I have a new story idea

partyprincess1, 12/29/2022, 10:14AM(491 days ago) @Kammie

Why the hell would Brooke confess to a crime that Taylor committed? Brooke had no motive for shooting Bill.. Brooke has been that witch's victim far too long... Brooke has taken enough bull from the Hamilton Coven, Taylor is lucky that Brooke has shown that horrible witch enough grace to keep her mouth shut... Let Steffy fall on her mother's sword... Enough of Brooke carrying their Bull on her shoulders.. Let them take accountability for once in their miserable life.... At this point I want to puke :puke watching Brooke grovel to that witch.

I was re watching the episode where taylor and brooke were celebrating and eating cake. Anyways, Taylor takes brooke' mail opener that looks like a small sword/knife and they both swear on it to not go after ridge again. Like they make a pact. It was the same day bill put back his sword necklace. Coincidence?


Brooke: Do u know how crazy that sounds?

Bill: Maybe it does. But I'm never letting go of u again.
from 06/22/16

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