to stop now. Unfortunately for Brooke, Ridge is a child, and she is going to be forced to handle him like a child, if she really wants to keep him. LOL

LOL I have used that "Snap out of it" line a few times referencing characters on the show. I laughed so hard at the end of that movie my husband laughed at me.


What Do you Think?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 9/16/2022, 9:48AM (596 days ago) @PoH

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/16/2022, 8:16PM (596 days ago) @Lizzy54

BBB = Big Bear Bang? :wink

BIg Bear Boink. Taylor's adulterous mercy boink of virginal James.


What Do you Think?

BellaSole, Beverly Hills, California, 9/16/2022, 2:28AM (597 days ago) @dxdobson- 2 people liked this

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I think it's crystal clear that Ridge loves Brooke and wants to stay with her in their marriage. However, I think he feels guilty about hurting Taylor, and especially his brats if he does.

I have no idea who he'll choose, and I have even less idea of why two women would sit around letting a horse's behind of a man choose between them.

If he does choose Taylor, he will be back to Brooke in about, I think. He always goes back to Brooke. That's one of the few constants in this show.

What Do you Think?

BBfanforever, 9/16/2022, 5:13AM (597 days ago) @dxdobson- one person liked this

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I feel I already saw that SL when Ridge caught Brooke with Grant. He was with Brooke but still had feelings for Taylor.
After the runaway proposal Bridge argued over her cheating but later when he calmed down he told her he forgave her for the kiss and didn’t think she had an affair but couldn’t live with the constant up and down. So he went back to the other love of his life bc he was happier that way and never regretted it.

IMO If bridge weren’t legally married, Ridge may have chosen to go back to Taylor already.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 8:48AM (596 days ago) @BBfanforever- 4 people liked this[O]

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I feel I already saw that SL when Ridge caught Brooke with Grant. He was with Brooke but still had feelings for Taylor.
After the runaway proposal Bridge argued over her cheating but later when he calmed down he told her he forgave her for the kiss and didn’t think she had an affair but couldn’t live with the constant up and down. So he went back to the other love of his life bc he was happier that way and never regretted it.

IMO If bridge weren’t legally married, Ridge may have chosen to go back to Taylor already.

No he wouldn't. He might go diddle her for grins, but he would not choose her. He isn't going to choose anyone. He is just going to let others dictate who he will be with, until the day he dies. Ridge will not be able to watch Brooke move on with someone else. He never has been able to do it. He HAS been able to watch Taylor move on, in fact he gave her and Whip his blessing. LOL. If Steffy gets her way, and Ridge ends up with Taylor, it will be STEFFY that did the choosing and it will be STEFFY that will have to watch her dad like a hawk because he will be pining for the one he does not get. That is Ridge's MO. I don't think Steffy even realizes the fulltime job she is going to be taking on once she gets her daddy to crawl up on her mommy, she is going to have to work night and day, to keep him there. AND, if Brooke decides to go for broke and go after him, Steffy will have to hire extra help to make sure daddy stays in line. LOL. Brooke may decide WTH, and figure I can play their game too, and then she could start canoodling with Ridge about THEIR family and child. Need time alone with him to discuss something about RJ. Ask Ridge to come over for a family dinner night when RJ is visiting. She can get up close on him when alone and tell him "aw shucks Ridge, you really don't seem very happy...are you? Because golly gee whiz, that is all I want for you, and I just don't think you are happy with Taylor" She can put Hope and Eric to work telling Ridge how he really loves Brooke and does he really want to spend the last years of his life without the woman he called his destiny and the love of his life? Maybe Brooke will take up scheming too, just like the Hamilton Gang, and take Ridge's phone while he is alone with Brooke working one night, and Taylor is waiting at home with dinner, and Brooke orders some gourmet take out and she and Ridge reminisce about their life together. LOL

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/16/2022, 9:15AM (596 days ago) @matisse

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I feel I already saw that SL when Ridge caught Brooke with Grant. He was with Brooke but still had feelings for Taylor.
After the runaway proposal Bridge argued over her cheating but later when he calmed down he told her he forgave her for the kiss and didn’t think she had an affair but couldn’t live with the constant up and down. So he went back to the other love of his life bc he was happier that way and never regretted it.

IMO If bridge weren’t legally married, Ridge may have chosen to go back to Taylor already.

