Thomas vs Lope (General)

BBfanforever, 7/30/2022, 2:51AM (644 days ago)- one person liked this

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?


Thomas vs Lope

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/30/2022, 3:54AM (644 days ago) @BBfanforever

I saw a spumor it could be Paris...but I agree with you that neither a Logan nor Paris should be with Tom.
Don't know if BB would spend money on a new face though...:neutral

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 7/30/2022, 9:28AM (644 days ago) @Lizzy54- 2 people liked this

I saw a spumor it could be Paris...but I agree with you that neither a Logan nor Paris should be with Tom.
Don't know if BB would spend money on a new face though...:neutral

IA that Tom should not be paired with Hope. He is a typical Hamilton and has already tried to ruin Hope's life, more than once. Not to mention, he is also a criminal like his mother, that got away with actual attempted murder. That is a big failing on this show. If you do the crime, then you need to do the time. Abd, it is only the select few that get away with it on this show. Poor Deacon never got away with anything.


Thomas vs Lope

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/30/2022, 9:56AM (644 days ago) @matisse

I agree...especially the Forresters get away with, not only Hope, but no other Logan, Katie or Bridget, should be with Tom. And he already had a crush on Paris and she didn´t want him so Paris is no option either.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 11:44PM (643 days ago) @matisse

I saw a spumor it could be Paris...but I agree with you that neither a Logan nor Paris should be with Tom.
Don't know if BB would spend money on a new face though...:neutral

IA that Tom should not be paired with Hope. He is a typical Hamilton and has already tried to ruin Hope's life, more than once. Not to mention, he is also a criminal like his mother, that got away with actual attempted murder. That is a big failing on this show. If you do the crime, then you need to do the time. Abd, it is only the select few that get away with it on this show. Poor Deacon never got away with anything.

Actually bill bribed the warden deacon got out of jail once......

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 7:18PM (643 days ago) @Lizzy54

I saw a spumor it could be Paris...but I agree with you that neither a Logan nor Paris should be with Tom.
Don't know if BB would spend money on a new face though...:neutral

Too bad they don't invest in to that Paris I was thinking she would be gone:drunk

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 7/31/2022, 12:54AM (643 days ago) @Barbybo

I saw a spumor it could be Paris...but I agree with you that neither a Logan nor Paris should be with Tom.
Don't know if BB would spend money on a new face though...:neutral

Too bad they don't invest in to that Paris I was thinking she would be gone:drunk

They have to keep Paris, the cast is getting so small, pretty soon Tom will be sleeping with his mother or his sister, there will be no one left for him. Paris is it. Hope doesn't want him, they have tried that a couple times. Katie is missing in action. So is Bridget. Donna is with his grandpa. Brooke has 3 men that want her, she does not need Junior for an ego boost. Flo is gone. Paris is the only game in town, which is humorous given this is L.A.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/31/2022, 9:00AM (643 days ago) @matisse

I saw a spumor it could be Paris...but I agree with you that neither a Logan nor Paris should be with Tom.
Don't know if BB would spend money on a new face though...:neutral

Too bad they don't invest in to that Paris I was thinking she would be gone:drunk

They have to keep Paris, the cast is getting so small, pretty soon Tom will be sleeping with his mother or his sister, there will be no one left for him. Paris is it. Hope doesn't want him, they have tried that a couple times. Katie is missing in action. So is Bridget. Donna is with his grandpa. Brooke has 3 men that want her, she does not need Junior for an ego boost. Flo is gone. Paris is the only game in town, which is humorous given this is L.A.

They could hire new drop Paris and mom ...I don't think they are interesting and mommy makes Paris look worse she's pushy grumpy character ...they could bring back Avants they had fans they just went poof so Paris can poof

Thomas vs Lope

DC, 7/30/2022, 9:34AM (644 days ago) @BBfanforever

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 7/30/2022, 9:40AM (644 days ago) @DC- 2 people liked this
edited by matisse, 7/30/2022, 9:46AM

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.

Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.


Thomas vs Lope

Soapisfun, 7/30/2022, 9:48AM (644 days ago) @matisse

Not if Douglas is the one that wants to stay with his father

Thomas vs Lope

Riley, 7/30/2022, 12:19PM (644 days ago) @Soapisfun- one person liked this

Not if Douglas is the one that wants to stay with his father

But nothing has ever indicated that this is what he wants. And I doubt we will see him say anything like that before Thomas presents his idea to Hope.

