Is Deacon the new punching bag? (Spoilers)

Joy, 4/18/2024, 6:32PM(13 days ago) @Sammy

Why does everybody find it necessary to go to Deacon's restaurant and tell him how they feel about Sheila? What is it to high and mighty Lauren if Deacon is grieving Sheila's death? She is almost as bad as Steffy. Lauren needs to hop back on her broom and fly back east.

High and mighty? She drugged Lauren's husband to get pregnant by him. Then stole Lauren's baby when she lost her own. She left Lauren tied up in a farmhouse to burn to death, tried to drown her in a hot tub, poison her and blow her up in a yacht. And that's only part of it. Deacon should heed Lauren's warning if the monster comes back from the dead. Sheila will turn on him someday too.

Lauren has no business going to Finn's place of business and gloating. Finn has a right to mourn Sheila without that windbag huffing and puffing in his face. Why should it bother Lauren so much if Finn had a memorial service for Sheila? Why should it bother Lauren if Finn mourns Shiela or cared for her? Why is it any of Lauren's business? Especially since Lauren is married to an attempted rapist. Is she forgetting that her own husband tried to rape Christine when he first came to town? Lauren asked how Deacon could love Sheila, well how can Lauren love an attempted rapist? Michael is not on the level as Sheila, but he does not have a picture-perfect past either.


Thank you.

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