No he wouldn't. He might go diddle her for grins, but he would not choose her. He isn't going to choose anyone. He is just going to let others dictate who he will be with, until the day he dies. Ridge will not be able to watch Brooke move on with someone else. He never has been able to do it. He HAS been able to watch Taylor move on, in fact he gave her and Whip his blessing. LOL. If Steffy gets her way, and Ridge ends up with Taylor, it will be STEFFY that did the choosing and it will be STEFFY that will have to watch her dad like a hawk because he will be pining for the one he does not get. That is Ridge's MO. I don't think Steffy even realizes the fulltime job she is going to be taking on once she gets her daddy to crawl up on her mommy, she is going to have to work night and day, to keep him there. AND, if Brooke decides to go for broke and go after him, Steffy will have to hire extra help to make sure daddy stays in line. LOL. Brooke may decide WTH, and figure I can play their game too, and then she could start canoodling with Ridge about THEIR family and child. Need time alone with him to discuss something about RJ. Ask Ridge to come over for a family dinner night when RJ is visiting. She can get up close on him when alone and tell him "aw shucks Ridge, you really don't seem very happy...are you? Because golly gee whiz, that is all I want for you, and I just don't think you are happy with Taylor" She can put Hope and Eric to work telling Ridge how he really loves Brooke and does he really want to spend the last years of his life without the woman he called his destiny and the love of his life? Maybe Brooke will take up scheming too, just like the Hamilton Gang, and take Ridge's phone while he is alone with Brooke working one night, and Taylor is waiting at home with dinner, and Brooke orders some gourmet take out and she and Ridge reminisce about their life together. LOL

I like the way you think lol


What Do you Think?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 9/16/2022, 9:58AM (596 days ago) @matisse

If he wanted to choose Taylor he would already be with her, married or not.
But he just isn´t in love with her.

What Do you Think?

BBfanforever, 9/16/2022, 1:12PM (596 days ago) @Lizzy54

If he wanted to choose Taylor he would already be with her, married or not.
But he just isn´t in love with her.

Then why is he torn ?
Why isn’t he fully committed to Brooke ?
Why did he kiss Taylor passionately and refused hee offer to forget about it ?
Ridge SURE is sending mixed signals isn’t he ?


What Do you Think?

Drangonfly @, 9/16/2022, 1:17PM (596 days ago) @BBfanforever

If he wanted to choose Taylor he would already be with her, married or not.
But he just isn´t in love with her.

Then why is he torn ?
Why isn’t he fully committed to Brooke ?
Why did he kiss Taylor passionately and refused hee offer to forget about it ?
Ridge SURE is sending mixed signals isn’t he ?

Ridge didn't say he was torn. He said he loves two women. He loves Taylor like Liam loves Steffy and like Brooke loves Bill.

He kissed Taylor right after he saw the photo of Brooke with Deacon and right when they found out Finn was alive.

Ridge has told Taylor, Steffy, and Thomas that he loves Brooke and that he's married to her because he wants to be. But those three knuckleheads just won't take no for an answer. If Ridge winds up with Taylor it will be because of manipulations. After that, I hope she keeps him. :-D

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

What Do you Think?

BBfanforever, 9/16/2022, 12:42PM (596 days ago) @matisse
edited by BBfanforever, 9/16/2022, 1:08PM

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I feel I already saw that SL when Ridge caught Brooke with Grant. He was with Brooke but still had feelings for Taylor.
After the runaway proposal Bridge argued over her cheating but later when he calmed down he told her he forgave her for the kiss and didn’t think she had an affair but couldn’t live with the constant up and down. So he went back to the other love of his life bc he was happier that way and never regretted it.
IMO If bridge weren’t legally married, Ridge may have chosen to go back to Taylor already.

No he wouldn't. He might go diddle her for grins, but he would not choose her. He isn't going to choose anyone. He is just going to let others dictate who he will be with, until the day he dies. Ridge will not be able to watch Brooke move on with someone else. He never has been able to do it.

That’s a legend … he didn’t care about Brooke moving on when he was happily married to Caroline or Taylor

He HAS been able to watch Taylor move on, in fact he gave her and Whip his blessing. LOL.

Just like he did to Brooke and Thorne, he even was Thorne s best man. And when Brooke threw herself at him he told her to save her marriage
Just like he told her to marry Grant legally after the fake marriage was revealed
And he didn’t care a bit Brooke married Whip either

If Steffy gets her way, and Ridge ends up with Taylor, it will be STEFFY that did the choosing and it will be STEFFY that will have to watch her dad like a hawk because he will be pining for the one he does not get. That is Ridge's MO. I don't think Steffy even realizes the fulltime job she is going to be taking on once she gets her daddy to crawl up on her mommy, she is going to have to work night and day, to keep him there.

I don’t believe that one second. Ridge does what fits Ridge, ALWAYS.

AND, if Brooke decides to go for broke and go after him, Steffy will have to hire extra help to make sure daddy stays in line. LOL.

She shouldn’t as Brooen tried to wrecked Tridge for years and always failed. Only Taylor’s death gave her a shot by default.

