Finally got to watch today’s show (General)

Sammy @, 7/10/2024, 2:12AM (219 days ago)- 3 people liked this[O]

Let me express my thoughts :puke :puke
The whole thing at Steffy’s was puke worthy. First, what heck was Steffy wearing. Did she just come in from her hooker job? That was the worse of the worse.
Then Paris needs to shut up about Hope. It isn’t her concern and should not talk about Hope with Steffy. Why the need? Doesn’t concern Steffy and should only be a thing with Thomas. They sure shouldn’t discuss Hope in front of Douglas. Paris was out of line. Steffy is always out of line
I don’t usually ever like this but Steffy deserves some real hurt and it just might be Finn and Hope. I will :rofl :rofl
Now Ridge. Donna, Eric and Brooke were just talking about Hope. They have a right to talk but Ridge is over there blowing his top. Just reminded me I hate this Ridge.


Finally got to watch today’s show

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 3:06AM (219 days ago) @Sammy

I can see your point about sticking it to Steffy but I don't want Hope to be with Finn ever. Let Finn solve his Steffy problem himself. He should stay faithful, a rare species on Bold, a faithful husband (no surprise Hope has marriage phobia after what she experienced with Liam).

Finally got to watch today’s show

Sammy @, 7/10/2024, 3:12AM (219 days ago) @Lizzy54- one person liked this

I can see your point about sticking it to Steffy but I don't want Hope to be with Finn ever. Let Finn solve his Steffy problem himself. He should stay faithful, a rare species on Bold, a faithful husband (no surprise Hope has marriage phobia after what she experienced with Liam).

I don’t believe I have ever wanted a character to hurt as much as I do Steffy.


Finally got to watch today’s show

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 4:13AM (219 days ago) @Sammy

I understand, but not at Hope's expense. She would be the one getting blamed even if Finn was the cheater.:-P

Finally got to watch today’s show

fan87, 7/10/2024, 7:17AM (219 days ago) @Sammy

I can see your point about sticking it to Steffy but I don't want Hope to be with Finn ever. Let Finn solve his Steffy problem himself. He should stay faithful, a rare species on Bold, a faithful husband (no surprise Hope has marriage phobia after what she experienced with Liam).

I don’t believe I have ever wanted a character to hurt as much as I do Steffy.

I feel ya! Steffy is awful and today was puke worthy! Steffy doesn’t deserve a man as kind as Finn, but him just showing compassion for Hope will drive Steffy mad!


Finally got to watch today’s show

Julia Andrew, 7/10/2024, 3:32AM (219 days ago) @Sammy- 2 people liked this

I feel the same way, when Finn allows himself to ah... "discuss" Thomas. I am sooo sick of him brainwashing Hope, how Thomas isn't good enough for her!:grrr
Who the hell he thinks he is???
NOT a price for sure!!!
Thomas has NEVER badmouthed Finn! Never!
And even after all her rejections he is understanding and gentle to Hope.
Finn actually knows NOTHING about the THOPE relationship!
I agree that Steffy should back off, but so should Finn!!!

Finally got to watch today’s show

Sammy @, 7/10/2024, 3:37AM (219 days ago) @Julia Andrew

I feel the same way, when Finn allows himself to ah... "discuss" Thomas. I am sooo sick of him brainwashing Hope, how Thomas isn't good enough for her!:grrr
Who the hell he thinks he is???
NOT a price for sure!!!
Thomas has NEVER badmouthed Finn! Never!
And even after all her rejections he is understanding and gentle to Hope.
Finn actually knows NOTHING about the THOPE relationship!
I agree that Steffy should back off, but so should Finn!!!

You are current, Finn does not know Thomas. What he should be doing is getting to know his wife. Even when he hears some of the nasty things Steffy says about Hope, he says nothing
What is his purpose exactly?


Finally got to watch today’s show

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 4:17AM (219 days ago) @Sammy

And he even defended Steffy and said no, it's not because of Steffy that Thomas went to Paris, which shows that he has no idea what his wife is able of.


Finally got to watch today’s show

Julia Andrew, 7/10/2024, 9:37AM (218 days ago) @Lizzy54

But it is REALLY not because of Steffy!
Steffy DID TRY to influence him, but it was Thomas's decision at the end, because he felt hurt about Hope rejecting him.
He is still struggling, it's written all on his face every time he is near Hope.
His so called "love" for Paris is a fake.
I don't care if it makes him look bad, but it's a fake.

