spoilers about the shoot in rome (Spoilers)

hopeyougogirl, 5/14/2023, 1:41PM(355 days ago) @Fickledseptum

they are definitely shooting a fashion show, it's confirmed and

liam learns something that changes everything for him

This is so predictable to me. Of course, Liam will learn about her creepy thoughts and be devastated. He will probably tell her that he’s had enough of her obsession with her professional baby to a point that she would actually be fantasizing about the only savior to her professional baby. It’s totally unhealthy. He will walk away and probably ask for a separation. This will be the wake up call she needed. LOL.

Well, I don't expect Liam to just hug Hope and say everything will be fine. Yes, Hope has forgiven him old betrayals but he always had to earn her trust back with actions. She never gave him an instant free pass like Finn did with Steffy, for instance. When he told her about the Italy kiss, she didn't sign the marriage certificate, she moved out and took him back months later. I expect the same thing if the shoe is on the other foot. If it was any other guy Liam would hardly be upset but his past with Thomas will make things a lot more complicated this time, especially if Hope's feelings are as strong as they seem to be now. They are going to a location shoot for this reveal, so doubt it will be as simple as a temporary separation with Lope making up a few weeks later. It could play out in many different ways, that's actually what I find exciting about this story, its unpredictability. And after 2 long years in the backburner, it's time they're finally in the spotlight. At this point I'd rather see Lope getting a divorce and getting back together in a year or 2, rather than working things out and instantly fading into the backburner again for years, but it's just me.

For me, I would rather see them working things out over time, than just up and quit get a quick divorce like their marriage ain’t worthy. IMO, anything of substance or true love is totally worth fighting for. It’s easy to quit. And let’s face it..Hope will never love Thomas or any man more than Liam. If Lope divorce right away, all they will do is pine for each other anyway.

And I think Bell said after this Rome location shoot, he’s focusing on RJ and the next gen, so I doubt he’s gonna drag out this current story past this summer. JMO.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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