Brooke may decide WTH, and figure I can play their game too, and then she could start canoodling with Ridge about THEIR family and child. Need time alone with him to discuss something about RJ. Ask Ridge to come over for a family dinner night when RJ is visiting. She can get up close on him when alone and tell him "aw shucks Ridge, you really don't seem very happy...are you? Because golly gee whiz, that is all I want for you, and I just don't think you are happy with Taylor" She can put Hope and Eric to work telling Ridge how he really loves Brooke and does he really want to spend the last years of his life without the woman he called his destiny and the love of his life? Maybe Brooke will take up scheming too, just like the Hamilton Gang, and take Ridge's phone while he is alone with Brooke working one night, and Taylor is waiting at home with dinner, and Brooke orders some gourmet take out and she and Ridge reminisce about their life together. LOL

That’s how Brooke got a shot in the first place … scheming against Caroline who thought she was a friend … naive and trusting Caroline believing that underhanded SNAKE who fed her with self serving advise
Brooke DESERVES to be schemed against
If Steffy didnt deserve to keep Liam bc she schemed at the start of their relationship, why should Brooke be rewarded for the same thing ?
Liam grew to love Steffy when she got him scheming exactly like bridge beginnings

What Do you Think?

dxdobson, 9/17/2022, 1:36AM (596 days ago) @BBfanforever

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I feel I already saw that SL when Ridge caught Brooke with Grant. He was with Brooke but still had feelings for Taylor.
After the runaway proposal Bridge argued over her cheating but later when he calmed down he told her he forgave her for the kiss and didn’t think she had an affair but couldn’t live with the constant up and down. So he went back to the other love of his life bc he was happier that way and never regretted it.
IMO If bridge weren’t legally married, Ridge may have chosen to go back to Taylor already.

No he wouldn't. He might go diddle her for grins, but he would not choose her. He isn't going to choose anyone. He is just going to let others dictate who he will be with, until the day he dies. Ridge will not be able to watch Brooke move on with someone else. He never has been able to do it.

That’s a legend … he didn’t care about Brooke moving on when he was happily married to Caroline or Taylor

He HAS been able to watch Taylor move on, in fact he gave her and Whip his blessing. LOL.

Just like he did to Brooke and Thorne, he even was Thorne s best man. And when Brooke threw herself at him he told her to save her marriage
Just like he told her to marry Grant legally after the fake marriage was revealed
And he didn’t care a bit Brooke married Whip either

If Steffy gets her way, and Ridge ends up with Taylor, it will be STEFFY that did the choosing and it will be STEFFY that will have to watch her dad like a hawk because he will be pining for the one he does not get. That is Ridge's MO. I don't think Steffy even realizes the fulltime job she is going to be taking on once she gets her daddy to crawl up on her mommy, she is going to have to work night and day, to keep him there.

I don’t believe that one second. Ridge does what fits Ridge, ALWAYS.

AND, if Brooke decides to go for broke and go after him, Steffy will have to hire extra help to make sure daddy stays in line. LOL.

She shouldn’t as Brooen tried to wrecked Tridge for years and always failed. Only Taylor’s death gave her a shot by default.

Brooke may decide WTH, and figure I can play their game too, and then she could start canoodling with Ridge about THEIR family and child. Need time alone with him to discuss something about RJ. Ask Ridge to come over for a family dinner night when RJ is visiting. She can get up close on him when alone and tell him "aw shucks Ridge, you really don't seem very happy...are you? Because golly gee whiz, that is all I want for you, and I just don't think you are happy with Taylor" She can put Hope and Eric to work telling Ridge how he really loves Brooke and does he really want to spend the last years of his life without the woman he called his destiny and the love of his life? Maybe Brooke will take up scheming too, just like the Hamilton Gang, and take Ridge's phone while he is alone with Brooke working one night, and Taylor is waiting at home with dinner, and Brooke orders some gourmet take out and she and Ridge reminisce about their life together. LOL

That’s how Brooke got a shot in the first place … scheming against Caroline who thought she was a friend … naive and trusting Caroline believing that underhanded SNAKE who fed her with self serving advise
Brooke DESERVES to be schemed against
If Steffy didnt deserve to keep Liam bc she schemed at the start of their relationship, why should Brooke be rewarded for the same thing ?
Liam grew to love Steffy when she got him scheming exactly like bridge beginnings

Ridge had a midlife crisis, was still pissed at Brooke about Bill and was pissed because Rick was being an ass at FC. when he and Caroline were playing “Ghost” with designs.
Caroline was always ditzy.
Katie was payback and the whole reason he lost his touch drawing was because he fell from the helicopter. Why did he even go there?

What Do you Think?

Barbybo, 9/16/2022, 11:17AM (596 days ago) @dxdobson

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

Ha I am sick of the argueing myself:lol

What Do you Think?

hopeyougogirl, 9/16/2022, 11:44AM (596 days ago) @dxdobson
edited by hopeyougogirl, 9/16/2022, 11:49AM

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I don't think he actually wants to be with Taylor. If that's the case, his brats wouldn't have to push and browbeat him super hard for this many months. He would naturally fall out of love with his wife and gravitate towards Taylor without anyone pushing him..and I don't see him being in love with Taylor at all. He loves her because they share kids together, but he isn't in love with her. Not to mention, he hadn't even entertained the thought of drawing up the divorce papers..he loves the attention and the flirt, but NOT enough to divorce Brooke (even with all Bridge's issues) for Taylor. LOL.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

What Do you Think?

