Taylor is such a damn fool

Dreamgirl, 8/17/2022, 7:06PM(627 days ago) @Tiqui1999

OMG, she looks so dumb today calling that kiss epic. Ridge is not even studying that woman! But she's over there dreaming about that "epic" kiss. Hiliarious.

It looks like Taylor won't be the thing to come between Bridge, but Taylor will happily lick up the scraps after Thomas rips them apart. It's always Thomas or Rick or Stephanie.

I've said it all along. I don't think Tridge will happen. Not in any serious way. Maybe just as a small distraction to console Ridges hurt ego. And after today, I think only the die-hardest of Tridge fans will be wanting them together, especially if Ridge has made his feelings crystal clear as you say. This is heading towards Teacon. Maybe even a triangle with Taylor, Deacon and nu-Sheila as long as no one figures out who she really is.

As for the custody battle, I think it will end up being a huge nothing burger. In my experience that's what happens to most stories on Bold that are overhyped. Doug will say he wants to stay with his dad and it will be over.

They do serve up a lot of nothing burgers, for sure.

Yeah, Ridge said he had feelings for Taylor because she's the mother of his child, but he loves Brooke and he loves her more than anything or something like that. Brooke replied that she felt the same way. He made it sound like he'd just gotten caught up in a moment.

But he's still a liar. Brooke said she'd forgive him this ONE kiss, but he's kissed Taylor two or times already.

Isn't this the only one after they reconciled though?

Yes, but he's been married the whole time, and he hasn't been honest that he was kissing all over Taylor while accusing Brooke of being the devil for kissing Deacon drunk.

I think Brooke would have some idea that they had something between them when he was staying at Steffys. But she does need to hold his feet to the fire for sure.

Her having some idea or not doesn't mean he isn't being completely honest with her -- which is what he demands of her. He was livid that she didn't tell him about a kiss, so he SHOULD have told her about ALL the kisses.

He should. But I mean this is Ridge we're talking about :neutral I'm not saying Brooke should accept it. Far from it. I wish she would kick him to the curb. What I am saying is this is how they have both been written. Brooke doesn't demand the same from him that he demands from her. I wish she would, but I don't think that's going to change.

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