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 7/30/2022, 2:00PM (643 days ago) @Soapisfun- one person liked this

Not if Douglas is the one that wants to stay with his father

Doug really has no say-so unless they make him 14 years old. He can be heard, but he cannot choose who he want to live with, it is completely up to the judge and any court appointed advocate for the child. Also, I just don't think Doug would choose to live with his dad, who physically abused him once, used him more than once, and really has no stable home life. Doug loves his dad very much, but he has a stable like with Hope and Beth and Liam. He has his 2 grandparents right there. He has a big swimming pool, his friends, he has a good life right where he is now. And, Tom is welcome to come and go at any time, and he just calls up and tells Hope he wants to have Doug any time he wants. Why in the world would he change any of it now, unless he is being pushed by nosy parker yenta mother?


Thomas vs Lope

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/30/2022, 2:06PM (643 days ago) @matisse

Immediately after she arrived th WRP told Tom that Douglas shouldn´t live "with Logans"...but Tom told her that he is very grateful to Hope because she is such a good mother to his boy.
So I suppose Taylor, who actually planted the thought of making Hope Douglas´mother in Tom´s brain, will suddenly decide to change her mind and find a reason why Tom should have Douglas full-time.

Thomas vs Lope

tarantula, 7/30/2022, 2:28PM (643 days ago) @Lizzy54

Immediately after she arrived th WRP told Tom that Douglas shouldn´t live "with Logans"...but Tom told her that he is very grateful to Hope because she is such a good mother to his boy.
So I suppose Taylor, who actually planted the thought of making Hope Douglas´mother in Tom´s brain, will suddenly decide to change her mind and find a reason why Tom should have Douglas full-time.

Watch, this will about Deacon even though he saved Steffy's life. That is not good enough for the Forresters. Or it's going to be about how Brooke asked Douglas to keep quiet. Yes, it was wrong. Let's move on.


Thomas vs Lope

Soapisfun, 7/30/2022, 11:20AM (644 days ago) @matisse

I could even see the adoption annulled in order to pair later Beth with Douglas. All the children on the show are either Spencers or Logans, so they need to cut Douglas Logans ties. They will make Hope pregnant with a Lope daughter and the lope fans will be happy

Thomas vs Lope

Dreamgirl, 7/30/2022, 3:52PM (643 days ago) @Soapisfun

I could even see the adoption annulled in order to pair later Beth with Douglas. All the children on the show are either Spencers or Logans, so they need to cut Douglas Logans ties. They will make Hope pregnant with a Lope daughter and the lope fans will be happy

Doug's mother and Beth's father were first cousins. Doug cannot be paired with her unless it's ok to be with a second cousin?


Thomas vs Lope

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/30/2022, 4:04PM (643 days ago) @Dreamgirl

It´s even ok (or better: allowed) to marry a first cousin...or all these noble European families could never have become related to each other all over Europe...the Romanows, the Hannovers, the Bourbon-Parma and the Habsburg...all related...;-) :-D
Even the church allows first cousins to get married, so why not second cousins?
(If this is a good idea you would have to ask a geneticist...he would tell you some things about inbreeding...;-) )

Thomas vs Lope

Dreamgirl, 7/30/2022, 4:48PM (643 days ago) @Lizzy54

It´s even ok (or better: allowed) to marry a first cousin...or all these noble European families could never have become related to each other all over Europe...the Romanows, the Hannovers, the Bourbon-Parma and the Habsburg...all related...;-) :-D
Even the church allows first cousins to get married, so why not second cousins?
(If this is a good idea you would have to ask a geneticist...he would tell you some things about inbreeding...;-) )

Oh I know it is ok in certain communities and cultures :-) I was just asking if it's ok on the show as they have been very careful about having no blood relation between couples so far.

Thomas vs Lope

BBfanforever, 7/30/2022, 1:01PM (643 days ago) @matisse

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though


Thomas vs Lope

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/30/2022, 1:14PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever

Well, when it comes to misdeeds, Tom certainly would have to fear a trial much more than Hope.

Thomas vs Lope

Riley, 7/30/2022, 1:35PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever- one person liked this

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child

Legally that doesn't make any difference at all. Adoption makes you a child's parent in every way that counts, unless the adoption was illegal like "Phoebe's". So in the real world, Thomas' chances to get full custody of Douglas wouldn't be any better than Liam's chances to get full custody of Kelly.
Given the way Hope helped Douglas overcome the traumatic experience of losing his biological mom while his father was only using him for his own selfish agenda and traumatizing him even more, Thomas' chances would even be worse, unless Douglas himself made it clear that he wants to live with his dad.

