What Do you Think?

matisse, 9/16/2022, 8:26AM(597 days ago) @Riley

I want Brill again. And there is a lot of SL's with them together. It will be Spencers against Forresters, and Bill is a lot richer, and he can put Taylor in prison. AND, he can constantly remind Steffy of her past if she starts her nonsense about Brooke. There is the Katie aspect of it. There is the Ridge aspect of it. Liam and Hope will be even more bound together, to Steffy's chagrin. And if Bill becomes friends with Li, like his dad was friends with Stephanie, back in the day, then Li can be the thorn in Steffy's marriage and make her life miserable. Finn will not turn on his mother. Bill could fund a new fashion house for Brooke, Hope and Liam. They can hire designers. They may be able to hire Zende. He was not looking to pleased with the idiots the other day talking about being real Forresters. LOL

The Brooke that has been on screen for the past 35 years would never see herself as a Spencer. She will always be a Logan/Forrester. Even when she was married to Bill, she refused to leave FC, and 3 of her 4 kids are Forresters too, so why would she try to destroy their legacy? The only time she has ever been interested in having a fashion company of her own was when Ridge was the mastermind behind it. It would take a total rewrite of Brooke's character to put her on the Spencer side in a Spencers against Forresters storyline, and there's no way I would keep watching the show if Bell ever did that.
Also, if Bell wanted anyone to remind Steffy of her past or to scare Taylor that all it takes is a phone call to get her behind bars, then he could have Brooke do that right away, she doesn't need Bill for that.

I have no interest in watching Brooke be a doormat for the Hamilton's anymore. To me, it is beyond time for her to get even with them, and the way to do it is through business. Too bad if Eric gets hurt, he is sitting at his house allowing the vipers to play their games, so he will just be collateral damage. He will still have his money and his Donna and his pickleball, so he will be fine. Rick loathes all the Hamilton's so he would be on board. She could probably even get Thorne on board too. These 2 are Stephanie and Eric's children too, and they do not own one share of stock in that "legacy"...nope only Hamilton's and Eric own any stock. And, since they had no issue re-writing Taylor as some born again virgin who never so much as gave anyone an unkind work in her life, then they can have Brooke change loyalties from Forrester to Spencer, and at least she will have a good reason.

Brooke is not going to drop a dime on Taylor, Bill was the victim, it will mean more coming from him. Brooke, Hope, Liam and even Steffy can all give their deposition that "yes, Taylor did confess to shooting Bill in the back and leaving him to die" or not.

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