The divided heart is not a good look or entertaining

Dreamgirl, 2/25/2024, 8:48PM(78 days ago) @PatriotGirl- 2 people liked this

After I read this article at Soap She Knows - I pasted the link at the bottom - some of complaints about Danny Romalati on YR remind me of complaints about Bold’s Liam Spencer. They are supposed to be romantic figures but I am not sure a cad makes a good romantic figure. The worst thing is when they think they are nice guys and can’t see they are being cads. Finn is my idea of a romantic type. I can see women chasing behind him because he is truly a nice guy, handsome and brilliant. He is clear he only has eyes for Steffy. That doesn’t mean he isn’t vulnerable to making mistakes but it will not be because his heart is divided. And at this point playing games or tricks is beneath him.

And this is why Finn must be destroyed, lol. Liam can leave a pregnant Steffy on the ground begging and crying, and Leffy will still be an acceptable couple:puke But let Finn so much as look at Sheila with compassion and he will not be good enough for Steffy any more. Finn is supposed to be Steffys personal puppet, that agrees with every single thing she says and does, or else! But Liam? He can make all the false promises he wants, and keep using Steffy like a band aid, and still have a shot with Steffy. Which means it won’t take much to destroy Finn. All they have to do is write him empathizing with Sheila. That by itself will reassure his exit and Liams entrance. How quickly it’s forgotten that this man was ready to die for Steffy while Liam can’t even promise her his full loyalty. In my opinion Steffy doesn’t deserve a guy like Finn. It will serve her right if she turns to Liam and Finn decides to move on and then she realizes that as usual, for the umpteenth time, Liam never meant what he said.

Steffy is his wife and he needs to stand by her, not the woman who was nothing more than his incubator and didn't give a damn about knowing him until he married into the Forrester family. I could forgive him for a lot but taking Sheila's side is a big NO for me.

What exactly has Sheila done to Steffy since being released from prison? Exactly nothing. And if that’s how you feel about Finn taking Sheilas side then how do you feel about Steffy actually setting her free? Steffy is lucky Finn is a decent person. And the support goes both ways. He is being more than a supportive husband simply by not throwing it in Steffys face that Sheila is free because of Steffy and her coward mother. Anyone else would have reminded her of this fact every single time she brought up her vendetta against Sheila. By setting her free Steffy herself put her and Finns kids at risk. She was the one who was not a supportive wife, and kudos to Finn for not bringing that up every time she gets it into her head that she needs to go punch Sheila again, who is doing nothing more than minding her own business.

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