As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

Hope got pregnant before Kelly was born. But yes, I'd be glad if that was exposed in a trial, because then the reason why Liam had left a pregnant Steffy in the first place would also have to be exposed. And sleeping with Kelly's grandfather sure wouldn't make Steffy look good in the court's eyes.

Thomas vs Lope

Dreamgirl, 7/30/2022, 4:00PM (643 days ago) @Riley- one person liked this

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child

Legally that doesn't make any difference at all. Adoption makes you a child's parent in every way that counts, unless the adoption was illegal like "Phoebe's". So in the real world, Thomas' chances to get full custody of Douglas wouldn't be any better than Liam's chances to get full custody of Kelly.
Given the way Hope helped Douglas overcome the traumatic experience of losing his biological mom while his father was only using him for his own selfish agenda and traumatizing him even more, Thomas' chances would even be worse, unless Douglas himself made it clear that he wants to live with his dad.

As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

Hope got pregnant before Kelly was born. But yes, I'd be glad if that was exposed in a trial, because then the reason why Liam had left a pregnant Steffy in the first place would also have to be exposed. And sleeping with Kelly's grandfather sure wouldn't make Steffy look good in the court's eyes.

Not to mention Steffy also banged both Hopes husband and Finn within a short time and had to have a paternity test for her second child too. I'm sure that would be a glowing endorsement for her! Not!

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 7/30/2022, 2:31PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever- 2 people liked this

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

The law does not work that way. Adoptive parents are exactly the same as bio-parents under the eyes of the law. No difference. And IMHO, there is no difference. Hope is Doug's mother in every sense of the word .
Yes, a judge could order Kelly to live at Liam's given Steffy's history of drug addiction, which is documented through her stint in rehab. And, now she has checked herself into a facility for depression. Hope sleeping with Liam before they were married, and he was either divorced or the papers were filed, would not even get mentioned. If they tried it would be shut down in a nanosecond by the judge. Not to mention, if they allowed that to go through, then Liam could easily mention that he was separated from his wife because she banged his dad and didn't know who got in there first to make the baby, him or his father. Unfortunately for Steffy, her dirt is much dirtier than anything Hope has done, and Steffy has been in a rehab for drug addiction, Hope and Liam have not, and Steffy is now in a facility for depression. Also, the SOD down the road says that Steffy is having some sort of mental breakdown over everything and becomes overly possessive with Finn. It would not matter anyway. If Hope and Liam had a full blown affair while he was living with Steffy as his wife, they would not look at that when it comes to custody. They don't in Indiana, so they sure as hell would not in California. LOL

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 11:49PM (643 days ago) @matisse
edited by Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 11:55PM

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

The law does not work that way. Adoptive parents are exactly the same as bio-parents under the eyes of the law. No difference. And IMHO, there is no difference. Hope is Doug's mother in every sense of the word .
Yes, a judge could order Kelly to live at Liam's given Steffy's history of drug addiction, which is documented through her stint in rehab. And, now she has checked herself into a facility for depression. Hope sleeping with Liam before they were married, and he was either divorced or the papers were filed, would not even get mentioned. If they tried it would be shut down in a nanosecond by the judge. Not to mention, if they allowed that to go through, then Liam could easily mention that he was separated from his wife because she banged his dad and didn't know who got in there first to make the baby, him or his father. Unfortunately for Steffy, her dirt is much dirtier than anything Hope has done, and Steffy has been in a rehab for drug addiction, Hope and Liam have not, and Steffy is now in a facility for depression. Also, the SOD down the road says that Steffy is having some sort of mental breakdown over everything and becomes overly possessive with Finn. It would not matter anyway. If Hope and Liam had a full blown affair while he was living with Steffy as his wife, they would not look at that when it comes to custody. They don't in Indiana, so they sure as hell would not in California. LOL

Actually Hope did take drugs ...but I think Steffy got help and this time it's grief I don't think anything wrong getting help after loss of spouse I think it's normal and I think mental help after a shocking death is a good thing ...nothing wrong with grief and I doubt any judge would look down on it.....Hope got knocked up by a still married guy that ain't cool either....also they live with Brooke whose reputation is bad ...please tell me where you read Steffy becomes overly possessive I would like to read it..thanks

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 7/31/2022, 2:53AM (643 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

