Thomas and hope equals Ridge and Brooke?

hopeyougogirl, 5/1/2023, 3:38PM(378 days ago) @

Maybe Thomas and hope will be the new Ridge and Brooke. I’m not sure where that leaves Liam but I’m not sure I care.

If I could write the show, I would make Thomas and Hope the star.crossed.lovers. With Liam and Brooke going crazy and scheming against them. I think Liam would be way more interesting as a bad boy. No need to make him a full-blown psycho but he would be great as an interloper trying to woo Hope back and frame Thomas. Same for Brooke. She could be the new Stephanie who spent half of her life scheming against Bridge, Brooke would scheme against Thope. The chemistry between Matthew and Annika is electric, it'd be a shame to ignore it. And the good girl / bad boy duos are the best on soap operas. Thomas could still be a little villainous (someone like Bill) but with a heart and other qualities... good father, faithful boyfriend who only wants one woman and loves her unconditionnally. Hope would still have feelings for Liam but stay faithful to Thomas and not let Liam and Brooke come between them. Thomas' past would be used as angst but Hope would always trust him against anyone else. They would also run Forrester together like Stephanie and Eric. I don't know if it will happen that way but it would be the soapiest, most gripping outcome.

Where is the drama if she stays the wise good girl who settles for Liam and obeys her mother? The possibilities are much larger if they go all the way with Thomas and Hope. I hope the writers realized it.

Chemistry is subjective and I find Thope very creepy. JMO.
And Thomas is an established villain on this show, not Brooke or Liam.
Plus, given all the evil Thomas did to her and her won't be believable at all that Hope would trust this monster above everyone else.

Ridge did some pretty horible things to brooke too and she has forgiven him time and time again

Bridge are an iconic romantic couple, and Thope are NOT. Big difference IMO.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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