Barbybo, 9/16/2022, 1:50PM (596 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

So my sister thinks Ridge actually wants to be Taylor but because he doesn’t want a guilty conscience because he knows Brooke hasn’t done anything wrong so he feels like if he leaves he is wrong. So he will keep this game up until Brooke dumps him or cheats.
I think Ridge has no question on who he loves and how he loves them both, but he is sick of the constant drain of arguing - with his kids and Taylor.

I don't think he actually wants to be with Taylor. If that's the case, his brats wouldn't have to push and browbeat him super hard for this many months. He would naturally fall out of love with his wife and gravitate towards Taylor without anyone pushing him..and I don't see him being in love with Taylor at all. He loves her because they share kids together, but he isn't in love with her. Not to mention, he hadn't even entertained the thought of drawing up the divorce papers..he loves the attention and the flirt, but NOT enough to divorce Brooke (even with all Bridge's issues) for Taylor. LOL.

And Brooke is satisfied with his shenanigans or he would be dumped…viva Las Vegas should have ended it

What Do you Think?

dxdobson, 9/16/2022, 2:30PM (596 days ago) @Barbybo

Nice responses everyone!
At some point the show will have to move in from the “Ridge gets mad at Brooke, flirts with woman, woman thinks he loves her. No I love Brooke but I like flirting. Brooke rolls out or Ridge - depends on the cycle. Brooke moves on. Ridge moves on - somewhat - then decides he is going back for his Logan!”
But looks like not yet!
I agree with those who say without Brooke Taylor really has no story, except her kids. I mean she and Ridge could be pulled in a Steffy or Thomas situation but does Taylor have enough of a fan base to support the show?
Glad to have the boards!

What Do you Think?

Barbybo, 9/16/2022, 4:29PM (596 days ago) @dxdobson

Nice responses everyone!
At some point the show will have to move in from the “Ridge gets mad at Brooke, flirts with woman, woman thinks he loves her. No I love Brooke but I like flirting. Brooke rolls out or Ridge - depends on the cycle. Brooke moves on. Ridge moves on - somewhat - then decides he is going back for his Logan!”
But looks like not yet!
I agree with those who say without Brooke Taylor really has no story, except her kids. I mean she and Ridge could be pulled in a Steffy or Thomas situation but does Taylor have enough of a fan base to support the show?
Glad to have the boards!

I think it’s time to move on let young generation take over….the seniors love life is boreing

What Do you Think?

GracieGirl, 9/16/2022, 4:04PM (596 days ago) @dxdobson- one person liked this

Nearly all of my friends and family who watch Bold are not Brooke fans. They dislike the character so much because of her betrayals of Bridget and Katie that they always want to dislike the character. They don’t want her to do the right thing because they have condemned the character as forever bad. They think Brooke cannot be redeemed. And they get mad when it appears the show is trying to do that. However, nearly all of them have said the same thing about the show lately. They are absolutely turned off by this version of Taylor. They liked her at first. They dislike her now even more than Sheila or Brooke. They think she’s immature and brings out the worst in her children. They say this nasty acting Ridge and she belong together. They look forward to Brooke crying but kind of hoping she will put them both in their place. Another consistent theme. They think Steffy has had a nervous breakdown. I no longer say anything or argue with them.

What Do you Think?

Barbybo, 9/16/2022, 4:31PM (596 days ago) @GracieGirl

Nearly all of my friends and family who watch Bold are not Brooke fans. They dislike the character so much because of her betrayals of Bridget and Katie that they always want to dislike the character. They don’t want her to do the right thing because they have condemned the character as forever bad. They think Brooke cannot be redeemed. And they get mad when it appears the show is trying to do that. However, nearly all of them have said the same thing about the show lately. They are absolutely turned off by this version of Taylor. They liked her at first. They dislike her now even more than Sheila or Brooke. They think she’s immature and brings out the worst in her children. They say this nasty acting Ridge and she belong together. They look forward to Brooke crying but kind of hoping she will put them both in their place. Another consistent theme. They think Steffy has had a nervous breakdown. I no longer say anything or argue with them.

