well that went swimmingly

Liz @, 8/28/2023, 4:26PM(264 days ago) @Tiqui1999

liam wasn't interested in a word thomas said and pretty much told him to buzz off :lol
not sure what thomas was thinking or why he thought liam would care about anything he said

Thomas went there to see if Liam was going to be an issue in his pursuit of Hope. Also, I agree with GracieGirl, Thomas wen there to brag to Hope that he went to see Liam because her happiness is his priority. What a scum bucket.

Something is not right about it. If it's been a few days since beth's party and Hope has not talked to Thomas -- why would Thomas go to Liam? The last Thomas knew, Hope was trying to reconcile. There was no reason for Thomas to go there and say anything except to snoop. What if Liam had said, "Dude, we're back together? Why are you even here?"

The visit was either a writing mistake or Thomas reeks of obsession.


It reeks of obsession, IMO. No other reason for Thomas to see Liam, to talk to Liam, to say anything to Liam about Hope or his marriage. Can't be a writing mistake because it's like the elephant in the room. Surely, someone on the show would have caught that kind of error.

You would think so, I agree, but I always have to leave room for the writers to overlook stuff since the writing as been so shoddy.

Yes, there is that, but they were promoting this face to face with Thomas and Liam. You think they would have made sure it was all wrapped with a bow.

It's just weird because Thomas went to Hope and said he'd gone to see Liam because Thomas had wanted to confront Liam about the reality that Hope wanted to own her mistake and put her marriage back together. Why? Why would Thomas want to do this? What is even the purpose? Especially if no one knew how Liam and Hope's talk had gone yet. It's just weird. For all Thomas knew, Hope hadn't even talked to Liam yet herself.

Yes, the fluidity of the lead up appears disjointed.

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