Finally got to watch today’s show

GLFan, 7/10/2024, 10:36AM (218 days ago) @Julia Andrew

But it is REALLY not because of Steffy!
Steffy DID TRY to influence him, but it was Thomas's decision at the end, because he felt hurt about Hope rejecting him.
He is still struggling, it's written all on his face every time he is near Hope.
His so called "love" for Paris is a fake.
I don't care if it makes him look bad, but it's a fake.

Yep. Thomas is not Steffy’s puppet.


Finally got to watch today’s show

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 10:50AM (218 days ago) @GLFan

No, and in the end it was his decision. But it was Steffy who put the idea into his head. She talked him into it, for hours, and at first he didn't want to leave but she finally convinced him.
Then she "celebrated her victory" (the wording of the show's spoiler) by mocking and taunting a crying Hope.
She loved to see Hope in pain and the show called it Steffy's victory, meaning that she made this outcome happen.

Finally got to watch today’s show

ShortandSassy, 7/10/2024, 3:06PM (218 days ago) @Sammy

He is Steffy’s toy she brings out to agree with her and when he doesn’t she sends him away. It is the same way with every couple she’s in. They are not allowed to have a brain for themselves and the Forresters make it well known. She makes it known they are not allowed to disagree with her opinion and should just keep their mouth shut.

Finally got to watch today’s show

GLFan, 7/10/2024, 10:35AM (218 days ago) @Julia Andrew

Finn actually doesn’t know enough about Thomas, Hope, or Liam to talk as authoritatively as he does about all of them. In the scheme of things he’s still very much a newcomer/outsider. I was never that enthused about him for Steffy because he had no personality, and now I can’t wait to see her lose the dead wood.

Finally got to watch today’s show

PatriotGirl @, 7/10/2024, 10:47AM (218 days ago) @GLFan

Finn actually doesn’t know enough about Thomas, Hope, or Liam to talk as authoritatively as he does about all of them. In the scheme of things he’s still very much a newcomer/outsider. I was never that enthused about him for Steffy because he had no personality, and now I can’t wait to see her lose the dead wood.

I agree. The guy has gone from hero to a big zero.

Finally got to watch today’s show

Celeste @, 7/10/2024, 3:53AM (219 days ago) @Sammy

Finally got to watch today’s show

pspcindy @, 7/10/2024, 6:35AM (219 days ago) @Sammy- one person liked this

Glad I am not watching this mess.

I have grown to loathe Steffy. The more Brad Bell protects this odious character, the more I hate her and have no sympathy for her. It is what happened to Ridge. That pompous, blustering, short-sighted cheater has been allowed to get away with everything with no comeuppance and it makes me hate him.

I know this is fiction, but no one gets away with everything, always. It just rings so false.

Contrast those two to Brooke and Hope. Brooke certainly did devious things in the past and went too far often in "following her heart". But Brooke has paid in spades. She paid every time she was outed and she paid when she was innocent but looked guilty. She still suffesr the slings and arrows of the nastiest, meanest character on the show for no reason whatsoever. Hope has tried to be so different from her mother but Hope has been hurt so badly by that creep Liam that she is now all over the place in her thinking. But it seems she has been on blast every day since last year and sometimes for things she didn't even do. These two can't win. They are perpetual punching bags and Ridge and Steffy are the main sucker punchers. There is NO balance in the story telling. It stinks.



Finally got to watch today’s show

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 7:07AM (219 days ago) @pspcindy

Agree. For years Hope was Steffy's and Liam's victim, nearly each wedding/ marriage getting ruined by Liam's indecisivness.
Since Hope fell in love with Thomas she got nothing but grieve for it. I actually thought if Thomas returned he would have to apologize for not keeping his promise to give her all the time she needs.
But now suddenly it is Hope who has to apologise for not being ready for a "forever" commitment and to get "tested" by a fake proposal, with the show obviously wanting to prove how bad Hope is still not ready while good Paris immediately was...:roll


Finally got to watch today’s show

Julia Andrew, 7/10/2024, 11:27AM (218 days ago) @Lizzy54

It's not about who is "good", "better" or "bad" in this situation.
Thomas "tested" Hope to prove to her, that ACTUALLY she is fooling him and herself /maybe not intentionally/ and it's NOT A MATTER OF TIME for her to get married to Thomas.
She can't see herself as his wife- not 3 months ago, not now and not EVER.
THIS IS what hurts him so much and yes, maybe he's showing his dark side again.
As I said on another topic:
I have a huge problem with the line:
"I can't be your wife" and so does Thomas.


