theduchess, 6/16/2023, 11:31PM(336 days ago) @Liz- one person liked this

Hope kisses Thomas. Liam sees it, and again instead of confronting HER, he runs away to Steffy. Same script different day.
Well this time Steffy won’t be sleeping with Liam, but Liam and Hope will have MAJOR issues!
And while this DOES NOT excuse Hope, this is also a repeat if Hope sees Liam kiss Steffy. Hope runs away. Rather than confront thry run - which is so unrealistic.
As far as a plane crash - no way!
Another back from the dead story. No.

Why should Liam confront Hope? He knew something was off. He begged Hope to do something. He already asked her if she had feelings for Thomas. Hope looked at him and lied to his face. Again. And again. And again. Liam sees Hope initiating the kiss, not Thomas. And, we don't know if he goes to Steffy. Maybe Steffy runs into him. Either way. Hope crossed the line.

he doesn't go to steffy, he is alone and shell shocked and steffy happens to see him so she walks over to talk to him, no one even knew liam was there and i'm pretty sure steffy will be the only one to know, liam may not even want her to say anything

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