Is Hope too involved with Finn?

PatriotGirl @, 5/8/2024, 3:11PM(11 days ago) @Joy

Saying I am here etc it’s just not her place…..remember she worked Liam same way marriage troubles then she got knocked up

I remember it well and “working Liam” was exactly the way I saw it. Every scene in that roach motel with Liam and Hope grated on my nerves…Hope “helping” Steffy while passive aggressively dissing her to Liam and ultimately telling him she would never do to him what Steffy did. Errr, no, you didn’t sleep with your FIL once because you were devastated and thought your marriage was over, you fantasized about your husband’s nemesis for months and then had an actual sexual relationship with him for many more months. She’s setting the table now with Finn. It’s coming and he’s an oblivious dolt who would never see it. Personally I’m hoping Steffy realizes Finn is a lost cause and kicks him out before Hope can take advantage of her “marriage troubles” again. She can have him after the fact, and then let’s see how she enjoys walking her talk about psycho mommy. As I recall Hope didn’t want her kids around Deacon if he was involved with Sheila. I don’t remember her ever dropping that tidbit on Finn, just acting angelically understanding of his feelings to his face.

After the way Steffy has treated Hope, Hope owes Steffy nothing. Hope owed Steffy nothing then either. Steffy had inserted herself in every relationship that Hope had, standing by willing to take the leftovers. Bill had a lot to do with Liam not going back to Steffy. Steffy is the one that choose to have sex with her father-in-law. Liam was going back to her until Bill made it look like he and Steffy was still having an affair. If Hope actually bangs Finn tomorrow, it would be nothing that Steffy hasn't already done to Hope with Liam. It is weird that it is ok for Steffy to not want her children around Sheila, but not for Hope not to want Beth around Sheila. Finn is a grown man who can see Sheila on his own. Just because Hope is willing to listen to him doesn't mean that she or her kids have to be around Sheila.

Perhaps Hope shouldn’t have agreed/offered to “help” Steffy back then if she hadn’t gotten past their previous interactions. I really don’t think Sheila will be satisfied with just Finn; she’s made a big deal of “her family”, “her grandchildren”, even including Kelly under that umbrella when she has zero bio connection to the kid. Since this is all about the bio connection … “primal” per Finn’s words… I don’t know how that fits in, but Sheila wants to be involved with Hayes and Kelly, and would want to be involved with Beth and Douglas too. Heck, she called Steffy her family the other day. She wants it all. If Hope didn’t want her kids around Deacon because he was involved with Sheila, then she shouldn’t want her kids around Finn if he’s involved with Sheila. Hope will ultimately prove herself to be the great pretender again or she will sincerely come to believe Sheila has changed and accept her into her family with Deacon (and her family with Finn if it goes that way). I find it interesting that many people who are adamant that Thomas can’t change seem to feel it’s possible for Sheila and vice versa. I think if we have a changed Thomas and a changed Sheila running around we have an even more boring show than we have now, and that’s saying a lot. Personally I hope Finn and, depending on how this goes, Hope, find out the hard way that Sheila will never really change. I don’t blame Steffy one bit for not wanting Finn to have anything to do with Sheila. If Finn’s draw to Sheila is so strong against all logic (again, per his words), then so be it. I think the situation is the very definition of an irreconcilable difference in a marriage. I think if Hope had been shot calling 911 trying to save her husband’s life, and believed him to be dead for months, it wouldn’t be so easy to say “no judgement” to someone who now wants to accept the shooter. In the end she couldn’t commit to Thomas, and while we or she may not know why for sure, it may be that even her capacity for forgiveness has its limits.

When Hope agreed to help Steffy, Hope didn't have all of the details. Bill is the one that made it look like he and Steffy was still carrying on an affair. Why would Hope encourage Liam to go back to Steffy if Hope thought Steffy was still having an affair with Bill. It was not the first time that Steffy had an affair with Bill so it wouldn't be too hard to believe that she was doing it again. I am not saying that Sheila has changed. Only time will tell, but I don't buy that Thomas has changed either. He has "changed" before only to not have changed after all. Ridge is always running around hollering that his boy has changed until Thomas pulls another deceitful stunt.

Bill didn't make it look like they were still having an affair until Liam decided he was going back to Steffy. Before that Hope was practically begging Liam to sign the AP's so they could start their life together. She even offered to drive him downtown to file them. She constantly made remarks about "What Steffy and Bill did" to keep it fresh in his memory when he softened towards her. Hope is trash.

Hope is not the trash that slept with her father-in-law over a kiss. :whistle

Hope is the trash that gaslighted her husband for months while fantasizing about Thomas during sex. That told Liam that she would never betray him. The trash that couldn't wait to get Steffy's husband for herself when she returned from Italy even though Steffy was having a baby and she knew he still loved Steffy. Then complained years later that he had a divided heart as an excuse to cheat on him.

Steffy is the trash that tried to spread her nasty little legs around Oliver knowing that he was in a relationship with Hope only to get her little nasty behind turned down. Steffy even made fun of Hope for being a virgin when Steffy was far on the other side of the spectrum. Steffy is the trash that had an affair with a married Bill. Steffy would have done the deed with Bill if Taylor had not caught them. Steffy even bought an apartment where she was free to get it on with Bill, only to be dumped. Then Steffy set her cha cha cha sites on Liam who was in a relationship with Hope. Steffy is the trash that has a reputation for going after married and taken men. She has two kids and had to have paternity test for both. That is pure trash.

Hope is still trash.

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