Finally got to watch today’s show

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 7/10/2024, 11:45AM (218 days ago) @Julia Andrew

That's because they both never really sit down and talk. Hope already told him more than once that had nothing to with him, as a person. Maybe she should explain it better, that she is not deciding against him as a person but just against getting married again, because of the pain marriage brought her.

Finally got to watch today’s show

Sammy @, 7/10/2024, 11:53AM (218 days ago) @Lizzy54

That's because they both never really sit down and talk. Hope already told him more than once that had nothing to with him, as a person. Maybe she should explain it better, that she is not deciding against him as a person but just against getting married again, because of the pain marriage brought her.

I agree but I am not sure that Hope knows why. She really has some soul searching to do to find out why she can’t commit. I think she loves Thomas and I don’t believe it is Thomas she can’t marry. I think Hope has no idea why she can’t take that step. JMO

Finally got to watch today’s show

GracieGirl, 7/10/2024, 1:24PM (218 days ago) @Sammy- one person liked this

Let me express my thoughts :puke :puke
The whole thing at Steffy’s was puke worthy. First, what heck was Steffy wearing. Did she just come in from her hooker job? That was the worse of the worse.
Then Paris needs to shut up about Hope. It isn’t her concern and should not talk about Hope with Steffy. Why the need? Doesn’t concern Steffy and should only be a thing with Thomas. They sure shouldn’t discuss Hope in front of Douglas. Paris was out of line. Steffy is always out of line
I don’t usually ever like this but Steffy deserves some real hurt and it just might be Finn and Hope. I will :rofl :rofl
Now Ridge. Donna, Eric and Brooke were just talking about Hope. They have a right to talk but Ridge is over there blowing his top. Just reminded me I hate this Ridge.

Well Paris didn’t talk about Hope in front of Douglas I didn’t think. If she did that’s wrong. All she is saying is that Hope is so hurt which seems to be what everyone is talking about and it’s inappropriate at some level and boring.

Some of them are even Hope is surprised by her reaction and she said as much to Finn. She asked do I want him because I no longer can have him because when I had him why couldn’t I marry him? Ridge is just being practical. He wants Thomas to have a normal life. The Logan’s understandably are worried about Hope with Brooke especially concerned that Hope will do something crazy. She has reason to be concerned. What surprises me is how resigned Thomas is to the situation. That tells me he’s done trying for now. He wants to be with someone who is excited to be with him. He feels at peace and normal. He realizes he can’t deal with the ups and downs of Hope. Most people I think don’t t want to drag someone to the altar of matrimony. I found yesterday boring but I wish Hope had someone else to talk with than Finn. She and Katie need to talk because they are walking down same path and may get some insights.

Finally got to watch today’s show

GracieGirl, 7/10/2024, 1:26PM (218 days ago) @Sammy

Let me express my thoughts :puke :puke
The whole thing at Steffy’s was puke worthy. First, what heck was Steffy wearing. Did she just come in from her hooker job? That was the worse of the worse.
Then Paris needs to shut up about Hope. It isn’t her concern and should not talk about Hope with Steffy. Why the need? Doesn’t concern Steffy and should only be a thing with Thomas. They sure shouldn’t discuss Hope in front of Douglas. Paris was out of line. Steffy is always out of line
I don’t usually ever like this but Steffy deserves some real hurt and it just might be Finn and Hope. I will :rofl :rofl
Now Ridge. Donna, Eric and Brooke were just talking about Hope. They have a right to talk but Ridge is over there blowing his top. Just reminded me I hate this Ridge.

Steffy deserves a separate response. I have had enough of Steffy. Period! She is so condescending but I do not want Hope and Finn to cheat. I want Steffy to lose him on her own. I do not want Liam to be interested or available. I do not hate Steffy at all but she really needs to do some self examination. Her behavior is over the top. No one who has it all should be so unhappy!

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