sod spoilers for next week (Spoilers)

matisse, 5/17/2023, 11:49PM(351 days ago) @DC- 2 people liked this
edited by matisse, 5/17/2023, 11:55PM

wyatt convinces liam to make the next romantic move with hope

brooke struggles to keep her newfound relationship with taylor intact

hope is blindsided by the accusation that steffy has leveled against her

Forget the friendship brooke you don't believe in it, all Ridge has to do is show up at your house and you will start flirting again.

Taylor is the one scamming, and she does not believe her made up pact rules either...and the pact had nothing to do with never being with Ridge again, for either woman. Taylor just realized that there was no way Ridge was going to be coming back to her, so she made up her new rules of the pact game. I loathe Taylor but even I was surprised at how blatantly she was trying to pimp Brooke out to Deacon today. And, from the look on Deacon's face at the end, he is on to her. I hope the first scene tomorrow is him laughing at her transparency and telling her to just give up....that Bridge always come back together. And, I want him to be kind about it. Deacon and Taylor would make for a good pairing. Who does not root for 2 losers in love, that find each other? They could be the Bridge rejects that find happiness together.

NEVER Deacon and Taylor, a WRP, Deacon belongs with Brooke they share a child and speak the same language. Their sex scenes are often discussed by fans, your own daughter husband, go Brooke. And this all happened in Brooke's office, Taylor does not stand a chance.

Well Taylor screwed the love of her daughters life, which led to that daughter going nuts in the car and getting killed. I think Taylor speaks his language just fine. Both are losers in love and as I recall, she ran straight to Deacon last July when Ridge came over to Steffy's and told her he was going home to Brooke. LOL. I am sure she will sniffle her way over to the restaurant when Bridge comes back from Italy, engaged. . Taylor is no WRP, she is more like a world renowned quack. The Breacon sex scenes were literally 21 years ago, and yes they are still talked about, but never been revisited. But, Taylor has much more in common with Deacon, than Brooke does, they are both drunks and criminals that have been in jail. Only difference is, Deacon never killed while drunk, like Taylor did, drunk, and lying to the cops. LOL In fact, Deacon and Taylor might just be made for each other, they can go to AA meetings and cuddle at night comparing notes about jail food.

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