
Here is a long transcript showing Taylor's real agenda

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 10/3/2022, 10:25AM(585 days ago) @matisse

This is from March 18-25 2019, Caroline's funeral. And Taylor was up to the same tricks she has been up to for this last 10 months. Only from this transcript you can see, if there is no manipulation being done, Ridge has no interest at all in her. And, he thinks she is a little off in the head too.

Taylor: I know, I know. But I still worry.

Ridge: Well, you're a concerned mother, and a concerned grandmother.

Taylor: I don't know. I guess it's just, I've been so busy trying to get my life together, I-I didn't know that thomas and caroline weren't together.

Ridge: Well, they -- they lived together, and they raised douglas together.

Taylor: Yes, but they weren't romantically involved.

Ridge: So what? I mean, that doesn't change the way that they felt about their kid, or the way that thomas feels now that caroline's no longer by his side. What's going on here? There's something else on your mind, isn't there?

Taylor: I don't know. Um, just something I'm thinking. Something, um... something happened the other day. It surprised me, and I-I didn't really know what to think about it until now.

Ridge: What?

Taylor: Do you remember when, um, I went into the kitchen, and hope was there with douglas? Well, I-I stepped in and, um...

[ Scoffs ] I witnessed something. Hope was consoling douglas.

Ridge: And that surprised you? Why would that surprise you?

Taylor: Because it was --

[ Sighs ] It was very emotional. It's like [Sighs] There was a strong connection between them. Like I was -- I was witnessing two people bonding through a crisis.

Ridge: [ Sighs ] She was comforting him.

Taylor: Yes, and in doing that, she was comforting herself. And as a psychiatrist, I know, when emotions like that are shared on that kind of level, it can be very healing.

Ridge: What -- what -- I don't -- [ Sighs ] What are you saying?

Taylor: It was an observation. Douglas and hope need each other. A little boy who needs a mother. And a mother who needs a child.

Ridge: Taylor, I'm listening to you. I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying, but I'm -- I...
Taylor: I'm telling you that douglas has lost his mother. And hope has lost a child.

Ridge: And that is incredibly tragic, but I'm -- I don't know how much --

Taylor: I'm -- I'm trying to help you understand that when i was in the kitchen the other day and I saw them together, and the way hope was comforting him, the way he responded to her... and the way she responded to him. It's like...

Ridge: Okay, listen to me. I know you're worried about douglas, I get that. He has thomas, he has you, he has me. He has karen and dani. There's a lot of people who care about that little boy. And, yes, hope is one of those people, but she --

Taylor: But I'm wrong to even bring this up when the reality is our grandson needs a mother. And hope desperately needs a child.

Taylor: Douglas needs a mother, and hope desperately needs a child. You can't deny that.

Ridge: I am -- I'm not denying that, and you can't deny that hope actually has a life. She -- she's married. She has a husband -- liam.

Taylor: For how long?

Ridge: For how long? I don't -- I don't know how long. They made vows to each other, taylor.

Taylor: Liam and steffy made vows to each other, and if bill hadn't interfered...

Ridge: Well, he did interfere. And that changed everything.

Taylor: No, it didn'T. It did not change everything. Our daughter still loves liam, and you know that he loves her. And they have a family together. They should be raising their children together.

Ridge: That's what they're doing, taylor. They are -- they're raising kelly together, and they're raising phoebe together.

Taylor: I'm talking about under the same roof!

Taylor: I really believe when steffy and the girls come back from europe that liam is going to go back to them.

Ridge: You got to stop talking like that, you really do.

Taylor: I am merely telling you what hope's wishes are.

Ridge: You think this is her wish, to end her marriage? This is not what she wants.

Taylor: It's what hope said!

Ridge: Maybe she said it because she is upset! How do you not see that?

Taylor: Well, the fact that she said, then she must know that some part of it is right...

Ridge: No! Taylor, I --

[ Groans ]

Taylor: Why aren't you concerned about this? Why can't you step up as steffy's father?