The law does not work that way. Adoptive parents are exactly the same as bio-parents under the eyes of the law. No difference. And IMHO, there is no difference. Hope is Doug's mother in every sense of the word .
Yes, a judge could order Kelly to live at Liam's given Steffy's history of drug addiction, which is documented through her stint in rehab. And, now she has checked herself into a facility for depression. Hope sleeping with Liam before they were married, and he was either divorced or the papers were filed, would not even get mentioned. If they tried it would be shut down in a nanosecond by the judge. Not to mention, if they allowed that to go through, then Liam could easily mention that he was separated from his wife because she banged his dad and didn't know who got in there first to make the baby, him or his father. Unfortunately for Steffy, her dirt is much dirtier than anything Hope has done, and Steffy has been in a rehab for drug addiction, Hope and Liam have not, and Steffy is now in a facility for depression. Also, the SOD down the road says that Steffy is having some sort of mental breakdown over everything and becomes overly possessive with Finn. It would not matter anyway. If Hope and Liam had a full blown affair while he was living with Steffy as his wife, they would not look at that when it comes to custody. They don't in Indiana, so they sure as hell would not in California. LOL

Actually Hope did take drugs ...but I think Steffy got help and this time it's grief I don't think anything wrong getting help after loss of spouse I think it's normal and I think mental help after a shocking death is a good thing ...nothing wrong with grief and I doubt any judge would look down on it.....Hope got knocked up by a still married guy that ain't cool either....also they live with Brooke whose reputation is bad ...please tell me where you read Steffy becomes overly possessive I would like to read it..thanks

I read it at SOC and it was listed as a spoiler. I just went to look and I could not find it. I did not page very far back. But, I remember some of what it said, and it was detailed and written like a spoiler from SOD. It said that Steffy has angry words with Li and that she has PTSD from the shooting and losing Finn, to the point she does not want him out of her sight and she begins behaving strangely. That was the gist. They also have a spoiler on there right now that says Taylor and Ridge find themselves in an intimate situation. If so, then Ridge is a cheater and Taylor is a sl**. LOL

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/31/2022, 4:04PM (642 days ago) @matisse

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

The law does not work that way. Adoptive parents are exactly the same as bio-parents under the eyes of the law. No difference. And IMHO, there is no difference. Hope is Doug's mother in every sense of the word .
Yes, a judge could order Kelly to live at Liam's given Steffy's history of drug addiction, which is documented through her stint in rehab. And, now she has checked herself into a facility for depression. Hope sleeping with Liam before they were married, and he was either divorced or the papers were filed, would not even get mentioned. If they tried it would be shut down in a nanosecond by the judge. Not to mention, if they allowed that to go through, then Liam could easily mention that he was separated from his wife because she banged his dad and didn't know who got in there first to make the baby, him or his father. Unfortunately for Steffy, her dirt is much dirtier than anything Hope has done, and Steffy has been in a rehab for drug addiction, Hope and Liam have not, and Steffy is now in a facility for depression. Also, the SOD down the road says that Steffy is having some sort of mental breakdown over everything and becomes overly possessive with Finn. It would not matter anyway. If Hope and Liam had a full blown affair while he was living with Steffy as his wife, they would not look at that when it comes to custody. They don't in Indiana, so they sure as hell would not in California. LOL

Actually Hope did take drugs ...but I think Steffy got help and this time it's grief I don't think anything wrong getting help after loss of spouse I think it's normal and I think mental help after a shocking death is a good thing ...nothing wrong with grief and I doubt any judge would look down on it.....Hope got knocked up by a still married guy that ain't cool either....also they live with Brooke whose reputation is bad ...please tell me where you read Steffy becomes overly possessive I would like to read it..thanks

I read it at SOC and it was listed as a spoiler. I just went to look and I could not find it. I did not page very far back. But, I remember some of what it said, and it was detailed and written like a spoiler from SOD. It said that Steffy has angry words with Li and that she has PTSD from the shooting and losing Finn, to the point she does not want him out of her sight and she begins behaving strangely. That was the gist. They also have a spoiler on there right now that says Taylor and Ridge find themselves in an intimate situation. If so, then Ridge is a cheater and Taylor is a sl**. LOL

Thanks ...ridge cheated by going to Vegas Brooke is used to his ways ..

