Perfect karma for Steffy

hopeyougogirl, 9/21/2022, 8:09PM(592 days ago) @PatriotGirl- 4 people liked this

Spoilers hint that Li and Bill will get closer. My dream is that Li learns about Bill and Steffy's nasty ONS and the paternity test so she can start nagging and insulting Steffy without end. She needs to see how nice it feels when someone is constantly judging you for your past mistakes... Li wouldn't even have to make any stuff up.

Riiight. It’s okay though for Li to get closer to Bill. The man who obsessively stalked Steffy for months on end after sleeping with her while she was obviously distraught.

Steffy was the one who started the stalking when he was married to Katie. And why would Li care about that? He saved her life and was kind to her. I think that would trump whatever else he did.

After being married to a man who carried on an affair and lied about the paternity of the child they adopted, I think she would care if she found out Bill slept with his son's wife and then stalked her during her entire pregnancy.

None of that personally affected her though. Steffys past does personally affect her as she's married to her son. We shall just have to wait and see if she cares or not. I feel like Bill saving her life trumps everything else he did that wasn't directly relevant to her.

Sure it affects her personally if she gets involved with him. That's very hypocritical for her to let Bill slide but hold it against Steffy. Besides if Brooke becomes free Bill will probably dump her in a NY minute. She would be wise not to trust him.

Since Bill hasn't done anything vile in a very long time and he seemed to be trying hard to better himself..saving Li's life was a great example of him I don't think it's hypocritical of Li to let Bill slide given that Bill has proven himself lately. Steffy OTOH is still so very nasty trying to control her father's life..she is still manipulative and mean, so if Li learns Steffy is trying to break up her daddy's marriage plus all her past scandals/2 paternity tests AND cheating on her loyal son....she should totally be against Steffy since Steffy hasn't changed IMO.

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

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