Ridge: Step up? Wow, okay. Uh, I'm sorry, what do you expect me to do?

Taylor: If you know how much steffy loves liam, then why don't you want them to live together? Don't you want liam to go back and be there for our daughter and our granddaughters? At least advocate for them! Encourage it! And now we have thomas, who just lost the mother of his son! Maybe hope could be there for douglas, and douglas could be there for hope.

Ridge: And then steffy and liam could be back together. Is that what you're saying?

Taylor: Yes! They belong together. How could you not want that? What does help for heart failure look like?

Ridge: Let me try to explain this again. I'm not gonna promote hope losing her husband. She's lost enough, I think, don't you? That's my wife's daughter.

Taylor: I'm well aware.

Ridge: Okay, so whatever needs to happen has to happen between hope and liam.

Taylor: What I think... hope and thomas were in love at one time, okay? They have a history together. And hope is pushing liam away. And, eventually, we both know that liam is going to go back to steffy. And, like I said... when I saw hope and douglas in the kitchen, the way she was comforting him and embracing him... this is a little boy who just lost his mother, and thomas is grieving. What I think is they all need each other. I think they would all be good for each other!

Ridge: So, after everything we talked about, everything i said to you, everything you said to me, you think that thomas and hope should be together? Really?

Ridge: Look at me. Really look at me. Thomas, hope, and douglas -- you got to let that go, all right?

Taylor: No, I need you to hear what I'm trying to tell you. Our little grandson just lost his mother. He is never going to feel her arms around him again. He'll never hear her voice. That is devastating to a child.

Ridge: I know, of course it is. I know it is.

Taylor: And thomas -- how is he going to handle the responsibility of being a single parent? It's too much! It's just too much!

Ridge: Hey, take a breath. Come here. Take a breath.

Taylor: [ Sighs ]

Ridge: It's gonna be okay.

Taylor: What happened to our family? Nothing's been the same since i lost you. I miss what we had. I've never stopped loving you, ridge.

Ridge: I know you're upset. I'm upset, too. What happened to thomas and douglas, it's awful. But we got to put this conversation behind us, and we got to put this -- this kiss behind us, too, all right?

Taylor: Okay.

Ridge: Okay.

(Ridge leaves, Brooke walks in the back door.)

Brooke: What do you think you're doing, taylor?

Taylor: What are you talking about?

Brooke: I saw you! I saw you plant a kiss on ridge!

Taylor: Oh, my gosh. What were you doing, spying on me?

Brooke: This is my home. How dare you come in here and make moves on my husband?

Taylor: Oh, I did no such thing.

Brooke: You did it, and you know it. You're just embarrassed that you got caught. And you should be.

Taylor: Of course I will always love ridge. We were together for years. I'm sorry if that makes you feel threatened.

Brooke: I don't feel threatened. I'm very secure in my marriage.

Taylor: Good grief. This battle was over decades ago. At least be gracious in your victory.

Brooke: Is that what you think this is all along? Just a game?

Taylor: You think that i think this has all been a game? Letting you wreck my life, take my husband from me? No, you -- you are the game player who came traipsing in in your lingerie, seducing my husband at work every day.

Brooke: Oh, my god.

Taylor: I mean, really, who puts a bed in their office?

Brooke: All right. All right! That's it! I want you to leave.

Taylor: Fine! But I will be back. I'm coming back whenever I want, because I'm going to be visiting thomas and my grandson. Ridge invited them to stay here.

Brooke: They are more than welcome to stay, taylor.

Taylor: But I'm not? What is wrong with you? My grandson just lost his mother!

Brooke: And I told you, I'm very sorry about that.

Taylor: Let's just call a truce, all right, and stop all of this. Hope is trying to bring peace. I-I know all about her taking off her wedding band, brooke.

Brooke: Hope was vulnerable. She wasn't thinking clearly.

Taylor: No, that's -- that's where you're wrong. Hope is the only one thinking clearly.

Brooke: Oh, my god. What -- what is this all about? Wait. I know. It goes back to steffy and liam.