Thomas vs Lope

Dreamgirl, 7/31/2022, 6:11AM (643 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

The law does not work that way. Adoptive parents are exactly the same as bio-parents under the eyes of the law. No difference. And IMHO, there is no difference. Hope is Doug's mother in every sense of the word .
Yes, a judge could order Kelly to live at Liam's given Steffy's history of drug addiction, which is documented through her stint in rehab. And, now she has checked herself into a facility for depression. Hope sleeping with Liam before they were married, and he was either divorced or the papers were filed, would not even get mentioned. If they tried it would be shut down in a nanosecond by the judge. Not to mention, if they allowed that to go through, then Liam could easily mention that he was separated from his wife because she banged his dad and didn't know who got in there first to make the baby, him or his father. Unfortunately for Steffy, her dirt is much dirtier than anything Hope has done, and Steffy has been in a rehab for drug addiction, Hope and Liam have not, and Steffy is now in a facility for depression. Also, the SOD down the road says that Steffy is having some sort of mental breakdown over everything and becomes overly possessive with Finn. It would not matter anyway. If Hope and Liam had a full blown affair while he was living with Steffy as his wife, they would not look at that when it comes to custody. They don't in Indiana, so they sure as hell would not in California. LOL

Actually Hope did take drugs ...but I think Steffy got help and this time it's grief I don't think anything wrong getting help after loss of spouse I think it's normal and I think mental help after a shocking death is a good thing ...nothing wrong with grief and I doubt any judge would look down on it.....Hope got knocked up by a still married guy that ain't cool either....also they live with Brooke whose reputation is bad ...please tell me where you read Steffy becomes overly possessive I would like to read it..thanks

Didn't Steffy too get knocked up by a still married guy and had to have a paternity test? I think that's even less cool, lol.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/31/2022, 4:08PM (642 days ago) @Dreamgirl

I don't know why these women keep getting pregnant they need birth control lessons at forester ..I think Hope get knocked up on purpose ...because Liam a few days before sent flowers and was heading home ....Steffy was just dumb....

Thomas vs Lope

q, 7/31/2022, 6:19PM (642 days ago) @Barbybo

I don't know why these women keep getting pregnant they need birth control lessons at forester ..I think Hope get knocked up on purpose ...because Liam a few days before sent flowers and was heading home ....Steffy was just dumb....

Hope did not get knocked up on purpose. Steffy however told her mother she was working on a Christmas miracle when she got knocked up on purpose.


Thomas vs Lope

Drangonfly @, 7/31/2022, 3:16AM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever- one person liked this

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Hoping you are right, love to see Douglas AWAY from Hope, he needs to be with his father and a new wife.

Why? Hope is Doug's LEGAL mother and the ONLY mother he can remember. Why in the world would any judge allow him to be taken away from a loving home where his little sister lives, to go and be with the man that WANTED him to live with his adoptive mother? And then Doug would have to get to know and live with some strange woman, if Tom gets lucky? I really hope this is the one SL Bell tires to do real to life. Tom would not stand a snowballs chance in hell of taking that kid to live with him permanently. A family court judge would read through all the record and know that the arrangement they have now, is working just fine. I cannot even think what Tom would use as his reason for instigating this kind of battle. Hope is the legal mother, per Tom's doing. She is as legal a mother to him as if she gave birth to him herself. Tom seems pretty comfortable having Doug whenever he wants, overnights with him, and Tom currently has no home of his own. It is not like Tom wants to stop paying child support, he doesn't pay it now. It is not like Tom doesn't share 50/50 legal custody with Hope, he shares that now. He just does not have physical custody because the court declares only one parent can have it.
Also, if this is allowed, then maybe Liam should tell Steffy he wants Kelly to come live with him and Hope permanently, and she can have visitation anytime she wants. It would be no different than what Tom is going to try and pull. And why not? Steffy just checked herself into a mental institutions, not her first time in rehab either. Kelly has a sister close to her own age at Liam's. So, she won't be losing a sibling living in the home with her. Since Finn is a doctor, he is not around as much to help, like Hope is for Liam. Both families have grandmothers living on the same property to help. Yeah, I think Liam should go after physical custody of Kelly. He is her daddy after all, not Finn.

There’s a difference as Hope is not Douglas biological child while Kelly is Steffy’s biological child
As if a judge would get Kelly aways from her mother bc she had a breakdown over losing her husband and being shot !
A trial exposing Hope banging Steffy s husband and getting knocked up right after Kelly was born would be fun to watch though

What would be fun to watch is Hope telling the judge that Thomas wanted to trade Douglas for sex.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

Thomas vs Lope

q, 7/30/2022, 11:23AM (644 days ago) @BBfanforever- 4 people liked this[O]

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Taylor was pushing to get Douglas away from Hope when she first came back. She was the one originally pushing to have Hope take care of Douglas.

