Has Finn got a twin?

howeveryouknow, 5/5/2024, 7:58PM(13 days ago) @fan87

Actually we never had a real Dr Finnegan. His character was always kind of wishy-washy, whatever was needed for the show at the moment. From the moment Sheila turned up at the wedding Sinn were doomed.
Finn was allowed his hero moments, fighting Sheila when she held him captive or when he was the only one able to save Eric, but the zero moments became more and more.
Now he will obviously sacrifice his marriage for being with Sheila. :roll

Yes, we have known the real Finn. Finn is a protector. He loves fiercely his closed ones and would do anything for them, INCLUDING, take a bullet for them. So yes, seeing Finn potentially sacrificing his most valued relationships for Sheila, the psycho, who shot him and left him to die, is making him quite unrecognizable.

I actually see the things he did to protect Steffy as part of the reason why Finn wants to believe Sheila has changed. He is protective of people and he truly believes Sheila has changed, citing saving Kelly and trying to save them from Sugar. I mean hardened criminals in real life are sometimes released from prison if they think they are truly reformed. Maybe Finn believes that?

Finn should not believe that. It is foolish to do so. He should always have his guard up when it comes to Sheila. Sheila has been in and out of prison and continued to commit crimes. Also, Sheila has never paid for actually shooting Finn and Steffy and hold Finn hostage. She faked her death and then blackmailed them in order to escape justice.

When it comes to saving Kelly—she was stalking them, that's how she was put in that position. Finn should also be more upset that his negligence led to a situation where the Forresters would have to be grateful to someone who terrorized them for decades. Sugar came back to pull a revenge on Sheila should be proof of the type of disaster Sheila leaves her way, and if Sheila had warned people ahead of time, then it would be more believable.

All in all, Finn believing Sheila can change will come back to bite him. They are sacrificing Finn's character for Sheila and I'm disgusted. You never use victims to redeem villains.

I understand your points but look at all the characters on this show who have committed crimes and been forgiven or even justified? Shelia has been terrible for sure, but let’s also be honest in she has never had anyone really care for her. Now she has both Finn and Deacon, maybe love can change even the worst people IF they truly want to change. Finn may get burned, but he is still doing what his conscience is guiding and I admire that goodness in him.

Finn is a good kind-hearted man, but he needs to be written with having limitations. Sheila cannot and should not be able to come back from shooting him, his wife and leaving him to die in a pile of garbage and almost leaving his son an orphan, and then hold him hostage and attempting to kill Li. As a victim of Sheila's, Finn should be allowed to hold a lifetime grudge against her, LIKE ALL her victims have. What we are witnessing here (ever since Finn hugged her in prison) is character regression.

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