So many possible scenarios

matisse, 5/17/2023, 8:10AM(355 days ago) @Fickledseptum

1. Hope and Thomas will eventually kiss and she will realize hat she doesn't want him during that kiss, but Liam will see it and it will be too late.
2. Hope will try to kiss Thomas, but he will reject her...
3. Hope and Thomas being a relationship and Liam wants to take Beth away.
4. Liam will find out that Hope has the hots for Thomas, he dumps her and is not able to forgive her. Hope fights for him, but he rejects her, but since they had a lot of sex shortly before Hope finds out that she's pregnant and the happiness of creating new life bonds them.
5. Paternity test SL again.
6. Hope has a brain tumor.
And so many other possibilities.

What do you guys think the writers are going to do with this SL?

The one thing I don't want to see is Hope sleeping with Thomas and trying to cover it up (paternity test or not). Been there, done that with Brooke, Steffy, Bridget, Margot, Amber. We just had 2 similar stories in a short time with Steffy.
The other thing is I hope they don't make Thomas obsessed or manipulative again, especially if they are really going there with Thope. I can't overlook some of the things he did, but I always liked him more than Steffy, Ridge and Taylor. He is way more likable the way he is now. Never thought MA should have played a villain. I don't mind Hope being in love with him if he is sane, healthy and treats her well (his past will always be a problem, but the present is more important).

I am with Torval regarding the back burner argument. This is exactly what's gonna happen if Lope kiss and make up in the end. I will be disappointed if all this drama leads to 2 months of separation and then Lope living HEA in the backburner. Even the best supercouples should take breaks and explore other things. SC said what he learns will change everything. AN said this stroyline is about Hope realizing she is flawed and human. I prefer to watch Hope making mistakes and waffling than no Hope at all and the dreadful BRT triangle and Sheila/Sinn hogging my screen until Lope's next big story in 2025. But it's just me...

I don't think the issue is Hope cheating or not, I think the issue is how gross and disgusting and wrong it would be to cheat with the man that wanted her child to be dead, and stay dead. At least it is for me. I think Bell made a huge mistake to pick Tom as the one Hope gets horny for, they could have done Wyatt and the backlash would be less. IF Bell lets these 2 couple up even for a few days, then what that means for some of us viewers is, Hope is a very very bad and selfish mother. Something no other woman on this show has been. Brooke, Taylor, Steffy, Stephanie, etc. all cheated and did bad things, but never did they take up with a man that wanted their child to stay dead, and hid the baby that they believe did die. Tom doing that puts him in the same wheelhouse as Reese, Morgan, Sheila and others who are thought of as total pieces of scum. If Hope were to allow this to happen, it would be as bad as if she went up to Beth and spit on her. IMHO

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