Please Stop with the Hope and Finn Stuff

hopeyougogirl, 10/9/2023, 2:50PM(223 days ago) @takerkid- 5 people liked this

The show has found absolute lightning in a bottle with Thope. Just go with it. Stop the hem-hawing around and go with it. Their chemistry is off the charts. The insinuation of a potential Hope and Finn pairing is patently absurd. First of all Hope spent so many years in a relationship with a man that clearly dragged the character down with his boringness as evidenced by how much more vibrant and alive she is now without him. Putting her with another boring character would do Hope a great disservice. Moreover she'd being going backwards back with another man who's in love with Steffy. No thank you. Just stick with Thope.

Nah..I'm enjoying their friendship..Hope will now be focusing on Sheacon drama instead of itching for the for me! The show has way overplayed creepy, forced Thope with their lust fest..that they killed their "chemistry" imo..not to mention, Thope are so shallow and one dimentional, boring and predictable..2 seconds into their scene, down they go.:sleep :sleep

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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