bold article from SOD --about taylor

hopeyougogirl, 12/10/2022, 12:40PM(513 days ago) @Dreamgirl- one person liked this
edited by hopeyougogirl, 12/10/2022, 12:44PM


Taylor acting like a love sick puppy that has falling in love with Ridge for the first time......wait it is because she a recast. :lol :na :love

I've been asking this question for months. What even was the point of recasting her as Taylor when her whole past, her whole history, even her mannerisms, her character, her class and sophistication have all been erased? Why make Taylor into this ridiculous caricature that could not be any further from the original version instead of casting this actress in a brand new role?

Exactly. I don't mind this actress or making Taylor her own, but the core of who Taylor is totally gone. I can't stand Taylor, but she's suppose to be sophisticated..this version certainly ain't that with that teenybopper mannerism. Plus, it's hard to accept this Taylor when her very flawed past is completely erased. Might as well cast this actress as a new character..who knows..I might even like her new character?

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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