Thomas vs Lope

Viola, 7/30/2022, 8:14PM (643 days ago) @q

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Taylor was pushing to get Douglas away from Hope when she first came back. She was the one originally pushing to have Hope take care of Douglas.

She wanted it only on the terms that Thomas will be raising Douglas with Hope and that way Liam will be free for Steffy.

Thomas vs Lope

KKLBAB12, 7/30/2022, 1:43PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever

Thomas isn't a fit father but it won't matter. The World Renowned Psychiatrist will get him his son. This will start Liam vs Thomas again. It will be interesting to see what lawyers these 2 get. Carter or Justin likely won't be options.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 7:17PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Paris no thanks...they should hire new......why can tom and Hope do fifty fifty he don't have to stay in that cabin seven days

Thomas vs Lope

q, 7/30/2022, 8:17PM (643 days ago) @Barbybo

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Paris no thanks...they should hire new......why can tom and Hope do fifty fifty he don't have to stay in that cabin seven days

Pretty sure they already do. Thomas gets Douglas any time he wants.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 11:42PM (643 days ago) @q

Now we can guess the new SL for lope isn’t a triangle but surely a custody battle for Douglas …
Doesn’t it also mean no Logan for Thomas ! No Katie no Bridget would side with him and help him against Hope
Can we dream BB hire a long overdue new love interest for MA ?
I sure hope Paris CANNOT be his next pairing !
Thoughts ?

Paris no thanks...they should hire new......why can tom and Hope do fifty fifty he don't have to stay in that cabin seven days

Pretty sure they already do. Thomas gets Douglas any time he wants.

Another story Doug gets stressed poor kid can't get a break....lets hope this isn't more kid stories I hope

Thomas vs Lope

GracieGirl, 7/30/2022, 9:12PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 8/1/2022, 7:52AM (642 days ago) @GracieGirl

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one


Thomas vs Lope

Drangonfly @, 8/1/2022, 8:38AM (642 days ago) @Barbybo

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

Hope wanted Douglas for one reason. She became close to him because Thomas used him in his psychotic scheme to get Hope away from Liam. He gave her a phony picture and a forged letter from Caroline. He terrorized him with a fake ghost. He made him propose to her. And when it wasn't working he threatened to move to NY with Hope and leave him alone in LA. And then he threatened him physically to the point where Douglas was cowering from him. That's why Hope wanted him.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

Thomas vs Lope

q, 8/1/2022, 11:47AM (642 days ago) @Barbybo

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

What is weird about wanting Douglas and not being related to him. Adoptive parents aren't related and they want and love children all the time. There was no one else that wanted Douglas. Apparently Taylor didn't think it was weird. BTW Liam is related to Douglas.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 8/1/2022, 11:52AM (642 days ago) @q

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

What is weird about wanting Douglas and not being related to him. Adoptive parents aren't related and they want and love children all the time. There was no one else that wanted Douglas. Apparently Taylor didn't think it was weird. BTW Liam is related to Douglas.

Liam a cousin the one who said his plate was full....hmm guess we're suppose to forget Brooke snuck to a lawyer not even telling Hope then they worked tom, but it was his toms choice made no sense at all...he could have stayed at Eric's or with Steffy but they write him with Hope a non relative to tie him to tom I wonder why


Thomas vs Lope

Drangonfly @, 8/1/2022, 11:58AM (642 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

What is weird about wanting Douglas and not being related to him. Adoptive parents aren't related and they want and love children all the time. There was no one else that wanted Douglas. Apparently Taylor didn't think it was weird. BTW Liam is related to Douglas.

Liam a cousin the one who said his plate was full....hmm guess we're suppose to forget Brooke snuck to a lawyer not even telling Hope then they worked tom, but it was his toms choice made no sense at all...he could have stayed at Eric's or with Steffy but they write him with Hope a non relative to tie him to tom I wonder why

But none of the Forresters wanted him. Not, Ridge, not Eric, not Steffy, not Taylor. Thomas was actually going to trade him away for sex.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 8/1/2022, 8:57PM (641 days ago) @Drangonfly

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

What is weird about wanting Douglas and not being related to him. Adoptive parents aren't related and they want and love children all the time. There was no one else that wanted Douglas. Apparently Taylor didn't think it was weird. BTW Liam is related to Douglas.

