hope sounds ridiculous defending thomas

theduchess, 9/28/2022, 2:54PM(588 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

it takes an army, but he has enough people defending him already, hope shouldn't be one of them

She's worried that the tension will escalate and Douglas will be caught in the crossfire.

worried or not, she always defends him and she usually ends up with egg on her face
maybe she's right this time we'll see

Yeah, it seems like that's what this whole story is about, in addition to the Bridge/Tridge triangle. Whether or not Thomas is redeemed or is still a villain.

Well...he's clearly a villain. So it's really just making everyone other than Brooke,Liam,and probably Bill,look like idiots.

In recent years, Brooke has been right about monster Thomas. So when this stupid s/l is over, Hope will realize that her mother and Liam were right all along.

which is usually what happens

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