Hope is gaslighting Liam

GracieGirl, 5/5/2023, 10:32AM(372 days ago)- one person liked this

Hope already paid back Liam for all the s**t he’s put her through, and his name would be Wyatt, Liam’s brother.

Liam’s feelings are justified. Hope’s telling Liam that he’s imagining things. That’s gaslighting. As written, he knows something is wrong. Where he’s off-based is that Tom is not making any moves. Hope supposedly has growing feelings for Tom.

So after Liam knocks the hades out of Tom which I suspect we’re building towards, Hope will feel justified in loving on poor Thomas, the man who moved hell and earth, forced a girl running away from him to her death, and threatened others to keep her stolen child’s whereabouts a secrets. Where’s the comparison for that? When did Brooke fall for that kind of villain?

There is no comparing what Tom did to Liam and Hope to other situations on this show.

It’s just a soap, yes, but I believe in consistent and logical writing. It’s got to make sense no matter the type of show.

I’m frustrated because while I want AN to be front and center, I worry this is going the path of so many other characters who were hurt because the show goes overboard trying to convince us of something. This situation doesn’t feel story-driven. It’s not a natural progression of what’s happened on this show.

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