Am I the only one to think

GLFan, 5/30/2023, 8:36AM(355 days ago) @Sammy- one person liked this
edited by unknown, 5/30/2023, 8:51AM

She is wrong to think she can get over it while working with Tom, but she is not deliberately lying . It is at worst a white lie

Hope is deliberately lying. There is no “white lie”, this is a full blown gaslighting lie. Liam asked her directly if she had feelings for Thomas and Hope lied through her teeth to her husband.

Hope doesn’t even know how she feels yet. Until she figures it out, why tell any one. That makes no sense until figuring it out. So far there has been no lie since she doesn’t know. That has been very clear in the show. Thinking or dreaming means little

Hope knows that she has feelings for Thomas. Her heart is racing, she is having fantasies, even seeing Thomas while she is having sex with her husband. Because she knows she has feelings for Thomas, she is overreacting, she is overcompensating and she is having Thomas inspired sex to the degree that Liam told Wyatt that in all the time he’s known Hope, she has never been so passionate. Oh yes, Hope knows how she feels and she is lying about it.

This is a tv show so it is a matter of opinion and I don’t believe she knows

This was what Brad Bell said in the SOD spring preview so if Hope realizing she’s having feelings for Thomas is not coming through they’re not doing a good job with the dialog or the flashbacks or the music or something…….

“Liam/Hope/Thomas: “Liam’s intuition tells him something is amiss with Thomas and Hope working together, but he can’t seem to place it or prove it just yet. Meanwhile, Thomas continues to work on himself and step up to the plate to co-exist with Hope in a platonic way, unaware of her burgeoning feelings for him. This brings us to Hope. She’ll have quite a month trying to navigate her love, commitment and her marriage to Liam while simultaneously attempting to fight off her own amorous emotions she’s feeling for Thomas. Hope worries that she’s more like Brooke than she realizes when it comes to men and needing the drama of a bad boy. This story takes exciting turns in May, especially when Thomas and Steffy realize what is happening with Hope.”

Definitions of amorous include “strongly moved by love and especially sexual love”, “of or expressing sexual desire”, “ inclined or disposed to love, especially sexual love”. Hope may still need to figure out whether it’s love or just sexual attraction she’s feeling but the truthful answer to do you have feelings for Thomas is yes. She just doesn’t want to blow up her marriage over it, at least not yet, and that’s what telling the truth would do.

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