Liam a cousin the one who said his plate was full....hmm guess we're suppose to forget Brooke snuck to a lawyer not even telling Hope then they worked tom, but it was his toms choice made no sense at all...he could have stayed at Eric's or with Steffy but they write him with Hope a non relative to tie him to tom I wonder why

But none of the Forresters wanted him. Not, Ridge, not Eric, not Steffy, not Taylor. Thomas was actually going to trade him away for sex.

I don't recall a family discussing it at all Hope just pulled a fastey...I think the writers were nuts on that one...jmo


Thomas vs Lope

Drangonfly @, 8/1/2022, 9:30PM (641 days ago) @Barbybo

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

What is weird about wanting Douglas and not being related to him. Adoptive parents aren't related and they want and love children all the time. There was no one else that wanted Douglas. Apparently Taylor didn't think it was weird. BTW Liam is related to Douglas.

Liam a cousin the one who said his plate was full....hmm guess we're suppose to forget Brooke snuck to a lawyer not even telling Hope then they worked tom, but it was his toms choice made no sense at all...he could have stayed at Eric's or with Steffy but they write him with Hope a non relative to tie him to tom I wonder why

But none of the Forresters wanted him. Not, Ridge, not Eric, not Steffy, not Taylor. Thomas was actually going to trade him away for sex.

I don't recall a family discussing it at all Hope just pulled a fastey...I think the writers were nuts on that one...jmo

Not one of them stepped up to take him. Ridge moved into Eric's and left him at Brooke's house. Then after Thomas was busted at his wedding to Zoe, Ridge and Steffy told him to go home and be happy with Hope and Liam. Taylor didn't want him, obviously, because she left the country the very day of his mother's memorial service.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 8/1/2022, 9:54PM (641 days ago) @Barbybo

Thomas used Douglas to seduce Hope. May he forever suffer the consequences of his actions. He’s yet to pay the price for what he did to Hope and others. It’s not like he made a little mistake. He brought it all on himself.

Hope wanted the kid she wasn't even related it was so weird ...why they tied these two together was weird was a odd storyline.......let tom get a new gal no rewashed one

What is weird about wanting Douglas and not being related to him. Adoptive parents aren't related and they want and love children all the time. There was no one else that wanted Douglas. Apparently Taylor didn't think it was weird. BTW Liam is related to Douglas.

Liam a cousin the one who said his plate was full....hmm guess we're suppose to forget Brooke snuck to a lawyer not even telling Hope then they worked tom, but it was his toms choice made no sense at all...he could have stayed at Eric's or with Steffy but they write him with Hope a non relative to tie him to tom I wonder why

But none of the Forresters wanted him. Not, Ridge, not Eric, not Steffy, not Taylor. Thomas was actually going to trade him away for sex.

I don't recall a family discussing it at all Hope just pulled a fastey...I think the writers were nuts on that one...jmo

They did not want him. Taylor left town and never looked back. Let's face it, Taylor's favorite child is Steffy, so Steffy's kids are her favorite grandchildren. She doesn't seem to care as much about Tom or his son. Brooke cares about Douglas more than Taylor ever has been shown to care. Does anyone really think if Tom had been shot, that Taylor would be even going over to Hope's to help with his son? No way.

Ridge too does not seem to interested anymore in the "boy" he swore to protect and love, and wanted to keep away from his real daddy. I think once Ridge was found out about his scheme to steal his own grandson from his son, he just wanted the embarrassing reminder to disappear. Steffy never once offered to take poor Douglas, she was too busy chasing Liam, sleeping with his daddy, and doing drugs, to be concerned with what happened to poor motherless Doug. In fact, Steffy probably was hoping Hope would become his mother because it would free Liam up for her. LOL.

Douglas is fine where he is, Tom seems him any time he wants and al is good. This SL sounds like it is going to have the stink of Taylor all over it. If so, I hope Tom asks his mother why she is so worried about his son now, when she could even be bothered to come home when Tom was sick in the hospital. Or better yet, maybe he should be asking her just exactly WHY she gave all 25% of her shares in FC to Steffy, completely and gave him nothing. He IS more important to FC that his noncreative sister.


Thomas vs Lope

Foreverbeauty, 7/30/2022, 9:38PM (643 days ago) @BBfanforever

Paris is in Zende’s orbit. And I think she’ll stay there.

