SOD Next Week spoilers

PatriotGirl @, 7/8/2022, 8:00AM(664 days ago) @BellaSole- one person liked this
edited by PatriotGirl, 7/8/2022, 8:52AM

I thought Quinn is so overjoyed to be with Carter, her great love?
I thought he made her a "changed woman"?
Still she goes around threatening people...Quinn will always be Quinn, nothing will ever change...:whistle

And the Logan classless bimbo homewreckers upstarts will always be that : Successful golddiggers who climb the social ladder on their back

At least Quinn succeeded on her own

How? By marrying a wealthy man? If FC wouldn't be selling Quinn's jewelry, she'd still be a failure. Wyatt's talked about how tough it was because Quinn had zero business sense. Wyatt had to do all that, and he's said the years before Eric were very hard.

Quinn was just lucky enough to marry a wealthy man who could use her jewelry to supplement his fashion line.

There's no way in this universe or any other, for that matter, that Quinn succeeded on her own. She needed Wyatt and she needed Eric. Brooke, on the other hand, created BeLieF on her own.

Quinn’s jewelry was a success for FC long before she and Eric ever got together. Marrying Eric had nothing to do with it. Her jewelry was chosen amongst a group of other designers to start a collection for FC.
Brooke may have created BeLief but it was her husband’s money that built the lab that gave her the opportunity to create it. So it wasn’t all on her own.

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