Well it’s pretty bad when you have child with your daughter and sisters men..how can it be forgotten when Hope was conceived that way and now deacons around….and Kate forgiving bill or Brooke is bonks …

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 12:51AM (596 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

Nearly all of my friends and family who watch Bold are not Brooke fans. They dislike the character so much because of her betrayals of Bridget and Katie that they always want to dislike the character. They don’t want her to do the right thing because they have condemned the character as forever bad. They think Brooke cannot be redeemed. And they get mad when it appears the show is trying to do that. However, nearly all of them have said the same thing about the show lately. They are absolutely turned off by this version of Taylor. They liked her at first. They dislike her now even more than Sheila or Brooke. They think she’s immature and brings out the worst in her children. They say this nasty acting Ridge and she belong together. They look forward to Brooke crying but kind of hoping she will put them both in their place. Another consistent theme. They think Steffy has had a nervous breakdown. I no longer say anything or argue with them.

Well it’s pretty bad when you have child with your daughter and sisters men..how can it be forgotten when Hope was conceived that way and now deacons around….and Kate forgiving bill or Brooke is bonks …

And we are suppose to pretend it wasn't "pretty bad" when Taylor shot a man in the back and left him to die? Are we suppose to think it was not "pretty bad" when Taylor slept with Rick for revenge on Brooke, and it cost her daughter, her life? Wasn't it "pretty bad" when a half drunk Taylor plowed Darla down dead in the road and lied about it to the cops, until she was caught? I think it is "pretty bad" that to this day Thorne does not know that Steffy clubbed his child to her death, in self defense or not (which I say was not self defense at all, but pure anger that someone dared to come after her for her BS). Steffy did lie to the cops and Thorne about it, and has not told either, to this day. I thought it was "pretty bad" that Tom chased Emma down the highway until she crashed her car off a cliff, and then he got out of his car, looked down at dying Emma, got an evil grin on his face, and never called 911. I think it was downright awful that the last thing his victim saw was his smirking evil face.

Brooke has done some terrible things, but as far as I can remember, she has not killed anyone like Taylor and Steffy and Tom have, and I think what they did was pretty damn bad. People died. And they do not care, and that makes them not just despicable, it makes them sociopaths.

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/17/2022, 1:25AM (596 days ago) @matisse

Nearly all of my friends and family who watch Bold are not Brooke fans. They dislike the character so much because of her betrayals of Bridget and Katie that they always want to dislike the character. They don’t want her to do the right thing because they have condemned the character as forever bad. They think Brooke cannot be redeemed. And they get mad when it appears the show is trying to do that. However, nearly all of them have said the same thing about the show lately. They are absolutely turned off by this version of Taylor. They liked her at first. They dislike her now even more than Sheila or Brooke. They think she’s immature and brings out the worst in her children. They say this nasty acting Ridge and she belong together. They look forward to Brooke crying but kind of hoping she will put them both in their place. Another consistent theme. They think Steffy has had a nervous breakdown. I no longer say anything or argue with them.

Well it’s pretty bad when you have child with your daughter and sisters men..how can it be forgotten when Hope was conceived that way and now deacons around….and Kate forgiving bill or Brooke is bonks …

And we are suppose to pretend it wasn't "pretty bad" when Taylor shot a man in the back and left him to die? Are we suppose to think it was not "pretty bad" when Taylor slept with Rick for revenge on Brooke, and it cost her daughter, her life? Wasn't it "pretty bad" when a half drunk Taylor plowed Darla down dead in the road and lied about it to the cops, until she was caught? I think it is "pretty bad" that to this day Thorne does not know that Steffy clubbed his child to her death, in self defense or not (which I say was not self defense at all, but pure anger that someone dared to come after her for her BS). Steffy did lie to the cops and Thorne about it, and has not told either, to this day. I thought it was "pretty bad" that Tom chased Emma down the highway until she crashed her car off a cliff, and then he got out of his car, looked down at dying Emma, got an evil grin on his face, and never called 911. I think it was downright awful that the last thing his victim saw was his smirking evil face.

Brooke has done some terrible things, but as far as I can remember, she has not killed anyone like Taylor and Steffy and Tom have, and I think what they did was pretty damn bad. People died. And they do not care, and that makes them not just despicable, it makes them sociopaths.

Preach it.

What Do you Think?

takerkid @, 9/16/2022, 9:46PM (596 days ago) @dxdobson

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/16/2022, 10:09PM (596 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/17/2022, 12:31AM (596 days ago) @Liz- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 1:06AM (596 days ago) @Tiqui1999- 2 people liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/17/2022, 1:12AM (596 days ago) @matisse- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.


What Do you Think?

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 9/17/2022, 1:15AM (596 days ago) @Tiqui1999

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/17/2022, 1:18AM (596 days ago) @prime- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.

Steffy is one of those damn Uruk-hai Orcs he created. Taylor can be Sauron because that's who the Orcs serve. Plus, she's some kind of witch doctor so let her be the evil wizard. Steffy ,though? She's one of those ugly assed, stinking, non-thinking Uruk-hai warriors.

ETA -- oh, wait. I'm giving all the evil roles to just Taylor and Steffy! LOL. we need a bigger cast or I have to pay them for double duty.


What Do you Think?

