It's really,really Frustrating.... (Spoilers)

Bystander07, 6/10/2024, 5:29PM (248 days ago)- one person liked this

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

It's really,really Frustrating....

Barbybo, 6/10/2024, 5:54PM (248 days ago) @Bystander07

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

Hope had a transplant she’s no longer moralistic ….

It's really,really Frustrating....

tarantula, 6/10/2024, 5:58PM (248 days ago) @Bystander07

Agree, I knew Finn wasn't interested so what is the point? Unless, Hope is sick, there is not a point.


It's really,really Frustrating....

Lizzy54 @, Austria, 6/11/2024, 2:48AM (248 days ago) @tarantula

I hope she will be sick. There's no other explanation why she would want to share a man with Steffy again.

It's really,really Frustrating....

Barbybo, 6/11/2024, 8:06AM (247 days ago) @Lizzy54

I hope she will be sick. There's no other explanation why she would want to share a man with Steffy again.

The writers can’t they give us something new …I am waiting…

It's really,really Frustrating....

Sammy @, 6/11/2024, 8:23AM (247 days ago) @Barbybo

I hope she will be sick. There's no other explanation why she would want to share a man with Steffy again.

The writers can’t they give us something new …I am waiting…

No they can’t. We watched the ridiculous triangle between Brooke and Taylor for years. Now they are doing the same with Hope and Steffy. Boring boring boring I went years not watching and I will stop again.


It's really,really Frustrating....

Drangonfly @, 6/10/2024, 5:59PM (248 days ago) @Bystander07

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

There are lots of ways for this story to go.

"I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. And I want you by my side for the rest of my life."

"You're the love of my life."

Liam to Hope. Debate over.


It's really,really Frustrating....

LadyMac @, 6/10/2024, 6:32PM (248 days ago) @Bystander07- 2 people liked this

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

FWIW, hypersexuality is sometimes a symptom of a brain tumor. Just sayin'.

Bill: I am determined to show Katie that she was, is and always will be the greatest love of my life.

Team Batie!

Avatar borrowed from Matt on Twitter!

It's really,really Frustrating....

Bystander07, 6/10/2024, 6:37PM (248 days ago) @LadyMac- 2 people liked this

Thanks for the Information it's really appreciated. Maybe that's where this story is headed...not that I want Hope to have a brain tumor but it would explain alot...possibly even Thomas...

It's really,really Frustrating....

fan87, 6/10/2024, 6:43PM (248 days ago) @LadyMac

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

FWIW, hypersexuality is sometimes a symptom of a brain tumor. Just sayin'.

I’ve been sayin the same thing! All this talk of headaches is for a reason!

It's really,really Frustrating....

hopeyougogirl, 6/10/2024, 7:13PM (248 days ago) @fan87

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

FWIW, hypersexuality is sometimes a symptom of a brain tumor. Just sayin'.

I’ve been sayin the same thing! All this talk of headaches is for a reason!

Yeah, they sure have been emphasizing her repeated heaches for a reason!

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.


It's really,really Frustrating....

Julia Andrew, 6/10/2024, 8:39PM (248 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

She didn't have ANY headaches while with Thomas. So maybe she has that eh... "tumor" because she misses him so much...:na

It's really,really Frustrating....

hopeyougogirl, 6/10/2024, 10:12PM (248 days ago) @Julia Andrew

She didn't have ANY headaches while with Thomas. So maybe she has that eh... "tumor" because she misses him so much...:na

Thomas who?:na

Shown on screen, Steffy blackmailed Bill. Yet, she told Ivy (and Liam too) that “blackmail is a crime”. Per Steffy’s own words, she IS a criminal cuz she has blackmailed.

It's really,really Frustrating....

fan87, 6/10/2024, 9:30PM (248 days ago) @hopeyougogirl

That once again they are making Hope out to be some crazed sex starved tramp/horndog....after having to stop watching during the Hope and Thomas work sexcapades....which were ridiculous because up until she had at him she got nauseated just looking at him and NOW they have her starting the same sexual fantasies about Finn....why are they trying to make Hope look so sexualy desperate. Thomas was bad enough....if anything they should have made perfect Finn secretly jonesing for Hope...I would think that would have been much more interesting and karma related as Steffy stoled Liam from Hope. Please writers don't make Hope look ridiculous all over again, I'm finally just starting to watch again...I Love the Bill and Luna story do please don't go this direction with Hope unless your going to make Finn a more than willing participant.

FWIW, hypersexuality is sometimes a symptom of a brain tumor. Just sayin'.

I’ve been sayin the same thing! All this talk of headaches is for a reason!

Yeah, they sure have been emphasizing her repeated heaches for a reason!

Agree, something is going on.

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