Finn is kinda blah

IW, 9/2/2022, 12:39PM(611 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

Can they give him a personality please sick of these two..Steffy needs a dynamic guy he bores me to death…he’s wispy washy like Liam but as far as boreing they are clones …the men should sizzel be strong not wimpy it’s a soap…liven it up..Carter was great in sex scenes this Finn is a dud…give us more bill but not the daddy bill the dynamic sexy bill..

Everyone is kinda blah around Steffy. I thought Finn was cute with Paris, and even more with Hope. Maybe if he falls in love with someone else he will be less blah. I enjoyed his scenes with Liam and Bill. Steffy drags everyone down.


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