
Steffy has lost her mind

prime ⌂, Knoxville Tenn., 9/16/2022, 3:08PM(596 days ago) @hopeyougogirl- 2 people liked this

hopeyougogirl said:<<<<Taylor walked in on Hope/Steffy conversation, and Steffy claimed "my mom has too much class to sling mud, and your mom's reputation is notorious". Taylor has "class"? :rofl>>>>>

Apologize as I do not have time this moment to read all the other responses and hope I do not repeat.

But I absolutely almost fell out of my chair when Steffy said that. No, Steffy, no mud, but lots of paint, cake fights and slinging of food. How she could say that with a straight face! And only paraphrasing here but somewhere in there she called her mother a SAINT compared to Brooke. again a big fat lie.


Yeah, Steffy is a liar spewing nonsense. She is totally delusional believing that her mother has never cheated or done any crime or done anything wrong. And she thinks it's so wonderful and romantic that her very married dad cheats with her mother in that "epic kiss"..but only Brooke has ever cheated. :drunk

Someone should call CPS on Steffy. The courts need to investigate the small children under the care of a clearly deranged woman. Fighting that should give Steffy something to do...since she clearly has way too much time on her hands.

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