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 9/17/2022, 1:19AM (596 days ago) @Tiqui1999

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.

Steffy is one of those damn Uruk-hai Orcs he created. Taylor can be Sauron because that's who the Orcs serve. Plus, she's some kind of witch doctor so let her be the evil wizard. Steffy ,though? She's one of those ugly assed, stinking, non-thinking Uruk-hai warriors.



What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/17/2022, 1:22AM (596 days ago) @prime- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.

Steffy is one of those damn Uruk-hai Orcs he created. Taylor can be Sauron because that's who the Orcs serve. Plus, she's some kind of witch doctor so let her be the evil wizard. Steffy ,though? She's one of those ugly assed, stinking, non-thinking Uruk-hai warriors.


I'm giving Taylor and Steffy all the evil roles. Steffy can be Worm-Tongue, too.

Oh, I think the wizard is Saramon though. Sauron is the Eye. So that can be Thomas -- cause all he does is stand there and stare.

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/17/2022, 1:35AM (596 days ago) @prime- 2 people liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.

Nope I would say Steffy is Gollum. Gollum was so obsessed with the one ring he changed from a hobbit to the ugly little obsessed creature he was. Steffy is so damn obsessed with getting her father with her mother it makes her just plain ugly. Hopefully Steffy's obsession will end the same way Gollum's did. In the fires of Mordor/Hell.


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/17/2022, 1:41AM (596 days ago) @PoH

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.

Nope I would say Steffy is Gollum. Gollum was so obsessed with the one ring he changed from a hobbit to the ugly little obsessed creature he was. Steffy is so damn obsessed with getting her father with her mother it makes her just plain ugly. Hopefully Steffy's obsession will end the same way Gollum's did. In the fires of Mordor/Hell.

Good. me likey. :cool

What Do you Think?

PoH @, 9/17/2022, 1:46AM (596 days ago) @Tiqui1999- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yes! Someone gets it and appreciates my LOTR's comparison! :-P

I agree. Ridge is so not the Ridge I fell in love with. ANd he sits around like a lost child who smiles when someone puts candy in front of him. He's too old for his nonsense, and so are his kids. I'm trying to think if I ever saw this crap on any other soap. I cannot take the whining and ringwraith screeching anymore. Just let them take Ridge and throw him in fire at Mordor for all I care.

So who is Sauron? I think Steffy could work.

Nope I would say Steffy is Gollum. Gollum was so obsessed with the one ring he changed from a hobbit to the ugly little obsessed creature he was. Steffy is so damn obsessed with getting her father with her mother it makes her just plain ugly. Hopefully Steffy's obsession will end the same way Gollum's did. In the fires of Mordor/Hell.

Good. me likey. :cool



What Do you Think?

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 9/17/2022, 1:13AM (596 days ago) @matisse- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I agree that Ridge wants boring and safe. He's susceptible to pressure, especially from his ex-wife and children. They know it and he knows it. Hearing the same thing over and over wears a person down. Piling on guilt. Questioning family loyalty. Attacking the person you love. What's a man to do? Easier to give up than fight. He knows they will never stop browbeating him.

They are like Ring Wraiths. Of the Ring Wraiths, Smeogal told Frodo, "They will never stop hunting you." Or screeching. That's what Taylor and Steffy are. Loud-mouthed ring wraiths who will never stop until they get the one husband to rule them all. It does wear a person down.

I love this, being a LOTR fan. LOL.

Remember what Steffy said about Ridge once, that he was a weak man, and that is why she had to protect him. He las lived up to her assessment of him these last 9 months. Ridge is a very weak man, and he does not handle challenge or pressure well at all. He is unable to keep his word or his promises, and he is competitive with anyone that loves Brooke. He is so weak as a man.

Yep. That's why Stephanie was always able to strong-arm him into being with the insomnia cure known as Taylor. He was clearly never as into her as she was him...but Stephanie was always there to pull strings for her. A strong man would've put a stop to that foolishness...and chose who he really wanted to be with.

What Do you Think?

takerkid @, 9/17/2022, 6:15AM (596 days ago) @Liz

I wouldn't call Taylor boring and safe. I would say she's simply not the hurricane of chaos that Brooke is.

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/17/2022, 10:49AM (595 days ago) @takerkid- 2 people liked this

I wouldn't call Taylor boring and safe. I would say she's simply not the hurricane of chaos that Brooke is.

Boring, safe, predictable, toady, and weak. That's how I see Taylor. I'm curious as to why you feel Brooke is a hurricane of chaos. Is it because she wasn't afraid to stand up to Sheila to protect Steffy, Finn and Hayes? Is it because she's wants to protect her daughter Hope from being walked over by the faux Forrester family? Is it because she wanted her daughter to have a chance with her father? Is it because she Bill's friend? Is it because she doesn't trust Thomas? Exactly what chaos has Brooke caused besides disagreeing with her husband over Deacon, Thomas, Steffy and Taylor?

