so ridge only moved back in to take care of brooke

Viola, 8/8/2022, 3:06PM(636 days ago) @BBfanforever- one person liked this

that's what brooke said today, he moved in to take care of her and is not fully committed yet

Seems to be more than that, though. Otherwise, why was Taylor so upset when Ridge told her he was going back to Brooke?

I would think Brooke knows ?
Taylor knows how Brooke works …
So we are to think Ridge didn’t cheat bc he has NOT reunited with Brooke :-D

He said they are working to make their marriage work and they live together. They are intimate...

I think that dialogue means he’s not back in her bed

And the last time when Bridge were really separated and Bill kissed Brooke Ridge thought it was cheating so by Ridge's logic he is cheating. To make things worse he initiated the kiss.

Bridge had agreed to REUNITE after Thomas wedding
Brooke kissed her sisters man while she was not legally divorced either

Brooke was still having problems with Ridge when Bill and her kissed. She was feeling bad and it triggered something in Bill and he made a move. They had a worse situation than they are currently having. Brooke cheated back then because she didn't push Bill away immediately and because she didn't tell Ridge about it (even if he locked lips with Shauna before that happened) and it was cheating... Now Ridge is the one cheating and to make things worse this time they are living together, constantly hugging and kissing and Ridge initiated the kiss with Taylor while with Brooke and Bill... Bill was the initiator. Both Brooke and Ridge were in the wrong, but Ridge was even more wrong which doesn't surprise me because he was always cheating more than Brooke. He cheated on her so many times that I lost count. He had sex with Caroline when he was engaged to Brooke, he had sex with Taylor when he was with Brooke, he kissed Katie, Quinn, Bridget, Shauna all when he was with Brooke and he dares to act like he is the loyal one in the relationship. lol He should be the first to understand that a kiss can happen here and there... And that two people that share a child can see each other from time to time... As he constantly flirts and sometimes travels with the woman that he shares kids with... Even if she is also a criminal just like Deacon.

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