Hope’/ reaction

EnjoyB&B, 6/25/2023, 10:24AM(329 days ago) @Sammy- 2 people liked this

If her her nonchalant attitude about kissing Thomas is intentional, what does that mean? If it’s not intentional what does that say? I think if it is intentional, it could say that the show is giving us a hint that all is not well with Hope. If it is unintentional it could mean it’s just a story and it doesn’t have to make sense.

They wanted to enjoy their idyllic day with each other without having to think about anything else.

Exactly correct

What was odd to me was when Hope and Thomas were just about to leave that cafe and the couple came in and asked for a photo with Hope (as the girl was such a BIG fan). I found it weird that that didn't snap Hope out of her little fantasy with Thomas and have her realize that she is a well known public figure and needed to be careful for her image. Nothing seemed to register - she just posed and smiled while Thomas took the photo like he was the proud boyfriend and then they sauntered off together. I totally agree with those who say this whole incident after the big kissing scene is bizarre... NO shock/no conversation/no nothing. Just smiling at each other tenderly, walking around holding hands and acting as if it's all normal. It is NOT normal.

Why does it have to be Hope’s little fantasy? Obviously she wanted to kiss Thomas

Hope is married. She kissed another man (not just a little smooch, they basically made out) and then proceeds to walk around smiling and holding hands like she and Thomas were on a date without a care in the world. In some little world of their own - THAT fantasy. The 'fan' coming up to get a picture should have snapped Hope out of her reverie to remember who she is. Yeah, she's a big 'celebrity' I guess, but she is also a wife. And a mother.

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