Steffy said what? (General)

Barbybo, 7/10/2024, 9:17AM (218 days ago)- one person liked this
edited by Barbybo, 7/10/2024, 9:21AM

Go back to Paris ….shes sending him away so he don’t connect with Hope must be on her mind……sending this couple Tom and Paris back to Europe over a failed romance is extreme ….it was wackie….i don’t dig Paris but Tom’s a big boy ….steffy needs to back off…. The scripts for steffy stink…she’s written a busy body again….


Steffy said what?

Viola, 7/10/2024, 9:32AM (218 days ago) @Barbybo- one person liked this

Go back to Paris ….shes sending him away so he don’t connect with Hope must be on her mind……sending this couple Tom and Paris back to Europe over a failed romance is extreme ….it was wackie….i don’t dig Paris but Tom’s a big boy ….steffy needs to back off…. The scripts for steffy stink…she’s written a busy body again….

I agree. Lately she's just too much. She hopes to send Douglas away from Hope too and that's too much.

Steffy said what?

Judx, 7/10/2024, 9:34AM (218 days ago) @Barbybo

Maybe that was the plan that Thomas and Paris had, get married at home and then live at International/Paris. Steffy may just have commented on what he told her off screen,

Steffy said what?

DC, 7/10/2024, 10:20AM (218 days ago) @Barbybo

Go back to Paris ….shes sending him away so he don’t connect with Hope must be on her mind……sending this couple Tom and Paris back to Europe over a failed romance is extreme ….it was wackie….i don’t dig Paris but Tom’s a big boy ….steffy needs to back off…. The scripts for steffy stink…she’s written a busy body again….

This is Steffy's suggestion and she have a right to her opinion, Thomas and Paris does not accept it UNLESS it is what they want, this is about Paris, Thomas and Douglas, how does HOPE fit into this???


Steffy said what?

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 10:41AM (218 days ago) @DC- 2 people liked this

Steffy said what?

RonnieR, 7/10/2024, 10:57AM (218 days ago) @DC- 2 people liked this

Hope is Douglas Mom- she legally adopted him

Steffy said what?

GLFan, 7/10/2024, 10:23AM (218 days ago) @Barbybo

Honestly I’ve been thinking that might have been the plan all along. They were happy there and apparently Paris has been working there for awhile. Most importantly I think the writers want Thomas completely out of the picture for the Fope affair.

Steffy said what?

Boymom, 7/10/2024, 11:10AM (218 days ago) @GLFan

I don't think Tharis has a plan, Steffy wants Thomas out of LA because she can see that he still loves Hope and it would be only a matter of time before they got back together....


Steffy said what?

Foreverbeauty, 7/10/2024, 11:20AM (218 days ago) @Barbybo

Go back to Paris ….shes sending him away so he don’t connect with Hope must be on her mind……sending this couple Tom and Paris back to Europe over a failed romance is extreme ….it was wackie….i don’t dig Paris but Tom’s a big boy ….steffy needs to back off…. The scripts for steffy stink…she’s written a busy body again….

I love Paris. She’s a lot better than Steffy

Steffy said what?

GracieGirl, 7/10/2024, 1:29PM (218 days ago) @Barbybo

Go back to Paris ….shes sending him away so he don’t connect with Hope must be on her mind……sending this couple Tom and Paris back to Europe over a failed romance is extreme ….it was wackie….i don’t dig Paris but Tom’s a big boy ….steffy needs to back off…. The scripts for steffy stink…she’s written a busy body again….

Again? When has she stopped interfering in Hope’s life for sure.

Steffy said what?

Barbybo, 7/10/2024, 3:02PM (218 days ago) @GracieGirl

Go back to Paris ….shes sending him away so he don’t connect with Hope must be on her mind……sending this couple Tom and Paris back to Europe over a failed romance is extreme ….it was wackie….i don’t dig Paris but Tom’s a big boy ….steffy needs to back off…. The scripts for steffy stink…she’s written a busy body again….

Again? When has she stopped interfering in Hope’s life for sure.

I don’t get why Hope even stays get a new job ..enjoy life they just have to see each other on occasion …Hopes not a forrester just get a new job someone would hire’s angst just quit I don’t get it ….would anyone stay at a job where you can’t stand your boss not like she needs the bucks she gets free rent

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