Imagine that...

matisse, 8/24/2022, 5:19PM(620 days ago) @maddiefan- one person liked this

If you're talking about FC well guess what?Stephanie was the solo owner,Eric lied about it for years.Eric managed to lose it twice and it was Steffy who brought it back, twice.So where the company is concerned, Steffy, Thomas and Ridge have way more rights over it than Eric since they are the son and grandchildren of Stephanie Douglas the solo owner of the company.

If it's about the name, no one cares.

I believe you are slightly wrong. Stephanie was the sole owner due to her father making Eric sign a contract that said that in exchange for the $100,000. loan. I would think once that loan was paid back with interest, which Eric said it was, that contract would be null and void. But, nothing was said either way. Eric did not lose the company twice. The first time it was lost was because Stephanie shoved Jackie over the balcony and Jackie almost died. Nick told the Forresters they could either sell him the company or he would go to the police and have Steffy arrested for attempted murder. I believe the second time it was lost was when they were 30 minutes late on a loan payment, and Bill purchased their loan.

The Marone-Forresters are not heirs to FC, they are non-voting shareholders. Before Stephanie died she had a legal document drawn up changing the shareholders from voting to non-voting shareholders. Giving Eric sole discretion over FC's hiring. He may only have 37.5% of the company, but he has sole authority over who is President, CEO, or even if they can work there. If he wants to fire Steffy from the company he can, she would still be a shareholder and receive dividends and be protected from liability, but no one can vote to remove him from being President of FC and no one can vote out his hiring and firing authority. Eric could hire Brooke as CEO and there is nothing the others can do about it. So no, Steffy, nor Tom nor Ridge have more power in FC that Eric. They can be the majority share holders, but Eric was left total control of the company by the official owner. FC s a privately held company, so this is all legal to do. And if they want to sell, they have to give Eric right of first refusal and he has to OK the sale before it can go forward. Stephanie did this to protect Eric because she knew without Eric, there would have been nothing. Just like Stephanie finally acknowledged without Brooke and BeLief and her forward thinking ideas of the Men's Line, Brooke's Bedroom and FI, the company might have gone bankrupt. Through the years, she had witnessed Ridge and others trying to usurp Eric from his position. There were 2 separate SL's about it. And each time Stephanie begged Brooke to vote with Eric, even when Brooke was married to Ridge, and Brooke did as Stephanie asked. In the end, Stephanie KNEW that Brooke had Eric's back and was the best choice for Ridge.

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