Brooke: You are obsessed. Steffy and liam have been broken up for a very long time now, and they've moved past this. The only person who hasn't is you.

Taylor: No, no, no, no. No. Steffy and liam would still be married if bill hadn't interfered.

Brooke: Well, then, talk to bill. I had nothing to do with that. But somehow you're always trying to blame me for everything that doesn't go right in your life.

Taylor: No. This isn't about me. It's about my daughter.

Brooke: Oh, taylor, it's --

Taylor: And my granddaughters.

Brooke: ...Always about you! I don't want to have this discussion again.

Taylor: Steffy is practically raising those little girls all by herself.

Brooke: That's great, isn't it? That's just wonderful. I mean, that's a choice that she made. That was her decision. And you know what? She is lucky. She is so lucky to have two healthy, beautiful babies. While my daughter is suffering the loss of her own. She is struggling with liam. They're both grieving for their child. So leave them be, taylor. Let them alone, please.

Taylor: Even hope says that she wants liam to go back to steffy.

Brooke: Hope was in a vulnerable place! She's in a very dark space. And you of all people -- I thought that you would have empathy for her, but you don'T. You're just trying to take away every little bit of happiness that she may have left. Don't you dare do it. If you try to manipulate liam to go back to steffy, it's not gonna happen. Even if hope and liam don't have a child, he is not going to leave her, taylor. So get that through your thick skull! Do you hear me? It is not going to happen.

Brooke: Hope and liam are married. They're building a life together. Now, steffy made some questionable choices, so she is dealing with the consequences.

Taylor: [ Scoffs ] Oh! Spare me the sanctimony.

Brooke: God, you are so transparent, taylor. It's obvious you want liam in that home.

Taylor: Of course I do. He needs more time with his daughters.

Brooke: He has one daughter. He's not phoebe's father.

Taylor: Phoebe needs a father, too. Even hope can see that that is the right decision. She is the only one thinking straight!

Brooke: Oh, my god. So, what do you want her to do? You want her to walk away from her marriage? You want her to just throw away her husband?

Taylor: She can find someone else.

Brooke: God! How dare you?! You are being ridiculous!

Taylor: No. I am trying to stand up for my grandchildren. For once, can't you just respect my family?

Brooke: Respect your family? Yeah, taylor. I can do that. Can you respect my family? Can you respect me? My marriage? The man that you were kissing in my living room? Where's the respect in that? You say you want to have a truce, but how can we do that when you are making out with my husband, and you are trying to break up my daughter's marriage? We are parents. We are mothers. We want what's best for our children. But facts are facts. Steffy and liam aren't together anymore. And that's not hope's fault. That is because of steffy. Because she turned to bill. Her father-in-law. The worst possible betrayal. Sure, you can blame bill all you want. But steffy said that she was a willing participant.

Taylor: [ Scoffs ]

Brooke: And she hurt liam. She destroyed that trust. And what did my daughter do? Did she swoop in? No, she didn'T. She was there to help them, help support that marriage, for months. But it didn't work out. So hope and liam ended up together. And now they -- they are dealing with the loss of their child. Beth. And they need a lot of love and support, taylor. They certainly don't need you insinuating that liam should leave hope and reunite with steffy. Don't you see what you're doing? You are pitting us and our daughters against each other. The blondes versus the brunettes. As if, by virtue of our hair color, we get to stand on moral high ground. This has been going on for years -- for decades. And somewhere along the line, you rewrote the story to where you and your daughter, you -- you guys are the virtuous ones. Well, no more. You can judge me all you want. I am used to your high-and-mighty attitude. But you sure as hell are not gonna do anything to harm my daughter. Hope is so loving, and she is kind, and she is moral. She's everything you wish that you were. And she is suffering, taylor, the biggest grief of her life. And I'm gonna be there to protect her. So if you try to come between hope and liam, I swear to god, you're gonna have to go through me first!

Brooke: You come into my home and you kiss my husband, and all this talk about breaking up hope and liam...

