What do you think of Thomas' change?

B&Bfan1980, 5/22/2023, 11:40PM(363 days ago) @CaptainHook- one person liked this

I'm just sick he always has to beg and apologize and prove he has changed, for me anyone who judges him is a hypocrite , if I were Tom I'd walk away from the company start my own fashion house & tell everyone to jump off a cliff

I mean, he has done terrible things and gotten away with basically all of it. The worst thing to happen is Daddy and Steffy were mad for a few weeks. If he weren't rich he would be In prison. With that said. Almost every character on this show has done something that could have landed them in prison. And the level of hypocrisy is sickening. So I can't stay that mad at Thomas.

I think back to Stephanie, and at times she was downright evil, far worse than Thomas, and somehow she is remembered as the saintly matriarch, so...

I also wish we still had another fashion house. I was saying in another post how nice it was when one of the Forresters would jump ship and design for the other side.

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