I don’t think Thope is going to be Hope’s pairing

matisse, 6/27/2023, 12:49PM(311 days ago) @jammer- one person liked this

I really don't care who Hope ends up with as long as it isn't the mental creeper Tom.

If it is Thope then Bell will be covering all the sicko bases with the pairing. Her stalker, Beth and Douglas' abuser, the guy that wanted Beth to be dead to Hope forever, and it reeks of a type of incest. Thope share a bio-brother. Tom use to babysit her when he was 18 and she was 5. He is the guy she called her "bwig bwother" and he is the same guy that told her she would always be his little sister, when she had to leave her home because Taylor came back. That is seriously some strange stuff....just like Ridget was on the way to being some strange stuff until RM put his foot down and told them "no". Ridget shared many talks, a romantic walk on the beach, the music from "A Man and a Woman", and one kiss....then it was done. Forever. As Thope should now be done, forever.

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