[ Sighs ] Caroline is gone, and that is tragic. But that doesn't mean you can come into my home and attack me and my family. Look, I-I think it's best that you leave before this gets out of hand.

Taylor: Oh, oh. Leave this home? Where my son and my grandson are staying?

Brooke: What do you want me to say when you come in here and you kiss my husband? Yes, it is an emotional time, and I am so sorry that your grandson lost his mother. That is terrible. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stick my head in the sand and act like I don't know what you're up to.

Taylor: Oh, please. I'm not going after ridge.

Brooke: Okay, maybe not. But you did say so yourself, taylor -- you would like to see hope with anybody else other than liam.

Taylor: I-I don't deny that i believe steffy and liam, they deserve to be raising their family together. And, deep down, I think that's what liam wants, too.

Brooke: Did they teach you to read minds in medical school? You really believe you know what my son-in-law wants better than he does?

Taylor: My grandson has no mother. My granddaughters have no father.

Brooke: And we're gonna make sure that those children will want for nothing. But does that really give you the excuse to walk in my door and force a kiss on ridge and manipulate my daughter's marriage breaking up? I am warning you, taylor, if you go spewing that insanity to hope, you're gonna have to come through me first.

Taylor: Are you threatening me?

Brooke: I'm defending myself and my family. You come into my home and you kiss my husband. And you and your daughter are circling like vultures, waiting for hope and liam's marriage to fall apart.

Taylor: No, what I'm doing is I'm trying to help my son and my grandson cope with losing caroline.

Brooke: And I'm very sorry about that, taylor. Thomas and douglas, they need to be supported. Just like hope and liam need to be supported. You know, you act so innocent all the time. Saint taylor, victimized by me and the evil logans. Well, that simply isn't true. You should count your blessings. You have two amazing children. And you have three beautiful grandchildren. Spend your time with them. Focus on them.

Taylor: Oh, my -- that's exactly what I am doing.

Brooke: Oh, good. Okay. Good. So that means you'll drop this ridiculous idea of making liam leave hope and reunite with steffy.

Taylor: They're a family, brooke.

Brooke: God! Taylor, I am trying to understand this.

[ Sighs ] I know you've been through a very dark time.

Taylor: "A dark time"?

Brooke: You picked up a gun and you shot bill.

Taylor: Oh, my gosh. Is there any reason for you to even bring that up?

Brooke: Yes, of course. There's a good reason. It shows how unstable you are. And I'm not gonna allow that in my home. And I-I certainly am not gonna allow that craziness around my daughter!

Ridge: What's going on out here?

Brooke: [ Sighs ]

Ridge: Are you kidding me? Really? On -- on -- on a day when we're supposed to be mourning caroline, when we're trying to figure out what's best for thomas, and for that innocent little boy, you two are gonna go at each other? Really?

Taylor: Oh, yes. Your wife is standing here telling me that I'm crazy. And she's also telling me that i can't come here and visit my own son and my own grandson. And if you're gonna go along with that, then I'm taking thomas and douglas with me.

Brooke: I'm not the one in the wrong here, and I refuse to defend myself in my own home.

Taylor: Well, would you like me to tell ridge everything you said to me?

Ridge: No, no! No. Ridge doesn't need to hear anything. Why? Why are we doing this today? This has been a very emotional day for everyone.

Brooke: [ Sighs ]

Ridge: And everyone's on edge. And I'm glad you're home. Hi.

Brooke: Yeah. Hi. Me too.

Ridge: [ Sighs ]

Brooke: I'm sorry about caroline.

Ridge: So am I. When'd you get here?

Brooke: Uh... just before you left.

Ridge: Oh. I didn't see you.

Brooke: Well, I saw you. I saw taylor kissing you, and telling you how much she loves you.

Taylor: She's feeling a little insecure, ridge.

Brooke: Oh, I-I'm not insecure at all. Actually, I was -- I was pretty repulsed. In fact, ridge, you looked kind of shocked when she was coming in for that kiss. And I wasn't spying, taylor. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Taylor: [ Scoffs ]

Brooke: [ Sighs ]

Ridge: [ Sighs ] Welcome home.

