If this adoption is overturned then Hope should walk away

matisse, 9/12/2022, 11:46PM(597 days ago) @Joy

If a judge throws out the adoption papers, that would mean Douglas no longer has a legal living mother. And I am going to be cruel here, but why would Hope want to keep mothering a child she no longer has any say-so over where he goes to school, where he lives, nothing? Basically, the Hamilton monsters would be saying they want her to be his back up nanny. It would break her heart, but for her own well being, if this comes to pass, she should sever all ties with Douglas and Tom both. Why make herself more vulnerable to Taylor and Steffy's cruelty? It would make no sense at all. It would be devastating to Douglas, but as Taylor and Steffy seem to feel right now, he does not need a mother, especially Hope. So IMHO if this were my daughter, and as hard as it would be, I would advise her to let the child go, mourn him, and then move on, because I would not want my child to suffer anymore at the hands of the Hamilton monsters. All Hope could do then is pray that they would love Douglas enough not to ruin him. But, I doubt that he would stand much of a chance with these cruel and dangerous Hamilton's. I would hope that Liam and Brooke would have the good sense to counsel Hope to just walk away. She can still love him, and be there for him if he wants to talk to her, but if they get their way in this cruelty, Hope should not allow herself to be their victim anymore. It is one thing to sacrifice your life to save your child's life, but that is not the case here. Douglas will be with Eric and Donna, and Donna will protect him as best she can, but Hope should walk away and cease to be his mother figure in any way. JMHO

That would certainly take the wind out of Thomas's sail. If Brooke would dump Ridge and Brooke and Hope go to work for Bill or another company, there would be no reason for either of them to have to be around Ridge or Thomas. The way they have aged Kelly and Douglas, RJ should be grown and can see Ridge on his own if he wanted too. The only reason Brooke should have to talk to Ridge at all would be about RJ. Hope could get a restraining order against Thomas. If Douglas wants to see Hope, Donna or Eric could bring him over, not Thomas. If Douglas wants Hope and Thomas together, Hope could tell him that she was coparenting him and Thomas took him away.

Yup...but that is a pipe dream. I have come to the conclusion that the BB has morphed into Monsters Inc. And not the funny cartoon kind either. We have Sheila, a psycho monster who just wants to be loved, but unfortunately, was never a lovable person, even to her own mother. She is the kind of monster you can pity. Kind of like Frankenstein. Then we have the Hamilton monsters, Taylor and Steffy. They are self made monsters. The monstrosity that is them grew out of jealousy and bitterness that life did not turn out as they demanded it should. That people they thought were less than, walked away with what they saw as The Prize. To me this has been the journey written for Taylor and Steffy on this show.

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