Thomas vs Lope

dxdobson, 7/30/2022, 10:10PM (643 days ago) @Foreverbeauty

I always wanted Paris with Zende until they messed her up with Carter! That should never have happened!
As far as Douglas I think it is horrible that Thomas will take the child. When Hope found out Beth was her baby she rightfully wanted her baby and it was important for them to bond.
Douglas knows his mother died. His aunt Steffy had no time for him, although she had time for an adopted baby. His grandmother had no time for him, although she would have stayed in LA if Ridge had said he wanted her. Only Hope, Brooke and Ridge took care of that boy. Thomas did when he wasn’t chasing Hope.
Really disgusting. So Ridge will be okay with this because they are a family now? Will this be another reason for him and Brooke to fight?
Just sucks what Thomas is doing to Douglas. Not Hope. Douglas!
Oh and by the way - Brooke was taking care of Douglass before he moved with Hope. Meals. Baths. PJ’s prayers, bedtime stories, play dates. Brooke and Ridge took care of him - mostly Grandma Brooke!

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 11:38PM (643 days ago) @dxdobson

I always wanted Paris with Zende until they messed her up with Carter! That should never have happened!
As far as Douglas I think it is horrible that Thomas will take the child. When Hope found out Beth was her baby she rightfully wanted her baby and it was important for them to bond.
Douglas knows his mother died. His aunt Steffy had no time for him, although she had time for an adopted baby. His grandmother had no time for him, although she would have stayed in LA if Ridge had said he wanted her. Only Hope, Brooke and Ridge took care of that boy. Thomas did when he wasn’t chasing Hope.
Really disgusting. So Ridge will be okay with this because they are a family now? Will this be another reason for him and Brooke to fight?
Just sucks what Thomas is doing to Douglas. Not Hope. Douglas!
Oh and by the way - Brooke was taking care of Douglass before he moved with Hope. Meals. Baths. PJ’s prayers, bedtime stories, play dates. Brooke and Ridge took care of him - mostly Grandma Brooke!

The kid loves his daddy fifty fifty sounds good to me...the kids getting big he can soon decide where he lives

Thomas vs Lope

matisse, 8/1/2022, 10:01PM (641 days ago) @Barbybo

I always wanted Paris with Zende until they messed her up with Carter! That should never have happened!
As far as Douglas I think it is horrible that Thomas will take the child. When Hope found out Beth was her baby she rightfully wanted her baby and it was important for them to bond.
Douglas knows his mother died. His aunt Steffy had no time for him, although she had time for an adopted baby. His grandmother had no time for him, although she would have stayed in LA if Ridge had said he wanted her. Only Hope, Brooke and Ridge took care of that boy. Thomas did when he wasn’t chasing Hope.
Really disgusting. So Ridge will be okay with this because they are a family now? Will this be another reason for him and Brooke to fight?
Just sucks what Thomas is doing to Douglas. Not Hope. Douglas!
Oh and by the way - Brooke was taking care of Douglass before he moved with Hope. Meals. Baths. PJ’s prayers, bedtime stories, play dates. Brooke and Ridge took care of him - mostly Grandma Brooke!

The kid loves his daddy fifty fifty sounds good to me...the kids getting big he can soon decide where he lives

They have 50/50 now. Hope is the physical custodial parent. Only one person can be the custodial parent. The rest is called 50/50 shared legal custody. Which is what Tom and Hope have now. Tom wanted Hope to have physical custody of Douglas. Douglas would have to be 14 to be able to choose where he wants to reside. There is no reason to change any of it now. Tom sees Douglas anytime he wants, and has him overnight anytime he wants. Tom does not pay Hope child support. Like I said earlier, this has the stink of Taylor and maybe Steffy, all over it. I hope it comes back to bite all Hamilton Gang in the butt.

Thomas vs Lope

Barbybo, 7/30/2022, 11:39PM (643 days ago) @Foreverbeauty

Paris is in Zende’s orbit. And I think she’ll stay there.

Zende r is a nice hard working young guy one failed marriage he should stay single..Paris I was hoping she would exit take obnoxious mom with her

Thomas vs Lope

BBDownunder, 8/1/2022, 10:09PM (641 days ago) @Barbybo

Paris is in Zende’s orbit. And I think she’ll stay there.

Zende r is a nice hard working young guy one failed marriage he should stay single..Paris I was hoping she would exit take obnoxious mom with her

one marriage is nothing on this show- he has lots of catching up to do :-D

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