Brooke: Some welcome.

Ridge: How mad are you right now?

Brooke: I'm not mad at you.

Ridge: No?

Brooke: No.

Ridge: So I'm okay to kiss women as long as it's at the house?

Brooke: [ Sighs ] How did you ever live with that woman? Attacking me isn't enough for her anymore. She now has to attack my daughter. And she's trying to get liam to leave hope so he can be with steffy and help raise those children.

Ridge: You've heard that theme before.

Brooke: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Alone and childless. Is that really the future she thinks my daughter deserves?

Ridge: I-I don't think so.

Brooke: So, how did things go here?

Ridge: Fine. Pam, hope, and quinn, they played hostess. It was nice.

Brooke: Well, that's good. I'm glad that thomas is staying here. Did he say what his plans are?

Ridge: I don't think he knows what his plans are. But, yeah, if he stayed here, it'd be -- that'd be sweet.

Brooke: Yeah. I hope so. Then I could spend some time with your adorable grandson.

Ridge: Mm-hmm.

Brooke: But not if that means mortal combat with taylor every single day.

Ridge: She's not easy.

Brooke: Ugh! Next you're gonna say I'm not easy.

Ridge: You're not easy.

Brooke: Oh, great.

Ridge: But this had nothing to do with you.

Brooke: I really shouldn't let her get under my skin.

[ Sighs ]

Ridge: She knows how to push your buttons.

Brooke: Yeah, she does.

Ridge: But you know what? I think, once she gets her practice running again, it's all gonna be better.

Brooke: Oh. Really? So she doesn't have to play professional victim anymore? You know, she has a knack for that.

Ridge: She has a knack for it because she earned it.

Brooke: [ Scoffs ]

Ridge: She had a rough life. Now, losing her daughter-in-law and looking at the little boy and trying to figure out what to do next, that's a real thing.

Brooke: Okay. Now I feel petty. I'm gonna try to rise above it.

Ridge: You will?

Brooke: Yeah.

Ridge: Then I will nominate you for the nobel peace prize.

Brooke: [ Exclaims ] Okay. But as long as taylor doesn't try to mend her family by breaking apart my daughter's marriage.

Ridge: I told her the s

Thomas: So. [ Sighs ] Steffy messaged me from the plane. It's really nice of her to delay her trip.

Taylor: I know. I know. She would do anything for you, sweetheart.

Thomas: And so would you. Which is why I'm insisting that you go to europe with steffy and the girls.

Taylor: But you and douglas just got here --

Thomas: Look, I'm staying here with dad, right, and there's so much family around. I know steffy's strong and independent, but she's stressing out a lot right now, and I think she needs you more. And I don't want to worry about her, so [Sighs] If you really want to help me, please say you'll go with her.

Taylor: [ Sighs ] Well, I-I really didn't want steffy to go without me. And I-I know she's got her hands full. As long as we can video chat while I'm gone.

Thomas: [ Chuckles ] Deal. Mm.

[ Sighs ] So. What is going on with you and brooke?

Taylor: Oh! Phew. Ha! Well, let's see. Um... it started before you were born.

Thomas: Oh. Just the usual, then. Never mind.

[ Chuckles ]

Taylor: Douglas seemed a lot better, somehow.

Thomas: I think we have hope to thank for that.

Taylor: Really? How so.

Thomas: Well, douglas saw something or someone in the garden before, and he thought it was caroline. Uh... I-I couldn't get through to him, and he was so upset. But hope did. Which is kind of incredible when you think she's suffering from her own loss.

Taylor: Yeah. Well, steffy says that hope is amazing with your nieces.

Thomas: Douglas asked her to be his mother.

Taylor: [ Sighs ]

Thomas: I don't know how that affected hope. But she handled it beautifully. Here -- here she is, grieving from her own daughter, and douglas is intuitive enough to know that she needs... what can I say? Out of the mouth of babes.

Taylor: Indeed.

[ Scoffs )

Saint Taylor in all her glory!

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