What Do you Think?

takerkid @, 9/17/2022, 4:20PM (595 days ago) @Liz

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 4:30PM (595 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this
edited by matisse, 9/17/2022, 4:39PM

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

Can you please post scenes where her kids don't get along with her, from the past 10 years? LOL. Hope adores her. Bridget loves her dearly. Rick was her champion. And when Ridge brought RJ home to break up Brill, he too loved and got along with his mother just fine.

Who would want to get along with Ridge's kids? They are jerks. Really, who wants a mean jerk to like them? You want them to NOT like you because that means you are doing something right. LOL

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/17/2022, 4:32PM (595 days ago) @matisse

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

Can you please post scenes where her kids don't get along with her, from the past 10 years? LOL. Hope adores her. Bridget loves her dearly. Rick was her champion. And when Ridge brought RJ home to break up Brill, he too loved and got along with his mother just fine.

:lol His kids, not her kids. I had to read it twice.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 4:39PM (595 days ago) @Liz

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

Can you please post scenes where her kids don't get along with her, from the past 10 years? LOL. Hope adores her. Bridget loves her dearly. Rick was her champion. And when Ridge brought RJ home to break up Brill, he too loved and got along with his mother just fine.

:lol His kids, not her kids. I had to read it twice.

LOL. Thanks.

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/17/2022, 4:51PM (595 days ago) @matisse- 2 people liked this

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

Can you please post scenes where her kids don't get along with her, from the past 10 years? LOL. Hope adores her. Bridget loves her dearly. Rick was her champion. And when Ridge brought RJ home to break up Brill, he too loved and got along with his mother just fine.

:lol His kids, not her kids. I had to read it twice.

LOL. Thanks.

I'm still waiting to hear about this huge chaos surrounding Brooke. Had to laugh about the ex's swarming her constantly. Bill's hardly been on and his recent appearances were at Carter's wedding, nights out with his sons, visits to the cabin with Liam and Wyatt, helping Li, and flying Finn to Monte Carlo. As for Deacon, he's been hiding out with Sheila, working, and spending some time with Hope. Eric's with Donna and playing pickleball. And people not liking Brooke? Other than the quack, her hideous two children and psycho Sheila, who are all these people who don't like her? :lol

What Do you Think?

takerkid @, 9/17/2022, 6:00PM (595 days ago) @matisse

Her kids are blood related which was my point. It's the non-relatives who aren't Eric or Thorne, who don't like her. As for not getting along with her husband's kids, I would think she would want to get along with them if for no other reason than keeping the peace with her hubby.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 6:38PM (595 days ago) @takerkid

Her kids are blood related which was my point. It's the non-relatives who aren't Eric or Thorne, who don't like her. As for not getting along with her husband's kids, I would think she would want to get along with them if for no other reason than keeping the peace with her hubby.

I would think they would not stick their big fat noses in their dad's love life, if they care for him at all and wanted to keep harmony in his life. All they are doing now is hurting him. And next week he asks them to knock it off, and we know they do not. THAT is how much they respect and care about dear old dad. LOL

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/17/2022, 8:15PM (595 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

Her kids are blood related which was my point. It's the non-relatives who aren't Eric or Thorne, who don't like her. As for not getting along with her husband's kids, I would think she would want to get along with them if for no other reason than keeping the peace with her hubby.

Who are the non-relatives that don't like Brooke?

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/17/2022, 4:31PM (595 days ago) @takerkid- 2 people liked this

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

:lol False. False. False. True. False. :lol

What Do you Think?

takerkid @, 9/17/2022, 6:04PM (595 days ago) @Liz

First it was Bill, then Deacon, now Bill again so yeah she's got one ex or another buzzing around her. Brooke's only friends appear to be her sisters and Eric. That speaks volumes. Her stepkids can't stand the sight of her.

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 6:39PM (595 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

First it was Bill, then Deacon, now Bill again so yeah she's got one ex or another buzzing around her. Brooke's only friends appear to be her sisters and Eric. That speaks volumes. Her stepkids can't stand the sight of her.

Did I miss something....does Taylor have any friends either? I mean, all she has is her kids and poor Finn, Steffy's personal Sherpa.


What Do you Think?

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 9/17/2022, 7:34PM (595 days ago) @matisse

First it was Bill, then Deacon, now Bill again so yeah she's got one ex or another buzzing around her. Brooke's only friends appear to be her sisters and Eric. That speaks volumes. Her stepkids can't stand the sight of her.

Did I miss something....does Taylor have any friends either? I mean, all she has is her kids and poor Finn, Steffy's personal Sherpa.

Indeed. Taylor doesn't have any friends that we've seen...and I won't even get started with Steffy. Aside from her mother,her brother, and her stepford husband...who actually wants to endure her presence? Even her dad probably sighs in relief when he doesn't have to deal with her constant badgering about his marriage.

