Hey Bold and Beautiful 1962 is calling...

matisse, 9/23/2022, 5:11PM(593 days ago) @takerkid- 2 people liked this

Did she save the company before or after she STOLE it because that's what she did. She married the love of her mother's life and then stole his company from him in the divorce. I mean if it walks like a gold-digger, and quacks like a gols-digger.

You must not have watched the show back then, because that is not what happened at all. She did marry Eric. While married to Eric he gifted her a lab to work in doing research on fabric. He did not hire her at FC, the HR at FC did not hire her, they did not pay her, they did not even have her sign an NDA or a contract of any kind. This meant that anything she created in the lab that was a GIFT to her, was hers. She created BeLief. FC used BeLief on their fabric and it was set to make them millions of dollars. Eric was married to Sheila, Ridge was married to Taylor. Instead of just asking her for the rights, they decided to trick her into it. First, they sent their attorney Steve over to her house to pretend he was a masseuse and seduce Brooke. That did not work. Then they got Ridge to use her feelings for him to sign her rights away, he made it sound like he was going to leave Taylor for Brooke. Brooke signed the papers, then Ridge told her he was not leaving Taylor and took the papers and left. Only dunderhead took an unsigned copy and not the original signed one. Brooke had it. She showed her lawyer Connor, and he told her she could get millions for it, but she decided to sign it over to FC anyway. While in the meeting to sign it over to them, their lawyer who pretended to be a masseuse walked in, and Brooke realized they had tried to scam her. She got furious and tore up the paperwork and told them if they wanted BeLief the price was 51% of FC. And that was a valid deal. They could accept it or not. They accepted it. So no, she was not a gold digger, she used her WEDDING gift from Eric to create something, that they tried to scam from her, when all they needed to do was ask. They could have said no, and then she could have just sold it to another fashion house.

So you are dead wrong and so was Thomas today. Brooke has never been a gold-digger. Unlike Taylor, Brooke put herself through college. She was the best CEO and most profitable CEO FC ever had, and she invested her money well. That is the reason when Ridge did not have the full amount for his 25% of FC to pay Bill, he borrowed from Brooke.

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