I can't make any sense of Hope right now

Fickledseptum @, 5/15/2023, 9:02PM(358 days ago)- one person liked this

As much as I try to enjoy this story, it's very hard to understand what's going through Hope's head. What was that massage about? Hope already knows the sensation she will feel when Thomas touches her, she felt it when he he made the adjustements for her dress last week. She enjoys it and she knows it. Yet she is asking him to touch her back on purpose, so she can feel this sensation again. What't the deal? As much as I love the chemistry between AN and MA, I can't make any sense of Hope. Is she trying to tempt him and see his limits? Or she knows she will never sleep with him so she is taking all the physical contacts she can? Liam is a lot of things, but even I don't remember him behaving this way with Steffy since he married Hope. He screwed up with the doll story, but it was a completely different context. The more I watch these scenes the more I can't see how this can be caused by her issues with her mom. Brooke wasn't even mentionned in that massage scene. I guess a dissociative disorder is always possible, but if she had a split personality, wouldn't she already sleeping with him? It seems like everything is clear in her head so far. She knows she shouldn't ask Thomas to massage her, but she does it anyway. This feels very OOC but whatever. As for Thomas, I will never forgive him for some of the things he did, but I must say he is much more likable like this, not trying to take advantage. I hope the writers keep him that way.

I have no idea where this story is going. Maybe something isn't well with Hope's health but until it comes out, I can't make excuses for her. I am still rooting for Lope in the long-term, but if things stay the way they are, she deserves some punishment. At the same time, I love unpredictable stories with unpredictable outcomes. I prefer to watch Hope making mistakes than no Hope happy in the backburner, if you see what I mean.


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