What Do you Think?

Liz @, 9/17/2022, 7:43PM (595 days ago) @takerkid- 2 people liked this

First it was Bill, then Deacon, now Bill again so yeah she's got one ex or another buzzing around her. Brooke's only friends appear to be her sisters and Eric. That speaks volumes. Her stepkids can't stand the sight of her.

Bill 3 years ago pops out of nowhere and kisses her? Up until the cabin kiss while Ridge and Brooke were separated, he hadn't been anywhere near Brooke. And, the other day, he heads over to see Brooke to talk about Katie and hasn't been near Brookek since Steffy was in the hospital. And, now, Deacon is locklipping with Sheila. I don't see this swarming alluded to above. As for your assertion that she isn't liked, give me some examples outside of the quack, her idiot daughter, her loathesome son and the psycho.

What Do you Think?

Dreamgirl, 9/17/2022, 8:11PM (595 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

Brooke constantly has one ex or another swarming around her. Very few people who aren't blood related actually like her. They may tolerate her but they don't necessarily like her so there's the potential for general conflict. His kids don't get along with her so that's constant conflict. That's a hurricane of chaos.

Exactly who are these people who aren't blood related, other than Taylor and her kids, who don't like Brooke? Finn doesn't count because he probably has to ask Steffy how he should feel. Pam and Charlie? I haven't seen any dislike from them. Quinn is off the show. Eric loves her. Carter possibly because she knows he betrayed Eric but that's his own fault, not Brookes. Liam regards her as a mother figure. Bill loves her too. Wyatt I don't think feels any particular way about her but she was once his MIL so I'm guessing his feelings are similar to Liam's. Deacon loves her as well. Sheila hates her but then Sheila hates everyone. Who else is there? Jack, Li, Paris, Zende and Grace? I don't think they feel any particular way about her. So who are these people who aren't blood related who dislike her?

What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/17/2022, 12:57AM (596 days ago) @takerkid- 2 people liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

Well right now, Taylor, Steffy and Tom are bringing all the chaos into Ridge's life and there is no disputing it, since we have been held hostage as viewers to their daily bombardment and beating down of Ridge about how he "really feels" about Brooke. I think the guy has Stockholm Syndrome from being tortured by his captors. LOL


What Do you Think?

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 9/17/2022, 12:58AM (596 days ago) @matisse

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

Well right now, Taylor, Steffy and Tom are bringing all the chaos into Ridge's life and there is no disputing it, since we have been held hostage as viewers to their daily bombardment and beating down of Ridge about how he "really feels" about Brooke. I think the guy has Stockholm Syndrome from being tortured by his captors. LOL

Just like being a viewer of this show I suppose.:lol


What Do you Think?

Tiqui1999 @, 9/17/2022, 1:06AM (596 days ago) @takerkid- one person liked this

I think your sister is spot on. Ridge wants Brooke to give him a reason, a reason to leave so he won't look like the bad guy. He can't ever say he's happy with Brooke. Taylor doesn't bring the chaos Brooke does. Ridge just wants to get out unscathed.

I don't get why Ridge needs Brooke to give him a reason so he won't look like a bad guy when Steffy already gave him the best reason -- life is too short, which she gave her and Finn as an example. How can Ridge hear her say that and still drag his feet, waiting for Brooke to let him go? I don't get that.

Also, Brooke already gave him enough reasons if he's just looking for a reason. He could have stuck with the Deacon thing the moment he saw the photo online. He could have used the Bill thing. Hell, he could use the Douglas thing if he wants an excuse. This is a man who left her mad because he didn't know about a text, so I don't buy he's looking for excuses from brooke. He'll take any excuse if he wants out. He's proved it already.

Taylor brings nothing but chaos. Look at what her bright idea to go against the family to let Sheila in brought on. Taylor's judgment is horrific. And she's boring. She compared herself to sleeping medicine. How freaking boring can you get if you compare yourself to sleeping medication?

I know you have your beliefs about Taylor and Ridge, so we can agree to disagree.

What Do you Think?

dxdobson, 9/17/2022, 9:26AM (595 days ago) @Tiqui1999- one person liked this

If hugging a guy in the living room of the home you share with your husband is chaos compared to inviting a would be murderer multiple times over into your family - something ain’t right! LOL
If being drugged by a nut and kissing a guy while drugged is chaos compared to shooting your ex’s sworn enemy in the back and leaving your ex in jail while you are wherever - something ain’t right! LOL
The whole family was perfectly happy sharing custody ( no chaos) of a traumatized boy (traumatized by his father) until his grandmother (who recommended the initial set up for the kid to be cared for by Hope) decides he needs to be with his father because that way - she can have more time with his grandfather; (I know she never said it but it’s true) She created this chaos. Not Brooke. Not Hope. Taylor along with her two sidekicks.

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